This is a crossover. That is obvious. But I think less people read the crossovers so I decided to post this under SWAC to see what you guys think, because SWAC is all I write really and you guys are the ones who always read me stories soooo. It is mostly SWAC anyways.
I didn't like the other story I began recently so I'm just going to complete it and leave it where it was. This however I have all planned out. It's a bit of drabble with SWAC and Wizards. But I like it. Gets better after this as this is just a starter. Lots of Channy and other pairings (girl/boy no femalsh or whatever they're called) so stay tuned. :P
Alex sighed as the door to the Waverly substation opened.
She had been sitting at the counter in the empty diner, hoping for a quiet day of wallowing in self pity after her heart break with Mason, and the D she had got on her algebra test.
So she couldn't stop herself rolling her eyes when she saw a group of at least eight teenagers sit themselves down in two booths.
They looked familiar but Alex just shook it off and decided they must go to her high school.
A good looking blonde boy and a pretty brunette were having a heated argument from separate booths and they were turned around to face each other looking infuriated.
But if Alex wasn't mistaken, they both looked like were enjoying it.
"Are we good?" the boy asked relaxing a little, a grin playing on his lips as the girl grunted.
"Oh we're so good," she screamed and spun back to face her own table, sat back heavily on the backrest and huffed, crossing her arms across her chest.
She picked up a menu aggressively, breathing heavily.
Meanwhile the other teenagers just rolled their eyes in unison, as if they were laughing at their friends.
Alex grabbed her notepad and flipped it onto a new page, as she walked towards her customers.
"What can I get you?" she said addressing everyone, as they all looked down at the menus.
The youngest looking girl spoke up first, "ham and cheese sandwich please."
She grinned evilly glancing over at the other table, and everyone, even those at her own table, looked up at Alex alarmed.
"What?" the younger girl asked, and tapped her foot impatiently.
A blonde girl at the same table as the arguing brunette made a slashing motion at her neck as if to say 'please don't' while the two boys shook their heads vigorously as Alex wrote down the girls order.
Suddenly the angry blonde boy looked over at her and smiled, "hey, pretty lady."
Alex rolled her eyes and laughed as his arguing partner scoffed at him.
"Chad, you disgust me," she complained and smiled apologetically at Alex, holding out her hand.
"Hey, I'm Sonny Munroe," she introduced as Alex shook her hand and smiled back.
"Alex Russo," she said and glanced from Sonny to Chad frowning.
Why did they all seem so familiar?
She peered closer at Chad and then back to Sonny before it came to her.
"Oh my god, you guys are from So Random! and Mackenzie Falls," Alex exclaimed as everyone smiled up at her, thinking their show must be her favourite.
She looked back at Sonny, and the rest of the Random! cast.
"I love your show," she said, and they all smiled at her, while Sonny turned to stick out her tongue childishly at Chad, who was watching her.
Sonny paused when she saw he was looking at her, and Alex noticed that Sonny didn't seem to be able to look away from Chad's gaze.
Alex glanced at Tawni who was watching the pair with a bemused expression.
"Course you know who I am," Chad said breaking his stare from Sonny's, and looking back up at Alex, "because our show must be your favourite, I am the best actor of our generation."
His whole cast looked up at her smugly as she frowned down at them, and then watched their smiles fade as she shook her short brown bob.
"No, I actually don't know what you're show is about," Alex admitted, "but can I have an autograph, because my friend Harper loves it? She likes really stupid things."
The whole So Random! cast broke into hysterics as Alex held out her notepad, smiling innocently down at Chad, who looked almost as angry as Sonny had been when they first walked in.
But Alex was serious.
She really did think Harper liked weird things.
"Yeah Chad what is your show about?" Sonny asked, as Chad signed the notepad and handed it back to Alex, glaring at Sonny.
"At least its proper acting, Munroe, not the "improv" that you guys do over at Chuckle City," Chad shot back.
"Oh, will you just shut up Cooper," Sonny shot back, fuming again as Alex looked down confused, taking out her cell quickly to catch a picture of the two casts.
She taped her pencil lightly on the notepad which still only held one order.
"Fine, I will," Chad said sparking the familiar lines as everyone else groaned, and mouthed the words with them.
"Are we good?"
"Oh, we are so good."
Again the pair sat back heavily against their seats and sighed.
"Are you done?" everyone looked back up at Alex as if they'd forgotten she was there.
Sonny blushed deeply as she glanced over her shoulder at Chad.
Alex motioned with her pencil towards her notepad, "because if you are, I'll take your orders."
She had just managed to get everyone's down (after two more spurts of drabble from Sonny and Chad who Alex was sure by know were in love) when the door to the substation opened again.
She sighed and rolled her eyes, taking a detour on her journey to the kitchen as she made her way back to the free standing table they were sitting themselves down at.
So much for her quiet day in the substation.
Woo so that wasn't my best work but whatever. Review please cause I just want one to continue so I know someone's reading it :D. It gets better believe me. Dedication to those who guess who and in what order are going to appear in this story :P. Just cause I want to know if its predictable. Tell me if you like it. Or hate it. Criticism is always welcomed. Demi and Selena Fan xx