I know I'm writing this the same time as Lily of the Valley but I just can't seem to get this out of my head. Let me know what you think, personally I think Jacob Black fans will like it at least a little but not if you think Bella and him should be together or him and Renesmee (sorry if I spelt her name wrong).

Looking after you

Chapter 1 In over my head

"Come on your going to love it here." I said to my little brother, of only five, who was in the back seat of the car.

"No I won't its already too cold!" He yelled at me.

"Ethan Garrett Umber." I said as an impression of my mother when she used to use her warning voice. After a few minutes we reached our destination, as I pulled into the drive way of the small cozy looking home on the Quileute reservation.

"It looks too small." Ethan whined as he got out of the car, he huffed and folded his tanned arms.

"Why don't you look inside? I bet it's bigger than it looks."

"I still won't like it." He huffed once more and walked up the paved path to the door. "Willow it's locked, and it looks like we can't get in so let's get our real home back." He said trying to be slick and walking away but I tugged on his short ponytail lightly.

"Eth I have a key." I said pulling it out and opening the door.

I pushed the door open revealing our new home already filled with all of our stuff. Ethan walked around looking to find his room and opened the door to the room that was to be his.

"I guess its okay." Ethan commented jumping on to his dinosaur decorated bed.

"You guess?" I said closing in on him getting ready to tickle him.

"Yeah I guess." He said sighing into his pillow unaware of my hands on either side of his sides.

"Okay I guess I have to tickle you until a great comes out!" I whispered low enough for him to hear then began my attack on his small sides.

"Okay, okay I give its great!" Ethan half screamed and laughed.

I stopped my attack and sat back up dragging him into my lap.

"So…what do you want to eat to night?" I questioned playing with his short black pony tail.

"I want…..chicken nuggets." He said messing with the sliver locket that hung around my neck.

"Okay then chicken nuggets it is."

"Will do you think mom and dad are okay." He questioned looking out the window.

"Yeah they are in a better place." I managed to say without choking up.

"So Will, are we going out or buying from the store?" Ethan asked looking at me.

"Huh?" I asked confused because I was barely paying attention as the painful scene played out in front of me again.

"For the chicken Willy-Nilly." He joked.

"I bought some when you were staying at Joni's. I'll go and warm them up while you explore the house ok?" I said sliding him off my lap and back on to his new bed.


I walked out of his room taking on more glance then walking to the kitchen to warm up his nuggets and make myself a sandwich.

"Will-Nilly look what I can do!" I heard Ethan shout while running in to the kitchen with two of his toy cars.

"Ok show me." I said taking the nuggets out of the oven.

He took the cars and started to move them all around the table he sat at and then made a car flip in the air with his hands while making whooshing sounds.

"Cool Eth." I commented smoothing his black hair down from his messy pony tail and kissing the top of his head then placing his plate of chicken nuggets on the table in front of him with ketchup.

"Thanks Will its great." Ethan said with his mouth stuffed with two chicken nuggets.

"Don't talk with your mouth full and chew your food and don't stuff all of that in there at once." I said trying not to crack a smile let alone let a chuckle slip loose of how funny and cute he looked.

He nodded his head at what I said and continued to eat as I walked to the bathroom to run him a warm bath. After he'd eaten and I had convinced him to take a bath he finally gave in and got cleaned up while I ate and put his mess in the sink for me to wash. I decided to get a shower after I'd gotten Ethan dressed and ready for bed then put to sleep and then before I was deciding on retiring to bed I washed the dishes.