Hi guys:) Here was just another one shot that was inspired by Lily and James. It doesn't really have a point to it per say, it is just about the struggle James has through his unrequited love.

On that happy note-Happy valentines day every one! Hope you have a good day even if your single xx

Disclaimer: I am not J.K Rowling, promise.

Loving Lily

I lay awake it my bed watching the moon spilling through the crack in the open curtain, wondering when everything in my life went wrong, when everything in my life became about her, but of course I knew the answer to that question; the first time I saw her.

I like to think it was love at first sight but as an eleven year old whose only experience with girls was being pecked on the cheek by family members I find it highly unlikely I was capable of love at that age. But I did know there was something about her that made sure I could never forget the redheaded beauty.

Maybe it was the way that even at eleven she was so beautiful that everyone around her was in awe. Or that her brilliant red hair stood out amongst the masses only being rivalled by the scarlet steam engine. Or maybe it was her large emerald green eyes that darted around the students milling around the platform, filled with worry, fear and excitement. Or her voice, her sweet melodic voice that repeated James Potter in such a tantalizing way when I introduced myself that it should have been illegal.

I wish I could forget her, but in the same way I hope I never do.

I hate that I love her despite her many flaws. I sicken myself with the depth of my feelings; they tell me it is unnatural, that I should stop but how? How do you walk away from the very person that is the reason for your existence? The reason I am who I am, the reason I am living. She is my life.

When I close my eyes her face is implanted in my brain, only allowing me to see her. When I open my eyes I am consumed with the thought of her, unable to stop the torrent of love I feel for her or the strength of my feelings. It is a never ending cycle, a cruel situation whereby I am bound by my love, unable to break free of her grasp, despite her not wanting me.

Tonight is the night I will give her up. I promised myself, the Marauders, my brothers, that this was the end. I couldn't let her consume me anymore. I can't live like this anymore; it's not fair for her to control my life. I need to break free or else I will never do anything with my life. She doesn't love me and I am going to stop loving her. It is the only way.

But my resolve came crashing down as she walked past me in the morning. Her fiery mane, tumbling loose down her back, floated behind her as she walked, her familiar strawberry scent wafting over to me as she doesn't even give me even a glance.

But I know it doesn't matter. In the end it all boils down to one thing:

I love her.