Paris! He's taking me to Paris! This is going to be the best trip ever! When we were allowed to move around on the plane Shane left to go to the bathroom. While he was gone this guy sat in Shane's seat. He was shorter and less built then Shane, he had dirty blonde short hair, and green eyes that were currently starring at me "Hey Baby. Who's that boy you're with? You're too good looking for him. Come sit over by me sweetheart, I'll show you how a real man….operates." Then he winked at me. "Well that boy happens to be my husband. All you have said is crude, you should go. Now." Then he put his hand on my thigh, moving it up and starting to go under my dress. "Hey asshole!"


. "Well that boy happens to be my husband. All you have said is crude, you should go. Now." Claire sounded pissed, and a little nervous. Then I saw that dick and his hand sliding up Claire's leg. "Hey asshole! Ger your hands off my wife, and get the hell out of my seat." Claire's face made it obvious that I looked pissed, but it also showed how uncomfortable with that ass of man being near her. "Excuse me. Do we have a problem?" Stupid smiling flight attendant lady said. "Yeah, this di…" Claire cut me off "Shane! Sorry ma'am." She gave me a pointed look. "Sorry. This guy has decided it was appropriate to hit on and try to feel up my wife."

"Oh goodness! I'm so sorry sir. This will be taken care of immediately!" Then she hurried off and came back a second later with a police guy from the plane. The police then took the guy away, but not before he said "I will see you again soon, my friends." I sighed and sat in my seat. "Claire." I grabbed her hand "Are you ok love?" Worrying about her comes as second nature to me.

"Yeah Shane, just glad you showed up when you did." She smiled up at me and gave me a kiss right before she yawned. "Go to sleep Mrs. Collins. I love you. I will protect you." I put my arm around her and she put her head on my chest. I stroked her hair and just watch her as she drifted off to sleep. Her mid-thigh high dress was pushed up a little and from this angle the strapless dress left little to the imagination. God she was beautiful. I can't wait until this plane lands and we head to our honeymoon suite.

Heyy guys, hope you enjoy this chapter, but I'll never know if you don't REVIEW. So review please! More later, I promise. Love, readslot8