Here is the third chapter. I am trying to make this story as interesting as I can. I please ask you to bear with me. This is my first story. And to PLEASE review!

"Shhhhh! You're gonna wake the neighbors!" Damien's eyes were huge with shock. I usually don't let my anger out like this. "Why don't you just call your gramps. See if he has an extra key hidden anywhere."

"Okay. I'll… I'll do that." I pull my phone out of my pocket and hit my grandpa's speed dial. Nothing happens.

"Shit! My phone is dead. Can I see yours?"

"Uhhhhh…. I left mine in the house." He told me in a hushed tone. He was probably afraid that I would explode again.

"Fuck! Okay then. We have to find a phone." I looked around to see if any of the neighbors were up. The second house to the right of my grandfather's had lights on inside. It look as if they were having a get together, because there were four cars in the driveway. "Look, someone is up. Lets try there."

We walk to the house and up the driveway to the door. We get there and can hear laughter from inside. I knock and pray to God that someone answers. A minute later I hear footsteps and then the door opens.

"May I help you?" A strangely familiar woman asks. Where have I seen her before? I don't watch very much TV, but I could have maybe seen her on the internet somewhere.

"Yeah… Ummm, I was just wondering if maybe I could use a phone or something. I'm kinda locked out of my grandfather's house at the moment." I told her, shivering. It was really late and also really cold.

"Sure. Come on in and sit down. You must be freezing. I'll make hot chocolate." She told us as she let us in and showed us to the room in which the laughter was coming from. We walked in to the room to find Brian, Jimmy, and Zacky sitting on the couch with Val and Michelle DiBenedetto, Matt and Brian's girlfriends, and Johnny and Matt wrestling around on the floor.

They all look up as we walk in. "Hi!" Jimmy yelled to us. He had a beer in his hands and there were four empty bottles by his feet. "How's your little nosy feeling, Hanny?"

"It's okay." I told him. Now that I really looked around, I could see empty beer bottles everywhere. Just then I felt something or maybe someone crash into my back and I fell forward to the floor.

"Owwwww!" I yelled out as I felt the weight of the person come down on me.

"Hi Hannah!" It was Brian. Holy shit, they are totally wasted. They all started to greet me in their slurred voices, well all but the girls and well Johnny, who just stood their smiling in my direction. I look over to Dame, who was just laughing at me being attacked by the guys. Oh he found it funny, did he?

"Brian, you should give Dame a hug too. You wouldn't want to hurt his feelings, would you?" I made sure to whisper this so Dame wouldn't hear.

Brian eyes lit up. He got up and ran over to Dame, jumping up and wrapping his arms around him. Dame let out a shocked gasp and then fell to the floor. We all started to laugh hysterically as the woman that answered the door walked in with some hot chocolate. Oh, it's Leana, Jimmy's girlfriend, I can't believe I didn't recognize her. She came up to me and handed me the drink and then handed one to everyone else. We all said thanks and I sat down on the couch and Dame sat to my right and Johnny to my left.

Jimmy stood up then and came to stand in front of Damien and I. We gave him a questioning look and then, with his hands on his hips, he spoke, "Are you guys stocking us?" He had one of the most serious tones I have ever heard, well except for that part that they were slurred.

"No! Why would you think that?!" I said, shocked. I would never ever stock them.

"We just needed a phone. We are locked out of her grandfather's house. We did-"

"It's okay. he doesn't really mean it. He's just drunk and is being an ass. He thinks he's being funny." Johnny tells him. He gives me a reassuring smile.

"Well we can't call him anyways Dame." I felt like I was going to cry. I completely forgot that I had no clue what my grandfather's phone number was and I had just realized this.

"What? Why? Are you okay?" Damien was shocked and he could tell I was upset about something.

"I don't know his fucking number! I had it in my phone and now we are totally fucked 'cause it's fucking dead!" I put my face in my hands, trying to hide the tears that were escaping.

"What are you guys gonna do now?" Johnny asked us.

"Well I guess we'll have to go to a hotel or something." Dame told him, but I knew we couldn't do that.

"No." was all I said.

"What?" Dame asked shocked.

I looked up, tears in my eyes. "Because we have no money! It's all in the house." Everyone just stared at us.

"Wh- What about the money from today?" Damien stuttered.

"We only have $10 left. That's not enough to stay somewhere. It's not even enough to feed us for three days!" And then I finally lose the fight against my emotions. I start to sob uncontrollably and Johnny reaches over, pulling me onto his lap. I just sit there, for I don't know how long, and cry into his chest.

When I finally get myself under control and the sobs subside, Johnny whispers into my ear, "Shhhhh, it's okay. You and Dame can come stay at my place. There's nothing to worry about. Everything is going to be just fine."

"Thanks Johnny." I say, pulling back to look at him, working hard to keep myself from breaking down again. I was just so stressed.

"How about we go now, so you can get some sleep. It's really late and you look exhausted." He wipes away a stray tear and I nod my head in agreement. Everyone came up and gave me a hug and Johnny led me out to his car with Damien behind us.

I sat up front with Johnny while Dame sat in the back. The ride was a quiet one. I gazed out the window the whole way there, rubbing my temples, trying to banish my headache away. But it didn't work, of course.

We get there and Johnny unlocks the door, letting us in.

"The guest bedrooms are this way." he said, starting up the stairs. "That one is mine." he pointed to the one door on the right side of the hallway. "You guys can use those two." He pointed to the two doors on the left side of the hall. "You guys need any spare clothes or anything at all, just let me know."

Damien nodded to Johnny and gave me a hug, telling us goodnight. I look at Johnny and not even five seconds later his arms are around me.

"Are you doin alright?" he asked me with a worried tone. I just nod into his shoulder. "Come in here and I'll get you something to sleep in."

We walk into his room, which is huge. It's not too messy. Just a typical guy room. He has a large flat screen TV on the wall, and a king sized bed with a black comforter over it. And I can see he doesn't use a laundry basket.

He gets into his dresser, which is right next to his bed, and pulls out a random t-shirt and a pair of Nike shorts. He hands them to me and I give him a tired smile.

"Goodnight Hannah." he said, giving me a tight hug. He let go and kissed my forehead.

"Goodnight Johnny."

I walk back out to the hallway and into the guest room that Dame didn't go into, and I quickly change into the clothes Johnny let me wear. I crawl in under the blankets and took in the scent all around me. Everything smells like Johnny. It all has that wonderful scent of him. Then it really hit me. I'm sleeping in Johnny's house in Johnny's clothes.

I put my phone on the nightstand and stuck my headphones in. I hit shuffle and then slowly fell asleep to the sound of Matt's voice in my ears and the scent of Johnny all around me, with a smile on my face.

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