I don't know about you guys but the finale just left me wanting more. Unfortunately there isn't going to be more because of the cancellation. The finale also left me wondering what happens to Alpha. The last we see him he's asking for a favor, then Adelle says he left, not knowing what he would become after the pulsebomb went off. So this story is exactly about that. In this story you will see my take on what happens to Alpha after Epitaph Two as well as some of the other Dollhouse characters.
Disclaimer: I own nothing, Joss owns everything.
The sun was still low in the sky as Alpha made his way to the outskirts of what used to be L.A. It was still early morning, but the sounds of fighting could be heard even then. It amazed him how long the butchers could fight - their persistency to kill. Of course, he had been just as persistent and viscous as them when it all started.
Alpha stopped near the mouth of an alley and knelt down behind a pile of trash. He held his gun ready, listening for the sounds of fighting. There was the sound of gunfire close to the alley. Peering over the top of the pile, he could see butchers fighting against a group of people.
He frowned. The fighting was right in the middle of an intersection, so the only cover were cars. They weren't much if he wanted to go unnoticed for a long period of time. He sighed. He had wanted to try and get out of the city, but he could see now that it would be impossible. Even with all his personalities there was no way he could fight off a group of butchers while trying to avoid hitting the other people, and explain to them that he himself wasn't a butcher. For that he would have to be bullet proof and unfortunately Superman wasn't one of his imprints.
Rather than go back the way he came Alpha climbed up the fire escape behind him. When he got to the top, he waited until the next round of gunfire before breaking open the window. Avoiding the jagged pieces of glass, he climbed inside. He was in a bedroom that was surprisingly intact. No broken furniture, but despite that he didn't want to stay in a room with an opening so he moved on to the rest of the apartment.
The living room was in much worse condition, but Alpha moved right past it and locked himself in the bathroom. Butchers wouldn't find him right away if they came into the apartment. Alpha lay down in the tub. It reminded him of the sleeping pods in the Dollhouse, giving him a sense of security despite all the chaos.
He thought briefly of the people he had sheltered. Adelle would take care of them, she told him so herself. Echo would be fine too, once she found what he had left for her. Topher was going to reset everyone's mind back to how they were before the first mind wipe.
For him this was not a good thing. Alpha wasn't sure who he would be after Topher reversed the mind wipe. He'd either be the way he was before everything went to hell, or who he was before the Dollhouse. Whoever he ended up being, he was going to be dangerous, which was why he wanted to try to isolate himself.
Alpha had no idea how long he'd been lying in the bathtub when it happened. A shock went through his entire body before everything went black.
So...questions, reviews, random comments?