A/N So I'm going to let you in on a little secret of mine. I actually had no idea where this story was going. I knew exactly what the first one was then bam... nothing, and I've kind of been doing this blindfolded (not literally but you know what I mean). I just trawl through my ipod hoping I find a song that fits.
It got so far that I even at one point considered Chad's reason he was acting so weird to be the fact that he had discovered that Sonny was really his sister. Then I decided that she'd have to end up with Tawni's cousin, and I'm too big of a Channy fan for that. Stop laughing, just because I'm laughing at myself does not make it funny. :)
So I realise in the last one Chad was OOC but you'll understand that he was doing so so that he could be TIC (totally in character) for this one. Yes that's right fanfictioners Chad Dylan Cooper is back, and he's determined to have his way.
And also explain his recent behaviour.
Hehe enjoy :D
And also everyone's a little OOC again. :P Except Chad. He is TIC but TIC of the person he was before Sonny.
And this is super long :L
Also check out my ACTUAL ONE SHOT not this it is a one shot actually its four chapters malarkey (love that word) that was going on in this one. It's called Wizardy Tape Recorder. Just guess who guest stars? I like it better than this soooooooooo... if you liked this (I don't like the last two) you should check it out. I'm pretty sure Tawni and Sonny want you to : Check out her fanfic, I know check out the guest star, check out the channy, check it out, check it out, check it out. :P
Dedications below.
This is dedicated solely and completely to SonnyChadFan, for the simple reason that you reviewed every chapter, and liked them. It was because you thought the last one was as good as the others that I continued :P So everyone say thanks to SonnyChadFan or this wouldn't be here. Thank you :P
Disclaimer: I unfortunately do not own Sonny With A Chance and any related characters, sets or props used in the show, the Selena or her song "Stop and Erase." I don't own Zac Efrom either... Mmmmm Sterling or Zac.. if only I could have both.
Maybe one day when I take over the world!
So not going to happen. *sigh*
Okay so this is set Chad two weeks after Chad returned, aka a week after we left off. It didn't work out with Tawni's cousin. Turned out he was as self centred as Tawni who is as self centred as Chad, and that hurt too much for Sonny. Ready to find out what's up with Chad?
You think you know me so well,
You put me down, it builds you up,
You're kicking me around,
You just can't get enough
Sonny was sitting in the cafeteria alone, as her cast rehearsed a sketch that didn't involve her.
All the tables were empty except hers, and she was basking in the eerily quiet room.
She was absentmindedly stirring her melted fro-yo (melted because she had been sitting there for so long) and thinking about a certain jerkthrob.
She was completely confused as to what was going on in his pretty blonde head.
He comes back early, avoids her like the plague for a week, acts like a polite gentleman around her, not his usual self, even though she had thought that their relationship was going somewhere.
Then after her date, he turns around and starts to as totally heartthrob Chad like.
In a not so good way.
Before Sonny had always known that Chad liked her a little as a friend at least, despite their arguments.
She had been sure he didn't hate her.
Tawni had been sure, as sure as she was of her gorgeousness, that Chad loved Sonny.
But even Tawni didn't insist things like that anymore.
Even self centred Tawni didn't like seeing naive little Sonny from Wisconsin cry.
But now when they fought Sonny, much to her hidden despair, could hear the venom, the malice, in Chad's voice.
Tawni said he talked to her like he used to talk to all Randoms! before she arrived.
Sonny just didn't know where it had come from.
She furiously wiped a tear away.
She knew she was being stupid.
He was Chad Dylan Cooper, the CDC, the Hollywood heartthrob.
There was never a chance that he could love, or even just like her as much as she had liked him.
Or at least that's what she told herself.
But he just kept coming back.
Every time he passed the Random's! table or saw Sonny in the studio somewhere, he always had a snide remark waiting, instead of just ignoring her like he did the rest of the Randoms!
It was like he was going on of his way to put her down.
And all your friends surround you,
And without them by your side,
You start to show your weakness,
It's something you can't hide,
Sonny looked over her shoulder as she heard high pitched laughter floating in through the cafeteria door.
She groaned internally.
Only one cast had the ability to make laughter sound snobby.
The Falls.
Just as Sonny was thinking this, complaining to herself that she should have just gotten her fro-yo and left for her dressing room, the inevitable happened and a bunch of the regular Falls cast and what looked like a few guest stars sauntered in, giggling at something that probably was not funny, and cruel to someone else.
Sonny rolled her chocolate eyes.
She was borderline clinically depressed but she was still able to pass judgment on those who believed they had a right to pass judgment on her.
They were all in their Falls costumes even though Sonny knew that everyone in the studio were just doing their run throughs today.
Sonny watched as they made their way across the cafeteria, being lead by none other than CDC himself.
He was walking backwards addressing the whole group so that he couldn't see Sonny, who was staring at them intently.
He was gesturing wildly with his hands laughing at what other people were saying.
He used to laugh with me, Sonny couldn't help but think, as she imagined the two of them laughing on the phone during the time he was gone, as they reminisced about the 'weird beard' fiasco.
But then she caught herself.
He wasn't Chad to her anymore.
He couldn't be Chad to her anymore
He was just some jerk who happened to work on the lot across from hers.
She bit her lip as he turned around, as they neared her, and as he walked past her, and glanced down she hoped for the best, for that sweet smile that had always seemed reserved for her.
Instead though she watched as the liquid blue that swam in Chad's eyes hardened and solid ice, amazing clear blue glared back at her.
"Random," he spat at her, and his entourage laughed along with him.
All except one, a pretty brunette who was bringing up the rear of the cast stayed stony face, rolling her eyes and shaking her head at Chad's tone.
Sure she stilled grabbed a fro-yo with her cast, but as they were walking back towards the exclusive Mack Falls' table, she stopped across from Sonny pulled out a chair.
As Sonny lifted and threw back down the remains of her vanilla twist and sprinkles with her spoon, she smiled sadly at Portlyn who nodded her head slightly at Sonny and began eating her fro-yo.
"Portlyn, why are you sitting with the riff raff?" Chad asked from across the room, in a disgusted voice and Sonny could her the curl on his top lip, as his cast laughed.
Portlyn shrugged and continued eating.
Sonny was staring at the far wall away from Chad and stated simply, dying inside, but surprisingly able to keep her voice steady, "it's an open cafeteria Chad."
It had only been a week since Chad had started acting like this, but Sonny was probably the best actress of her generation, when it came to pretending to not care.
She had even managed to keep her words devoid of emotion.
And she had to clench her fists, and bit the side of her cheeks to stop the sob erupting as he snapped back, "yes but I wish they would keep out the talentless."
She steadied herself with a deep breath.
It wasn't like she cared anyway.
That was just a low blow.
After a while, Sonny heard the Falls cast rise from their seats, and Portlyn waved slightly in goodbye as she followed them out.
She reached up to wipe away a tear when she thought everyone was gone.
She thought wrong.
"Sonny are you okay?" Sonny had stop herself from turning and slapping Chad across his chiseled face, as he laid a hand on her shoulder.
Yes, sweet Sonny was considering slapping someone.
But he had no right to ask about her.
How dare he when he must have known those stupid, pointless, worthless tears were falling for him.
Instead of turning around though, she just sat, staring at the wall, and shrugged off his hand.
"Just get of here Chad," she whispered, trying to lie to herself, and pretend her voice hadn't broken at the end.
Maybe she wasn't such a good actress after all.
Yeah, Yeah
Well stop and erase,
'Cause I'm gonna
wipe that smile off your know it all face
Laugh while you can,
You're livin' it up,
But read my lips,
the joke is on you,
I figured it out,
You're all about,
walking tall on the people you knock down,
Well stop and erase,
'Cause I'm gonna,
wipe that smile off your know it all face
"What the hell is this?" Sonny screamed as she marched on the Falls set.
Chad hadn't yet gotten around to adding her back to the DO NOT ADMIT list beside Efron.
She was holding up a Tween Weekly that had just been delivered to her dressing room.
She was fuming, and she knew her pretty face was flushed red.
She lifted her arm and with the magazine she hit the back of the head of the Mack Falls star.
Man, she couldn't help thinking, that felt good.
So she did it again.
She stood hands on her hips for the first time in her life truly angry, her chest rise and falling as she tried to catch her breath.
Chad turned around, furious.
Sonny was sorely tempted to hit the front of his face with the magazine but she restrained herself and held the front cover in front of his eyes, as he smirked.
She was glad the magazine was blocking her view of his ocean blue gaze as she continued screaming, "did you think that it would be okay for you to tell Tween Weekly that I MISSED YOU?"
Sonny was just becoming more and more infuriated, angry at not just Chad, but herself for letting him get her so riled up, as he grinned, cocky.
"But you did," he said daring her to lie.
She wasn't above hitting people with magazines, but she just couldn't tell such a blatant untruth, when she had admitted the truth before.
"But you failed to mention that you missed me too," she countered, her eyes narrowed.
And for the first time, ever, she got this feeling, a feeling of never ever wanting to see Chad's face again.
Like she hated him.
Before, sure, she had pretended even to herself that she hated Chad, that he repulsed her, but this feeling in her gut, this ache in her heart, it was real.
She would gladly live her life without ever seeing him again.
Stupid hate.
So she spun on the toe of her pixie ankle boots, and stormed away from Chad's smirking face.
But before she was out the door she turned, holding her hands up in defeat.
"Whatever, Chad, I give up," she surrendered, and forced out the words she wished she didn't had to mean, but she knew that her feelings for this boy were unnaturally, unhealthy and unreciprocated, "just stay away from me."
"Fine," he stated a half smile on his face, but for Sonny the past week had been too much, the hatred that she was unused to had gotten to her and she just shook her head sadly at Chad avoiding his eyes and walking quickly from the room, refusing to continue their little argument.
She managed to make it back to her dressing room, and into Tawni's waiting arms before she broke down and began to sob tears made of heartbroken despair and utter disappointment in the world.
Meanwhile, Chad was standing watching the spot Sonny had just vacated and he sighed.
His smirk was gone, and he was surprised to find himself wishing he could restart these two weeks again and do it all differently.
Regret was getting to him.
"Really Chad really?" he heard a voice saying behind him, and he wanted to slap the mouth it had come out of, that was his line to Sonny.
Then the one person in the world who knew why he was doing what he was doing, continued her walk, stopped and stood beside him.
Portlyn was looking the same spot as Chad, her hand squeezing his arm, as she whispered, "you're doing something so idiotic, and for the stupidest reason in the world. Give her a chance, I know she'll surprise you."
I'm waking up, I'm feeling,
What I was scared to feel before,
I got my eyes wide open,
Won't take it anymore
All the lies and teasing,
Guess, I could never be that cool,
You had them all believing,
But know that's through,
Sonny opened her eyes, and sighed deeply.
"Yeah, whatever," Tawni was saying into her phone, "look Becki, I can't okay my friend is having a crisis-"
She paused for a moment, as she stared in the mirror, unaware that Sonny was awake, and listening to her.
"Yes, a boy crisis. Tawni Hart doesn't invite people for sleepovers in her house for nothing," Tawni sounded exasperated, like this was the most obvious thing in the world.
It probably was.
"Tawni," Sonny said, and laughed a little as Tawni whipped around for the one of the many mirrors on her walls.
The spaces that weren't filled with mirrors were of course filled with pictures of Tawni.
"Hey Sonny," Tawni smiled, and hung up her phone without so much as a goodbye to Becki.
"Tawni," Sonny said, "I think I'm gonna be okay."
Tawni sighed in relief, grinning.
And Sonny actually meant what she said.
She was going to be okay.
Chad Dylan Cooper could just get over himself and move on with his life and she with hers.
She was finally ready see what she hadn't before.
Chad Dylan Cooper just didn't deserve her.
"Sonny," a voice sneered, as Sonny entered the cafeteria that day, Tawni at her side, ready to catch her if needed.
But Sonny was strong, and Sonny, kind, reliable Sonny was back.
"Hey Chad," she turned smiling sweetly.
She still believed that there was something good in him somewhere, but she found herself not loving that part of him anymore, not loving any part of him, "can I help you with something?"
He looked taken aback at her tone, and she giggled to herself at his shocked expression. Check, she thought, she had him cornered he had nowhere to go.
"No, why would I need help for a random?" his lips were all curled again, but Sonny was proud to be able to saw truthfully that she felt nothing.
Absolutely zit.
Not hate, not anger, not love, not loneliness just an empty hallow respect for him as a person.
"Okay," she said, and couldn't suppress a grin as she watched his harsh smile slide off his face, and she heard Tawni giggle behind her, "see you around Chad."
And she smiled, turned back towards the cafeteria, and walked with her head held high.
But somewhere in the back of her mind, she couldn't deny the thought that she had a tiny wish that things were different.
Yeah, Yeah
Well stop and erase,
'Cause I'm gonna
wipe that smile off your know it all face
Laugh while you can,
You're livin' it up,
But read my lips,
the joke is on you,
I figured it out,
You're all about,
walking tall on the people you knock down,
Well stop and erase,
'Cause I'm gonna,
wipe that smile off your know it all face
Sonny was sitting in the prop house, biting the eraser on the end of her pencil, trying to write a new sketch.
Occasionally her mind would wander to other things, Tawni, Nico and Grady, and Zora, and Portlyn.
Yes Portlyn.
While Sonny was by herself in her dressing room, looking for something they needed for a sketch, she had walked in and said something really weird.
"Hey Portlyn," Sonny said, waving over her shoulder, as she threw stuff over her back, rummaging through drawers, messing up her normally tidy half of the dressing room.
"Hey Sonny, can I talk you for a sec?" Portlyn asked sitting down on the chaise lounge (A/N is this what it's called? Who knows? Wondering what Portlyn said? Well keep reading!) as Sonny motioned for her to.
"Sure, put can I look while you talk," Sonny said, her head lowered into a cardboard box where she tended to throw junk, "I really need to find this."
Portlyn nodded playing with her manicured fingers.
She seemed nervous.
A falls cast mate nervous?
Unheard of.
"Sonny, about Chad," Portlyn began, and Sonny assumed she was here to apologize for him so she continued for Portlyn.
"It's okay I'm over it. Whatever his issues are he needs to work them out alone," Sonny said as she moved on to her shelves.
"Don't be," Portlyn said, surprising Sonny so much that she stopped what she was doing to turn to her, "over it I mean. Chad had issues that he needs to work out with someone's help. And that someone needs to be you."
Sonny was watching Chad's leading lady, shocked at what she had said, and shook her head sadly.
"I can't Portlyn, he hurt me too much," this was the first time Sonny had said it aloud, admitted to a person who wasn't Tawni.
And she felt good about it.
Like it was closure.
But then just as something can be closed, it can be torn back open again.
"Please try," Portlyn begged, rising, "I'm scared for him Sonny, he's my friend. And he's going nowhere fast."
Sonny stood and watched as Portlyn walked for the room, head down.
She had been convinced that Portlyn couldn't talk without a script, at least not intelligently, just as Chad had said, even though that was mean, just as sure as she was that Chad had no real friends.
But it turned out that Chad had one, and Portlyn was well deep.
And Sonny couldn't help thinking that maybe she was wrong.
And so Portlyn's questions had been running through her head all day, her request sort of almost haunting her.
"Sonny?" a voice said, and as she looked up she saw Chad looking down at her, "what are doing here?"
Chad was watching her and to her surprise, because she had been convinced she had no feelings towards him, her cheeks began to heat up in a blush.
She glanced at her watch it was past ten at night.
"It's our prop house," she said, looking up at Chad's face, begging in her head for him to smile.
Instead he looked around impassive.
"Yeah but I meant in this general area," he explained motioning with his hands, drawing big circles.
She shrugged, "writing a sketch."
He nodded and shoved his hands in his pockets, and nodded to the couch beside her.
"Mind if I sit there."
She shrugged again, trying to convince herself that she didn't care, but she couldn't deny that she wanted him to be close to her more than anything.
Damn, she thought, there goes being strong.
Chad lowered himself down and grinned a little as he looked down at the table, making her smile just a little too.
"See you had a sand-ich," he laughed, and she smiled at his pronunciation of the word.
They sat in silence as she, every now and then, scribbled stuff down. But after a while she couldn't bare the quiet, the ever booming sound of no words.
"What are you doing here Chad?" she asked the question he had asked her earlier, wishing, wanting him to say the words she desperately needed to hear.
"I work here," he said simply.
So not the words she need, and not the answer to the question he knew she was really asking.
"Yeah but I meant in this general area," she parroted him, motioning with her hands, copying him, making him laugh, which to her annoyance made her laugh too.
"I'm sitting with you," he said, and she took a deep breath as she prepared herself to ask the questions that had to be answered.
"Chad, you've been nothing but horrible to me the past two weeks. And I don't understand why you're sitting here now," she said.
"Sonny," Chad looked hurt and went to move towards her but she leaned backwards.
She need to know, as much as it would hurt.
So he backed away too, and looked away, out into the prop house.
"Fine I'll tell you," he said, looking hopefully at her, and she gave in.
"Fine," she replied, grinning slightly, like she couldn't help herself. It was a guilty pleasure.
"Good, now get on with it," she insisted and he looked more relax, gazing away from her, and she smirked a little.
"When I was gone, everyone told me how you nearly fell apart. I'm an actor Sonny, I'm going have to go away for movies and stuff all the time. I don't want to hurt you, and I thought it'd be easier if we," he motioned between them, pointing back and forth, "just didn't go anywhere."
Sonny sat, smile gone and looked at like him like he was mad.
But he couldn't see that, he just rose, and walked from the room.
And Sonny stayed where she was and wondered what was wrong in the world.
This wasn't how the story was supposed to end.
Count down,
The tables have turned,
Better wise up,
You have got a lot to learn,
'Cause you're alone now,
The So Random! cast walked into the cafeteria, and Tawni looked nervously at Sonny when she saw Chad was sitting alone at the Mack Falls table.
It was like the roles were reversed, and she was the one in control.
But she was Sonny Monroe, and Sonny Monroe was a nice girl who didn't abuse power.
So she simply nodded to him, wanting to tell him what she thought about his little speech but she chickened out and instead she just greeted him, "Cooper."
But there was no more contact, not more speech between them, as the Random! cast enjoyed their lunch, until Sonny watched Chad stand dump the remains of his steak in the trash and walk from the cafeteria.
And then suddenly Sonny realised what they were doing was stupid.
So she decided, kind of subconsciously, because she was unaware that she was planning to leave the Random! table to run after Chad, and as called his name, she was smiling, pleased with herself, her bravery.
And he turned and for the first time in a long time his eyes locked with hers, and chocolate met ice, while immediately melted, and she was lost.
"You clearly have a lot to learn about me, Cooper," she said playfully.
Well stop and erase,
'Cause I'm gonna
wipe that smile off your know it all face
Laugh while you can,
You're livin' it up,
But read my lips,
the joke is on you,
I figured it out,
You're all about,
walking tall on the people you knock down,
Well stop and erase,
'Cause I'm gonna,
wipe that smile off your know it all face.
He was looking down at her, and as if he had always been doing it brushed a strand of hair out of her face.
She shivered, in a good way, at his touch, as his skin met hers.
"What?" he asked smiling this almost know it all smile, like he knew he had her at his feet.
And to his surprise wiping the smile away immediately, Sonny grabbed the collar of his jacket, which was strangely familiar, and pulled him close, their lips inches apart before she paused.
She was determined to hold the balance of power
"That was the stupidest reason in the world," she whispered, and Chad looked down at her, her brown eyes searching his, as he grinned and she smiled too.
"Really, Sonny was it really?" he whispered back, hopeful, that cheeky Chad smile back, meant just for Sonny.
She nodded, "yes," and pulled him closer, slightly aggressively, what she had been waiting months to do this, closing the gap and she felt for once completely and utterly happy, as his lips met hers.
EW EW EW I HATED THAT! Aw well had to finish it, so here it is... but cut me some slack I wrote this listening to love songs, and except for the last part it was really hard. Try writing sad scenes while listening to Today was a Fairytale and Jump then Fall (neither of which do I own.)!
Anyways review please, and flame it if you want, cause I HATE it. Thanks to those who read them all and to those who reviewed / will review!
P.S remember to check out Wizardy Tape Recorder!