A/N- Thanks for the reviews; this is now the start of the story. Enjoy! BTW no offence to Alaskans!

Chapter 2

I sighed, as I trudged through the snow outside of my house. It wasn't a sad sigh, more like a sigh of relief. Today was the last day of school. Finally! I thought. I would have been bouncing up and down with happiness that I was finally rid of those annoying Alaskan adolescents, if it weren't for the fact that I wasn't the type of person that 'bounced around'. I retrieved my keys from under the eave and opened the door, which groaned in protest as I shoved it open.

"Hey dad!" I called into the living room, where I could vaguely hear the TV playing some form of sports game. Basketball, by the sounds of it.

"Hello Iz" Charlie said as he paused the TV with that new IQ foxtell, remote, thingy he recently bought. I didn't hear him get up, but he suddenly had me in a cool, tight embrace. "How was you're last day, Kiddo?

"Too long" I mumbled into his chest. It then sounded like 'tr lng'. He laughed.

"So…what do you want for dinner?" I asked, staring into his golden eyes, when he finally let go of me. His face reflected disgust for a second, and then quickly replaced it with a grin.

"Well, earlier I went out into the woods to do a bit of hunting and found a herd of deer, so I shot the largest buck down and cooked it out on the barbeque outside…hey, do you wanna see it?" he asked and his tone sounded like he didn't wanna show me. So, even though I really didn't want to, I nodded my head in one quick bouncy movement and followed his slowly retreating figure out into our small backyard. The deer was in fact, huge! Bigger than one I'd ever seen! I leaned in farther to inspect the dead carcass and instantly noticed it was drained of all blood. Well, almost all blood. I followed the suddenly delicious scent back to the hide of the animal, and without thinking about what I was doing, I bit into the deer and drained the last of it's still warm, blood. As soon as the delicious liquid touched my tongue, I suddenly wanted more. After I was done with it I stood up and wiped my mouth off onto my sleeve.

Then, I was pulled back into reality. I. Just. Drank. Blood. I froze, then, sprinted up the stairs with a sudden speed I never had before. I slammed my door, which shuddered underneath the impact, and threw myself onto my bed. I hadn't realised until now that tears were streaking down my cheeks and horrible sobs were racking throughout my body. I shuffled under my covers and laid there, no movement other than my quick breathing and coming sobs…

I don't know how long I had been lying here, and I honestly didn't care. But I felt the need for food and I couldn't hold it back anymore. I got up and touched my tear stained cheeks and shuddered from the memory. I walked slowly down stairs and into the kitchen. I decided first, on a glass of milk. I poured it out and took a long gulp. The liquid running down my throat felt good but I hadn't really paid much attention to the taste and smell until now. I stiffened. Then pulled the glass to my nose and sniffed. Ugh! It smelt absolutely repulsive. I took an unsteady gulp and really tasted it this time. I suddenly felt the urge to throw up. I ran to the sink and threw up the once nice tasting and smelling liquid. I rinsed my mouth out with water, which didn't really taste any better than the milk, but still better. I sank down to the floor, and the tears, and sobs that didn't come out last night, certainly came out now. Just in time for Charlie to come rushing down the stairs at an unhuman speed and rap his cold, hard arms around me. His temperature felt nice to my burning skin.

"What's happening to me?" I asked into his shoulder.

"You're changing sweetheart, it was going to happen soon enough." Wait, he knew this was going to happen. I stiffened and he paused, as if rethinking his words.

"Look honey, it's a part of who you are, I didn't think it would happen so early, but you were bound to realise that the Powerade I was giving you wasn't actually a sports, energy drink" So that's why I was addicted to it when I was around 13 years old, but I remember it tasting differently to the deer's blood. Wait, he wasn't actually giving me blood was he?

"You were giving me blood?" I scoffed at the word but it was still hard to say it. "How? Why?" another sob broke through me.

"I am a monster," I cried. Well, sort of loudly whispered.

"Shh, shh, no your not, you are just an unstoppable force of nature" he cooed.

"What's happening to me?" I repeated. "What am I?"

Charlie sighed. "Well… about ten years ago I fell in love with a woman called Renée, your mom. I loved her and one day, she became sick and we realised she was pregnant with you" he smiled, "- and you… grew at a rapid pace, and about 1 month later, you were born, but your mother died in the process" he winced.

"- but I did everything I could to save her, except damn her to eternal life, without a soul. But I loved you all the same, and did the best I could to keep you save and alive, but your diet consisted of blood, I mainly gave you food but every once-in-a-while, you became weak so I gave you human blood" my turn to wince, "- but after a while you didn't need it, you became strong again. But I knew the time would come that you needed to change, and that time has come…unfortunately" he quickly added, seeing the expression on my face.

"So what am I?" I repeated. Again.

"You are a half vampire" he stopped waiting for me to say something. But, I was shocked beyond reason."- And, I am a vampire…"

Oh. My. GOD!