A/N: OMG this is my first ever fanfic! And songfic at the same time! Cool! Anyways I hope you like it. I'm kindda proud of it but I dunno what you'll think. Sorry if Tawni's a little OOC, but for the purpose of the story I needed her to be.
Disclaimer: I unfortunately do not own Sonny With A Chance and any related characters, sets or props used in the show, Selena Gomez, Wizards of Waverly Place, Avril Lavinge or her song "When you're gone."
Maybe one day when I take over the world!
So not going to happen. *sigh*
This is dedicated to any Channy lovers out there!
If you can't wait for season 2 "Let me hear you say "He-ey".
I always needed time on my own
I never thought I'd need you there when I cry
And the days feel like years when I'm alone
And the bed where you lie is made up on your side
Sonny walked into Chad's old dressing room.
The walls were bare and the drawers open and stripped of any remaining belongings of Chad's.
"You don't missing him do you?" Portlyn asked accusingly as she walked into the room and flipped her hair over her shoulder.
"What girl, no!" Sonny said her voice going high as it always did when she was in denial. Damn Selena for pointing that out, "Chad just borrowed a book from me, and I wanted to know if he left it here."
"I didn't know Chad could read!" Portlyn said, a confused look on her pretty features.
"Well, yeah, he can," Sonny said, not really sure if this was true.
After all he had lied about it on "Gotcha with Gilroy Smith."
Why had she lied then, and said she only liked him as a friend?
Sonny pushed the thought away.
"Really, Sonny, can he really?" Portlyn asked and Sonny tried to deny even to herself the pain that welled up in her chest, as all the times Chad had said the same thing to her flooded into her memory.
She nodded furiously.
"Whatever," Portlyn said and rolled her eyes as she walked from the room.
Sonny felt her eyes well up and wondered why, even though it had been only a day since Chad had left for his new movie, it felt like he'd been gone for so much longer.
Stupid, infuriating Chad.
When you walk away I count the steps that you take
Do you see how much I need you right now
"Fine," Sonny spat at Chad when he told her he was going. And not coming back for a year.
"Fine," Chad replied.
"So we good?" Sonny asked her chest rising and falling quickly in anger and, even though she'd never admit it, hurt.
"Oh we're so good," Chad said, and Sonny avoided getting lost in his one sparkly eye.
"So you can leave now," Sonny said, and she was torn apart, so tempted to call him back as he turned away from her, their argument echoing through the prop house.
One… Two… Three… Sonny counted his steps as he walked away, cursing his charm, and that stupid hot EMT sketch, that made her regret ever having caught that flying pig.
When you're gone
The pieces of my heart are missing you
When you're gone
The face I came to know is missing too
Sonny sighed as she sat in her dressing room, and stared down at the picture Chad had given her after that "Prop House Incident," that no one liked to mention.
"Oh my god, I knew you were doomed! You wanted to kiss him!" Sonny jumped at the words coming from the Coco Moco Coco covered lips. Tawni shook her blonde head, "Sonny, Sonny, Sonny rookie mistake."
"I did not!" Sonny denied and shoved the photo into the cushion where Tawni had hidden Sonny's fan letters. Suddenly the whole Eric fiasco came to mind and Chad's face in that weird beard filled her memory. 'God,' she thought, 'I'm even missing his face in that weird beard.' She shook away this realization.
When you're gone
The words I need to hear to always get me through the day and make it ok
I miss you
Suddenly Tawni sat herself beside Sonny.
"Sonny you're my best friend," Sonny looked up surprised.
"What happened to other Tawni?" Sonny asked momentarily distracted.
Tawni bit her lip, glanced away from Sonny's questioning eyes and looked devastated, "she switched her favourite lip gloss to Moco Coco Moco. Unforgivable in Tawni Town."
Sonny looked at Tawni and gushed, "And I got to replace her? Aw I'm touched!" A/N She isn't sarcastic here, because let's face it Sonny would still be touched.
"Well whatever," Tawni said, looking over Sonny's shoulder into her reflection in the mirror, "all I know Sonny is that I'm pretty, well who doesn't know that!" Tawni smiled and Sonny looked confused. Was this supposed to be helpful?
"And I'm pretty sure Chad's misses you just as much as you miss him. You should call him." Tawni shuddered, she was being way too nice today. Especially considering this scheme of her involved Chad's happiness.
Sonny looked away considering this before looking over, her cheeks flaming, and protesting, "I do not miss him."
"A little bit late with your reaction there Sonny," Tawni said rising and walking from the room her blonde curls bouncing with her stride, leaving Sonny with her thoughts of sparkly blue eyes and shiny golden hair.
I've never felt this way before
Everything that I do reminds me of you
And the clothes you left, they lie on the floor
And they smell just like you, I love the things that you do
Marshall walked into the prop house, Ms. Bitterman at his side.
Their love reminded Sonny of her and Chad's not quite date at Lookout Mountain.
'Gosh,' Sonny internally scolded herself. What was wrong with her?
Everything she did was reminding her of Chad. Not that she was necessarily complaining.
First Portlyn, then the picture, the the couch and now even Marshall and Ms. Bitterman.
How was she supposed to keep up her grades in math with this on her mind?
"Hey Sonny, this yours?" Marshall held out a tailored jacket.
"Does that look like it belongs to-" Sonny began, in a defensive voice, quite unlike her normal tone, before realising that she recognised it, "but it's Nico's I'll give it to him." She stood from the couch and took the jacket from Marshall.
She watched as the happy couple walked out.
So she'd lied, something she didn't normally do.
But she was desperate.
She slipped her arms into the sleeves, and sighed as she hugged the material closer.
It smelled just like Chad, the way he smelled at the prom, like hair gel and melted chocolate, a surprisingly nice combo, and Sonny smiled into the soft collar.
When you walk away I count the steps that you take
Do you see how much I need you right now
Sonny saw herself, as only yesterday she had tried her very best to fix her mistake.
Sonny ran through the airport, praying the plane hadn't boarded yet.
She pushed her way through the queues of people and sprinted towards the gate.
And then through the window she watched as he strode across the tarmac, his perfect hair not daring to blow in the breeze.
She counted as he climbed the steps, and he didn't look back as he boarded the plane.
And she prayed he wasn't looking out the plane window as the tears began to fall and her knees gave out, so that he hadn't seen how much she really needed him.
When you're gone
The pieces of my heart are missing you
When you're gone
The face I came to know is missing too
When you're gone
The words I need to hear to always get me through the day and make it ok
I miss you
Sonny sat in Chad's jacket on the couch in her dressing room, and she didn't even bother to move or hide the fact that she was crying when Tawni walked in.
"Sonny are you okay?" Tawni asked, her pretty, because yes we all know she's pretty, face showing genuine worry.
"I'm fine," at the last word Sonny began sobbing, and she cried even harder as Tawni pulled her into a hug, letting her into her bubble.
"I miss him so much," she whimpered.
Tawni pulled her closer and rubbed her hair like a little girl.
"I know, but it'll get better," Tawni promised, but unfortunately for Sonny her words just weren't enough.
We were made for each other
Out here forever
I know we were, yeah
All I ever wanted was for you to know
Everything I'd do, I'd give my heart and soul
I can hardly breathe I need to feel you here with me, yeah
Sonny woke in the middle of the night, her breath short and raspy.
Chad's face from her dreams swam in her face, as he watched her pretending to be a wizard after Selena had kissed him.
She had put everything into that wizard impersonation, because she'd been so angry at Selena.
She rose and stumbled around in the dark until she felt it, the jacket again the material that was becoming oh so familiar.
'Oh my god,' Sonny thought, 'I fell for Chad. Chad Dylan Cooper. CDC. Cooper. The tween heartthrob.'
And then the tears fell all over again.
When you're gone
The pieces of my heart are missing you
When you're gone
The face I came to know is missing too
When you're gone
The words I need to hear to always get me through the day and make it ok
Sonny sat on her bed, a tub of ice cream in her hand, the two empty tubs beside her. She was still wearing the jacket, and tears stained her cheeks.
After two days she was still in her room and had called in sick again to Condor Studios. She had told her mom she was PMSing and felt really awful, so Connie had left for work without asking, even though she knew her daughter was a girl with a broken heart if she'd ever seen one.
Sonny turned on the box set of Mack Falls that Tawni had come over with yesterday.
"Just in case," she'd said, "it's not any better yet."
It was weird having Tawni be nice.
Sonny was subconsciously aware that things must be really really bad.
She didn't dwell on it.
Oh my god she wasn't over obsessing, she didn't want to fix things, she didn't want everyone to be happy.
Things were bad.
Sonny's ring tone filled the air, and she didn't even bother to root through her sheets to find it.
She was too busy watching Chad on the screen.
But the third time it rang, she sighed loudly, put the television on mute, and dug out the phone.
It was an unknown number, something Sonny didn't normally answer but if she had a crazy stalker she really didn't care.
"Hello?" she said meekly.
"Sonny?" the voice at the end of the line said. It sounded, Sonny imagined, like she did. Lonely, scared and lost, missing something they couldn't survive without.
"Chad? Hey, what's up?" Sonny said trying to add her normal enthusiasm to her tone. She was acutely aware that she failed miserably.
"I just wanted to tell you something," Chad said and she could picture his face above hers, his eyes sparkling, that cheeky grin on his face.
Of course the T.V. helped with that.
"Yeah?" Sonny said shoving a spoonful of ice cream in her mouth and pulling Chad's jacket closer around her, longing to hear the words she needed so badly, so that she would be able to survive.
"I miss you."
So what did you think….? Not too short not too long I hope. The ending is from both the song and story btw in case you didn't get that. I dunno if it's too sappy?
Thought I'd start off easy with a one shot! Please press the little green button…. Go on you know you want to. PLEASE I NEED THEM! JKJK ! But do seriously. All reviews, good and bad are appreciated. :D