Here is a new fic! WOOHOO!
I need at least 10 reviews to continue. Demo I wouldn't mind more then 10 :-D hehe
~*~*~ Flashback ~*~*~
"ALex can I talk to you for a minute?" a girl with purple almost black hair and silver/violet eyes asked.
"Oooo Alex the freshman wants to talk to you." a guy with blonde hair said to a guy with black hair.
"Just shut up Drew. What do you need to tell me Harm?" Alex asked.
"In private." Harmony said, her voice wavering. Alex gave Drew a look that clearly said 'get lost'. Drew noticed this and left.
"So what is it?" Alex asked pulling her towards him so she was sitting on his lap. Harmony sighed got off of him and sat across from him.
"Alex... I'm pregnant." Harmony said. Alex looked at her shocked. "Before you even say anything... I know it's yours because you are the only guy I ever slept with."
~*~*~ End Flashback ~*~*~
"Ms. Hirosaki what's the answer to the question I just asked?" Mr. Hayes asked. Harmony looked up startled.
"15." a voice behind her whispered.
"15?" Harmony said not sounding to sure.
"Yes that's right. Start paying attention." Mr. Hayes said.
"Yes sir.: Harmony said and sunk low into her seat. Mr. Hayes went back to teaching the class.
~*~*~*~ Lunch Time ~*~*~*~
Harmony slumped down against the tree stump and sighed. She missed Melody. She felt a shift of air next to her and looked up ti find Crista and Arella with three other people which happened to be guys.
"Yo Harm what's with the whole spacing out thing in class?" Arella asked.
"I was just thinking about three years ago." Harmony said.
"So she's with Alex today huh?" Crista asked.
"Yes till after school." Harmony said.
"*ahem*" the girls looked up to see the three guys.
"Oh sorry guys. Harm these guys are from Mr. Hayes' class." Crista said.
"Taiki." the brown haired one said.
"Yaten." the one with silver hair said.
"Seiya." the one with black hair said.
"Nice to meet you I'm-" Harmony started but was cut off by Seiya.
"Hirosaki. You're Harmony Hirosaki." Seiya said smiling at Harmony. Harmony saw this and smiled back then blushed. Crista, Yaten, Arella, adn Taiki noticed this and grinned. *ring, ring* everyone looked at Harmony. Harmony blushed and answered her phone.
"Hello... what's wrong... is she okay besides the wrist thing... shit! I'll meet you in the emergancy room bye *click*." Harmony quickly hung up her phonw got up and dusted herself off.
"What's up?" Arella asked. Harmony started to cry.
"Do... a- any of you have a car?" Harmony asked.
"I do." Seiay said.
"Can... can you... t-take m-me to the h- hospital?" Harmony stuttered out tears rolling down her cheeks.
"Yea. What's wrong?" Seiya asked as calmly as possible.
"I... I'll tell you on the way." Harmony said. Seiya nodded and the two left, leave behind 4 confused teens.
"Okay, I'm confused." Yaten said.
"I hope Mel is okay." Crista said with a worried tone.
"She is Harm's daughter she'll be fine." Arella said not sounding to sure.
"She is also Alex's." Crista pointed out.
"Harmony has a kid?" Yaten asked.
"Uh huh. She's 3." Crista said.
"But Harmony looks so young." Taiki said.
"That's because she is." Arella said.
"How old are you three?" Taiki asked.
"I'm 17, Crista is 16, and Harmony is 16 going on 17." Arella said.
"She is 16 and has a 3 year old?" Yaten asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Yea. Do you have something to say about it?" Arella asked defensively.
"Arella be nice." Crista said.
"I wasn't going to hurt him." Arella said. "To much."
I know it's short and the scouts aren't in it yet. Demo they aren't my focus point at the momment. R&R. FLAMES ARE ACCEPTED.