Chapter 2: Duck And Cover

"Damn," Shannon muttered, walking along the beach. She was upset. She and Sayid had just gotten into a huge fight over something as stupid as FISH of all things.

"Wasn't even good fish..." Shannon muttered. She looked up and noticed Charlotte nestled happily in Daniel's lap as they stared at the ocean waves in one of the old plane seats. She felt blue inside. Why couldn't she and Sayid be happy like they are at this very moment?!


She sighed. "Might as well just go and apolo-OH CRAP!" Shannon cried when rain suddenly began to pour on her head. Looking around she realized she had absolutely no cover. "Damn stupid freaky island weather habits!" Shannon cried as she ran to the nearest tent.

Diving inside, she immediantly flicked her wet hair out of her face.

"Yeesh..." she muttered.

Then she froze.

"Um..." was all she could say as she saw Jack and Ana Lucia, clearly about to do dirty things, staring at her. Jack looked humiliated. Ana looked pissed. "I'm sorry!" Shannon stuttered quickly. "It was raining! I didn't want to get wet! And-"

"Out" Ana Lucia grumbled.

"Okay," Shannon complied, running out and trying to make it back to her and Sayid's home before she got too soaked. Luckily for her, Sayid was waiting with a warm blanket, an apology, and a freshly cooked fish...just how she liked it.