Disclaimer: As always I don't own any of these characters. I am making no money off of this.
Lucas Scott loved this time of day. The team had showered and were long gone and Whitey had left a few hours later after making Lucas promised that he would lock up after himself when he was done. The gym was quite save for the rhythmic sound of the basketball hitting the gym floor. Luke lined up the shot and threw the ball. It bounced off the rim and rolled towards the door, until it was stopped by a foot.
Luke looked up and to his anger he saw Dan Scott bend down to retrieve the basketball. He straightened up and looked Luke straight in the eye before he tossed the ball back whilst saying, "Hello son."
"I'm no son of yours." said Luke furiously as he caught the ball.
"Now is that anyway to talk to your father?" asked Dan.
"Leave me alone." said Luke as he pushed past Dan.
He grunted in pain as he felt Dan's hand grip him painfully around the arm.
"You listen to me boy. I watched you at the game yesterday, and you were good. Perhaps even better than Nathan, so I have decided to take a special interest in your training. So from now on you'll do as I say when I say it. You got that?" said Dan shoving Luke away from him violently.
Luke stumbled backwards and his foot caught the corner of the bleachers causing him to fall and hit the side of his face against the hard wood.
Dan leaned in close, "You tell anyone about our little conversation and it won't be just you who suffers. How's your mum these days?" He pulled back leaving the unspoken threat hanging in the air. "I'll see you here at six o'clock tomorrow. Don't be late." he added with a angry scowl as he walked away.
Luke got up slowly and made his way gingerly to the locker room. When he reached the mirror he gasped out loud. His lip was spilt and he had a massive bruise forming on his cheek. He looked at his arm and saw purple bruises forming into the shape of a hand. Picking up the keys and his bag he headed towards the door.
A.N. This is just a small chapter to get started. I promise the next chapter will be longer. So please review, I would love to hear any ideas you have got.
The next chapter will focus on his family and friends seeing the bruises, and Luke training with Dan in secret.