Hi I know I haven't updated any of my stories in a long time and I'm deeply sorry but I don't have an excuse and again I'm sorry.

Looking After You

Chapter 8 The Pack

What was I doing? I had a child to care for and I was going to be stupid and run off to unravel the mystery that was La Push.

As I started rethinking things until nothing really made sense anymore, considering it was too late and the guy named Jacob and his friend, Paul was his name, at least I think, were now walking me through the woods. Wow was I stupid or what? For some reason I felt like one of those stupid girls in a horror movie who gets yelled at by the audience not to do something but she does it regardless of her instincts.

I noticed the one named Jacob kept keeping an eye out on me and I shrunk away from his gaze until he turned his head back around.

'Wow Will, half naked guys in the middle of the forest. Really? Really!' My conscience yelled at me and I could shove it away as much as I wanted to.

I didn't notice where we were until Jacob spoke up.

"We're here." He stated, as we all walked up to a house smack dab in the middle of a small clearing.

"Em made dinner, bye." Paul stated, and then ran for the door leaving me and Jacob yards away from the house.

"Come on, we don't bite, much." Jacob joked with a small smirk as he tried to get me to follow him inside, even though I was still weary of my decision to come with them. "Oh and don't stare at Emily, Sam hates it when people stare." Jacob informed me before we entered.

"Come on Jake the foods almost gone!" I heard a woman yell in a slightly cheery voice.

"I'm coming!" Jacob replied back. "Do you mind an explanation after we eat?" He asked nonchalantly.

I looked at him with a strange look on my face and shook my head.

"Good 'cause Em makes the best food." He said almost rushing off in a hurry. "You coming?" He asked when he noticed I didn't follow.

"Sure." I said warily following slowly.

Around the corner of the front door a dinner table was set, with a myriad of people sitting at it and a woman standing next to another man.

"Jake you didn't tell me another person was going to be coming." She sighed. "I guess I'll make you something extra since all of the boys all but ate the plates." She said nicely.

She was tall and stunning. Her black hair fell as straight as a board and framed her face perfectly. Her hair color greatly accentuated her brown eyes and her skin. I saw why Jacob told me not to stare, but why would this Sam person be mad? She was beautiful, how could he not expect someone to stare?

Then she turned to go into the kitchen and I saw the real reason why Jacob had forewarned me of staring. Three scars were imprinted on the right side of her face. I hid my expression and realized I was in fact staring and looked away.

"I'm fine thanks." I told her giving a small shy smile.

"Wow Jake, nice." I heard one of the boys say followed by an "Ow".

I turned to see one of the boys rubbing what looked to be his knee.

"Defensive much?" The boy responded, to what I guessed was a kick.

"Then shut it Brady." Jacob growled.

"It was a compliment, or are you deaf?" The boy named Brady teased.

"If you want to get away from this madness you can go out back on the porch." The man by the island.

I thanked him and made my way to the back sliding door which was, thankfully, in view. Although it was a little freezy on the back porch I stayed outside and looked at the trees the spotted about the area behind the house. As a sharp breeze blew through my shirt and made me shiver I heard the sliding glass window behind me open back up.

"Cold?" The person asked.

"No." I lied.

"Come inside. We won't bite, much." Jacob joked.

"I think I'll be fine out here until everybody is ready to explain." I protested.

"Okay." He sighed in defeat I was guessing.

I felt a light weight upon my shoulders and touched a soft fabric that he'd laid over my shoulders. A thin afghan with tribal designs woven into the fabric.

"Thanks." I stated quietly.

I filled my cheeks with air and blew out to see a thin white mist form and then disappear. A moment later the door reopened to show Jacob yet again.

"We're ready." He stated and ushered me inside.

I handed him the blanket back with a nod of my head as a silent thanks.

"Willow, is it?" The man I'd seen leaning on the kitchen isle asked.


"I think its best that Jacob tells you what is going on here." He huffed and sat on the living room couch next to the woman I'd seen him kissing before, Emily and Sam I believe their names were.

"Well you can sit." Jacob said as he scratched the back of his head nervously.

I obliged and took a seat on the empty couch across from Emily and Sam while the rest of the boys stood around speculating.

"First off we aren't going to hurt you. I wouldn't let them." He rushed out. "We," He gestured to every boy in the room. "are different from your average human. We're werewolves in a sense. I guess." He explained plain and simple. "That thing after you was a vampire and that's what we were meant to kill. We're supposed to protect the people on the reservation from them and their not supposed to come on the reservation." He finished.

He. Was. Nuts. Absolutely nuts. Bonkers. Mad as a hatter.

"Uh huh." I nodded my head as if I was talking to a mental person.

"I'm serious Willow." He tried to convince me. "I'm not lying."

"You don't really have to be lying to be nuts." I stated then retraced my steps and thought that that wasn't the best thing to say in a house of crazies.

"We aren't crazy I promise." Mind reader much.

"Okay." I replied as I sighed. "And how are you going to get me to believe this….ludicrous story of yours?" I questioned.

"It's not much we can do at the moment." Jacob sighed.

"I'll do it! I'll do it!" One of the smaller boys jumped in.

"No you won't." Jacob interjected.

"But why not? She doesn't believe you so why not make her believe?" The little boy asked.

"Because, Brady, that'd be stupid." The one called Paul, I think, said sarcastically and flicked the boy in the head.

"Shut up." Brady stated and huffed like a scolded child, much like Ethan when I told him he couldn't have something.

"I think it'd be a good, safe way to show her. To convince her." Sam spoke up.

"I don't think it is." Jacob argued.

"It's her choice then." Sam proposed as everyone turned to me.

"Sure?" I said unsure of what was going to happen.

"Backyard then." Sam stated as everyone got up except Emily.

"Can I do it?" Brady asked again only for Paul to smack him upside the head.

"I'll do it I guess." Jacob stated with a hardened face, but when he glanced back at me his face softened. "I hope you don't think any different in me." He whispered so low I thought it was only me imagination.