I couldn't wait for one hour to pass. I would soon be Mrs. Collins!
Shane's POV
I've been kicked out of my own house by Eve! At least she kicked Michael out too. I've been a nervous wreck all day, Claire is the ONLY thing that can calm me down, and I haven't even been allowed to see her. Michael's been trying really hard not to laugh at me all day, while I've been trying not to punch him in the face for wanting to laugh. Getting married is freakin' scary as hell.
Arriving at the church with Michael we headed straight for the random room in the church assigned to us. We had to wait there until it was almost wedding time, and let me tell you, it was boring. I was still jumpy, Michael was still trying not laugh, Eve was at home being a control freak, and Claire was having to suffer through it all. Poor Claire, damn I miss her. Going this long without seeing her is hard. I don't have to do it that often. Even when she moved in with her parents I still saw her every couple of hours. But Eve, well she took Claire away from me YESTERDAY! It's been almost a full 24 hours since I've gotten to see my dream girl. Thank god in less than an hour we would be married. She was going to be Mrs. Collins. Man, that's never going to get old to say.
Claire's POV
Half an hour to the wedding Eve and I got into her car and drove to the church. Eve was laughing at me because I was bouncing in my seat I was so nervous/excited. I just couldn't wait. This was going to be amazing, and I would soon have Shane all to myself. I wouldn't have to worry about some whore trying to steal him. He would be married…to me.
Arriving at the church just in time to have to take places, Eve planned everything down to a science; I suddenly started to have a panic attack.
"OH GOD! OH GOD! What if he says I'm ugly? What if he's not there when I walk through the doors! Eve! What if he leaves me?!" I was in hysterics by now using the wall as support.
"CLAIRE! CLAIRE! CLAIRE SHUT THE HELL UP AND LISTEN TO ME! I would slap you, but I don't want to mess up your face that I worked so hard on. Now, Shane loves you! He's going to be right through those doors! Quit crying and SMILE! You are well loved and you're getting married!" With that, I smiled. I wiped my eyes, thank god for water proof makeup and got ready to walk through the doors. "Ready" I nodded at Eve. She smiled, opened the doors and began her walk. The music soon changed and I heard people begin to stand. Here we go…My turn.
RxR please! I hope you like this story! Thanks for any and all reviews. They mean the world to me!