For those of you who asked I tried to make Alex more Alex like. Hope I did okay. I'm not an avid WOWP watcher/reader so I don't know her character well at all. Tell me if it was acceptable in the review.

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

The diner sat in silence for a good minute and a half before Shane of all people spoke up.

"Dude she made the first move," he said, shaking his head, "she is never going to let you live this down."

Mitchie giggled.

Technically she knew that it had been all Caitlyn that got them together, but as long as Shane was oblivious she was going to get as much joy from the fact that he thought she had asked him out first, as possible.

Chad however heard none of this and was staring dreamily into Sonny's eyes.

"Good," he whispered, his breath tickling her chin.

"Goo-" but Sonny's reply was cut off by a screechy voice.

"Okay let's just stop for a moment," Portlyn said standing up, as everyone turned to her.

"Oh great little miss intelligent has something to say," Alex muttered under her breath.

"Yeah, I do," she insisted, "I'm super confused."


Joe and Hannah turned to glare at Alex, because she was beginning to sound more and more like Mykala.

Which just made her want to be more and more sarcastic.

"Okay so," Portlyn continued , ignoring Alex, and glancing around the room, and began by pointing at the Connect 3 table, "Sonny's double, and Shane from Connect 3 are together. And random girl and Nate."

They nodded, and Caitlyn looked slightly offended at the 'random girl' remark.

Shane and Mitchie however thought this was all highly amusing.

Okay so Portlyn had figured out the easy part.

"And Sonny and Chad are now together, after us all waiting for ages," Portlyn said, as Chad and Sonny still staring in to each other's eyes, nodded dazed.

"You don't say."

Everyone turned this time to glare at Alex, who crossed her arms angrily.

"I'm not Mykala," she huffed.

"And, Nick and Kevin, are single," Portlyn said, continuing, and Alex glanced at Nick as he nodded, blushing crimson when Alex caught him staring at her.

Ah Nick, don't you know that when a person catches you staring that means they were looking too?

"And Lola, and what's his face are dating," Portlyn pointed at them, skipping over the third Lucas brother.

"No shit Sherlock," Alex muttered, attracting strange looks from everyone.

She broke her gaze on Portlyn and Nick, when she her the bell ring, and she began to walk towards the kitchen.

As she walked past Sonny and Chad, she heard him whisper, "want to get out of here?"

"That sounds good," Sonny murmured back, and Alex walked out of earshot as Chad smirked and continued, "good."

She could however hear Portlyn saying, "and Hannah and Joe are in love."

Immediately the substation erupted in arguments, and screaming, and anger, as Alex pushed into the kitchen, rolling her eyes.

Her dad began to pile plates onto her arms, and she balanced them, with that weird skill that all waiters and waitresses have. (A/N seriously how do they do it? Anyone know?)

Suddenly everything was quiet, and Alex frowned as she pushed back into the dining area.

"Shit," she cursed as she saw all the empty tables, with dollars thrown randomly on the tables.

She sighed, about to turn back around, and dump the subs, when she heard someone's voice.

"Hey," Nick said, coming out of the restrooms, "I'm still here."

Alex smiled as she unloaded the subs on the counter.

He grabbed one and smiled.

Alex smiled shyly too, blushing, so unlike her.

"I know this is embarrassing or whatever, but could I get a picture with you?" Alex asked, avoiding his eyes.

He grinned and nodded.

She pulled out her phone, and leaned backwards across the counter, to rest her face beside Nick's.

Even though they weren't touching she could feel the electricity coursing through her, and she had to force herself not to smile like an idiot as she snapped the photo.

She pulled back, and looked down at the small screen.

And there she was, grinning back.

But it was Nick's face who made the real her bite her lip to keep the grin erupting.

His face was turned and he was looking away from the camera, and down at her, smiling a little.

Alex glanced up, to see Nick staring at her, and she had to catch her breath, as she got lost in his eyes.

She suddenly knew what all those girl talked about before, something she'd thought there were being sissies about, that breathtaking moment when you realise the other person likes you just as much.

They were leaning across the counter inches apart, when something Alex thought was impossible happened.

Another celebrity walked in.

"And I was like, Hannah, doll, you can't sing squat sweetheart," Mykala was telling her friend.

Alex stood up straighter, put her hands on her hips, pointed towards the door, and screeched, "get out!"

Mykala looked like she was about to argue, when she cocked her head, "hey you look like me."

"I DON'T CARE!" Alex continued, "just get OUT!" Mykala and her friend frowned and backed out, holding their hands up in defeat.

"Talk about bad service," Alex heard Mykala whisper under her breath, but she didn't even care.

She walked back to face Nick.

"So," she whispered, as he smiled again, "where were we?"

This sucked. But it's done.



Btw add me on twitter CatchMe_24 just tell me about it b4 hand in a pm so I know you're not some crazy stalker but a fanfictioner! :P