I was taken from my parents when I was very young. I don't even remember them. I do remember my first trainer. Gregory. What I would give to rip him limb from limb! He trained me to hunt Vulpixes. I hated it. I would spend as short a time as possible searching them, finding them immediately so that I could just go back to the chain and wait until the next day, when it would happen again.
I remember my first hunt. I was second in the pack, and I could smell the fear of the wild Vulpix we sought. It was a new sensation to me. None of Gregory's trained Vulpixes were ever afraid. I watched as Scent, a young Growlithe, followed the poor fox's trail through the woods, looked on as Ripper, an older Houndour, moved to the front of the line when we caught sight of the Vulpix, a young female. I couldn't take my eyes away.
I watched as Ripper leapt on that Vulpix, pushing her to the ground. My eyes stayed focused as he grabbed her throat. I almost screamed when he ripped her throat out. That poor fox couldn't scream because of what he had done to her. Then he grabbed her by the back of the neck and began to shake her like she was a rag doll.
I felt ready to vomit when he finally dropped the corpse. The poor little creature wasn't even breathing. Her eyes were glassy and covered in the milky film of death. I couldn't stand it. That sight was just too much.
I ran away. I heard hoof beats and the sound of Gregory calling to the pack, but I didn't return with them. I ran. I ran and ran until I could run no more. Then I pushed myself farther, walking along. Eventually I collapsed. It must have been close to midnight. I had no idea how far I'd gone from that hell-pit, but I hoped I was far enough away.
That was when I heard the heavy hoof beats. I couldn't move; I just looked up at what I hoped was my death. In the bright light from a fiery mane I saw a young girl riding aboard a Rapidash. When she caught sight of me she halted her flaming unicorn and leapt lightly to the ground. She uttered some sort of curse when she saw my condition, then picked me up and boarded her Rapidash again. I heard her tell me, "It's all right, you'll be okay now." I think I passed out then.
When I next woke, I was lying on some sort of table. The girl was standing over me, a Growlithe by her side. I began to speak hurriedly, and the Growlithe translated for me. She seemed to understand, and told me that she wasn't like Gregory.
She was right. She's much better.
My new trainer tells me we'll be joining a foxhunt today. I know by the way she looks at me that I look horrified. I can't look any where near as terrified as I feel. A foxhunt!? My throat is suddenly very dry. I slowly lay down, shocked. I thought she knew how I felt about foxhunts!
She sits down beside me and scratches me just behind my ears. "I know you don't like it, but that's why we're going. You and Hot Streak need to track the Vulpix and keep those other viscous Pokémon off it. I might be able to save it that way. We might even make a new friend."
For a moment I think about her words. If I could save that poor fox I might be able to banish the terrible dreams that plague my subconscious.
"Houn-dour!" I exclaim, jumping up and licking her cheek. She laughs a bit and scratches me beneath the chin. Her pale blue eyes stare into mine, and I feel that we truly are in some way connected.
"Okay, then, let's move it!" she exclaims. It is only then that I notice it: She's wearing the same clothes as the hunters in my first foxhunt. I follow her a bit hesitantly, joined in seconds by Hot Streak.
"Hound-dou, houn houndour?" I ask. I asked him where we were going.
"Growlithe grow growli growl," he replies. I stop cold. He tells me that we are going to see Gregory.
"Dour hound!?" I almost scream. My master and Hot Streak both turn to look at me.
"Grow growlithe," Hot Streak translates for our trainer's sake.
"Yes, Blazer. Gregory, the one who bought you, hurt you, and scarred you," she replies softly. I stare at her, a cold fire burning where once there was warmth. How could she betray me like this!?
"I know perfectly well that you don't like it, Blazer," she states calmly. "Frankly, I hate foxhunts. I only go to the ones Gregory hosts because I know of the conditions his Growlithes and Houndours live in. I found Hot Streak the same way I found you."
I look over at the Growlithe, who lowers his head to avoid my eyes. I had always wondered how he had come to be her Pokémon, and why he always seemed so eager to go out. Was it because he was expecting the foxhunt?
"Please, Blazer, we'll need your help to save that poor Vulpix." I look back up at my trainer. Her eyes seem to reach into my soul, trying to pry my willingness to the surface. "I got word from a friend that the Vulpix he's using is an oddly colored one. Mostly bright red, like your underside, with black paws and gray tips on all six tails."
Again I think of the young female Vulpix, with her glassy ebony eyes where I knew stars had once played. I nod my consent, and she smiles.
"Then let's go," she says quietly, turning toward the door. She opens it and both Hot Streak and myself run out into the bright morning sunlight. We see Trail, the Rapidash, waiting for us by the trees.
My new master mounts the flaming unicorn with ease, then Hot Streak jumps up in front of her, with a bit of pulling from our trainer. I jump gracefully from the ground onto Trail's flanks, just behind our master. She clicks her tongue and we begin to ride through the forest, to an old nemesis and a new challenge.
Well, that's the end of part one. I hope you enjoyed this! I pulled it together in a single afternoon! If I can get five reviews for this thing, I'll put up chapter 2 (which has already been written). And, if you're wondering, Blazer doesn't call his trainer by her name for a reason: he still thinks that she's "The Master." When I get to Hot Streak's point of view, he calls the girl by her first name almost all the time. If you want to complain, do one of two things: One: REVIEW THE BLASTED STORY!
Two: E-mail me at lightningbeacon
(Three: E-mail your complaints to your friends and start a big ceremonial flaming of this fic)
It's up to you. I'd love to hear from any of you, so don't be shy! See ya!