This story is not going to follow the book but will follow the movie somewhat. I was thinking that I'd be a good story when it was playing out in my head but I'd like to see how it'll come out if I were to actually write it and I'd like to hear of what all of you think whether it be bad news or good so here it goes.

Lies That Come With Loving You

Chapter 1 Fly, fly as fast as you can.

"How is my little girl?" Came my father's voice from outside after he'd greeted my mother from a long few days journey on his Alice blue dragon and with the help of a horse.

"Father!" I squealed and ran over to him from next to the fire place to where he stood next to my mother outside.

He took me into a loving and comforting embrace and swung me around in a circle.

"I hope you've been good to your mother." He remarked when he stopped spinning me but still held me.

"She's been quite good I should say." My mother told him while waltzing over and placing her chin on his shoulder.

"Well then I guess me and Aneira can give you your present." He told me as he walked over to the magnificent dragon standing in the front of our home.

He reached into the side pouch which was made to carry food, an extra set of clothes, and weapons if need be for travelling. As his hand retreated from the bag he did not posses either of those things but a lightly tarnished silver necklace with a slender teardrop shaped charm hanging from it with three small roughly shaped diamonds in the centre with each getting smaller than the next.

"This was your mothers and it got temporarily lost in a fight and she wishes to pass it on to you." My father told me as he handed it to me and I took it in my hands and asked my mother to clasp it on to my neck with the two silver latches that connected with each other.

"I hope you like it my dear Thena." My mother told me and hugged me as well as my father did.

"I love it mommy." I told her and squeezed them as tight as my six year old arms would allow.

A small nudge to the small of my back made me turn my head to be faced with a beautiful dragon.

"Hello Aneira." I greeted her with a pat on her head and a smile.

Her scales entranced me like they always did. They were a mysteriously light blue when the sun shone on them but if you didn't look closely enough or only gave them a passing glance, they looked as white as pearls.

"Älfrinn er nuanen (She is beautiful)." My father told me as I petted her and enjoyed the scene of light bouncing off of her scales.

"Älfrinn er nuanen." I agreed.


"Good night my love." My mother whispered as she blew out the candle next to my bed side.

Her bright green eyes still shone in the moonlight and showed me that she was more than happy to have my father home for at least a day or two before he went back to the Varden. She kissed my forehead and tucked me in to protect me from the biting cold.

"Good night my darling." My father told me from the door frame he leaned on that led to my small room.

"Good night." I told them both back.

"We'll see each other in the morning." My mother told me before she finally closed the old wooden door and went to bed as well as my father did.

In the dead of night I'd sworn that I'd heard a loud thump! Just outside the wall that separated me from outside. I didn't brush it off but instead threw the blanket off of myself and jerked my door open then cautiously looked down the short hall and found nothing out of place.

"Aria a sword!" I heard my father's voice ring through the house.

"Hurry Fainin!" I heard my mother yell.

"Go and get Thena!" My father commanded, and not a minute after my mother came running down the hall towards me to scoop me into her arms.

"Waíse hljödhr(Be silent)." Was what she told me as she rushed to the back of the house.

Even though she rushed to protect me from the scene unfolding in the front of our small cottage. I saw my father fighting Urgals fighting my father with Aneira by his side but I couldn't tell if he was winning.

"Hide here don't move until the time is right." She told me as she set me behind the house and left to the front to my father through the house.

As always I did as she said until Aneira came around to the back of the house and motion to get on to her already saddled. I did as instructed and climbed on with some help just like I did when my father used to take me on short rides. I didn't now remotely where Aneira was taking me but I trusted her like she was my own parent.

She flew me far up into the clouds and over tree tops as I held tight so that I wasn't going to fall or be injured. She hovered for only minutes in the air until she flew her way back down to the front of the cottage again. There I saw about five Urgal bodies slain and scattered around the front of our small cottage.

"Have you been harmed?" My father asked me checking for wounds, but the only I saw were the gashes on his body a very deep one was on his left shoulder and multiple ones peppered the rest of his torso.

My mother came over to me holding a bow with a quiver strapped to her back.

"Were you harmed my darling?" My mother asked me touching my face and this time I shook my head at her question.

"What happened?" I asked my mother as she swept me into her arms and cuddled me while my father reached into the side bag strapped to Aneira.

"I'm sure they wanted this." My father told me and my mother as he held out a large fern green oval shaped stone with milky colored spider web lines spun all around it.

"Aí stenr? (A stone?)" I asked reaching for my father.

"Néiat aí stenr, aí skulblaka.(Not a stone, a dragon.)" My father corrected. "Galbatorix would want it. The Varden bred six stones before the dragons started to be murdered along with their riders, this one is to be carried and reach its rider." My father explained.

"Who is the rider?" I asked my father staring at the stone in front of me.

"We do not know, only the dragon does." He told me before he made a move to put it back into Aneira's saddle bag.

"May I hold it?" I asked before he out it back.

"Huildr? (Hold?)" He questioned turning back to me still holding it in his hands.

"Eka weohnata néiat jierda du skulblaka stenr. (I will not break the dragon stone.)" I reassured him.

My father let me hold it with his help with slight hope in his eyes. No one was prepared for what happened next.

The stone in my father's and my hands cracked and my father carefully set it on the ground, and my mother set me on my feet. A small dragon broke out of the shell and trotted towards me and looked up at me and tilted its head in a very cute manner. I reached out to pet it on the head but all I got in return was a stinging sensation in my left hand and when I looked at it I had a gedwëy ignasia (shining palm) like my father on my left palm.

*Four Years later*

Since that attack when I was six my father had more than dedicated his life to training me with Zoltan, my dragon. Although I was to be taught and trained as an infant I was still under prepared for any threatening attacks and my father sought it his duty to keep pushing me until I could defend myself like I was now. I also no longer wore the dresses my mother made for me anymore but a small leather like tunic and a long sleeved dark green shirt with a thinly strapped cotton shirt under it all with black boy pants and darkly tanned boots.

"Move don't just stand Thena!" My father shouted as he came at me with the make shift wooden sword.

I was only ten and was learning to block attacks physically as well as mentally and being pushed to my limit just to stretch it. By now we would have been practicing for hours now with swords.

I blocked his strike with an upper thrust of my own sword. But he used his strength against me and pushed against our connected swords, making me stubble back. I had no retort about this since Urgals and not to mention Galbatorix would have no sympathy on me no matter how old or small I was.

'Breathe little one and concentrate on his movements, look at his body not his face it'll tell you what move will be made next.' Came the strong voice of my dragon, and I did as I was told and studied my father's body movements and not his face.

'Much help was needed, I'm grateful for the hint Zoltan.' I thanked him and blocked another one of my father's attacks and swiveled my wooden sword around his enough for me to twist my body so that I was to his left now and facing him still.

"Keep using your foot work you'll need it." My father commented.

"Thank you father." I said looking at his hands and arm movements.

"Vanyalí. (Magic.)" My father instructed the change in battle as he discarded his as well.

"Reisa du adurna, iet tauthr. (Lift the water, follow me.)" I commanded the water in the wooden bucket next to the entrance of the house. I spread the water as a shield in the air, but one I could see through as it had a green glow to it because of my magic.

"Brisingr! (Fire!)" Was my father's first move to counter mine.

"Skölir eka fra brisingr! (Shield me from fire!)" I countered. "Gëuloth du brisingr, deloi moi! (Dull the fire, Earth change!)" I added while letting my magic dull the fire that was quickly evaporating the water and then molded the Earth so that it dragged my father under until his hands where covered.

"Well done Thena. Deloi moi. (Earth change.)" He pulled his self out of the ground with his magic.

"Inside both of you time to eat!" My mother yelled at us sporting a wide smile that lit her ever green eyes up while her dark brown hair whipped in the wind from the door way of the cottage that we lived in, far from the Varden and Empire.

"Yes my dear." My father told her also sporting a wide smile that put light into his brown eyes.

That night was our last meal as a family, as a whole without anyone missing with comfort filling the air and the smell of my mother's cooking filling the air along with my father's words of wisdom and a sense of pride in my training. That is until we all heard the dreaded sound of another dragon that wasn't either of ours sound a battle cry in the dead of night as we got ready to sleep our days work away.

"Aria run and get Thena!" My father ordered as he ran outside to face what he must have for me to survive.

"Thena run out back and get Zoltan and fly as far away as you can but do not turn back if we do not come for you and take this sword." She told me only at the age of ten. "Always remember me and your father love you and will always love you no matter that choices you make or the things you will come to do my daughter, dautr du Shur'tugal (daughter the Dragon Rider)." Were the last words that were spoken to me from her.

She told me to do so then ran to get weapons to fight, her bow and sword. I ran out back to find Zoltan saddled and already waiting for me, his side bags packed with a five changes of clothes, money, the sword my father forged and named for me while also casting it with some of his magic, food and water to last me but a week, and a bow with arrows for someone way bigger than I was.

'Your father wishes for us to fly out of Northern Du Weldenvarden.' Zoltan informed me.

'Zoltan will my father and mother be unharmed?' I asked already knowing the answer but it wasn't one Zoltan was ready to tell me.

'I do not know little one, but my duty is to keep my rider safe from harm so I shall do as your father says.' Zoltan responded but before he did I had to do something.

I acted on impulse and jumped from Zoltan and ran as fast as my legs would carry me to the front of the cottage to aid my father. When I got there Zoltan was very angry with me but didn't make any move and risk exposure to the enemy.

"Fainin, the Great Rider, the Lord of all Dragon Riders, so weak even now." I heard a man's voice say. "Ie wilae yauna onr lifa.(I will take your life.)" He said in the Ancient Language.

I had seen my mother who was on the ground now lifeless with blood pooling around her head and her bow thrown but a few feet in front of her but there was nothing I could do to help I was just a child with uncompleted training. I also saw a tall man who spoke the words I'd heard earlier. He had broad shoulders with raven black hair that would have given him the appearance of a decent man but instead his intentions seemed anything but decent. His eyes couldn't be seen in the dark but I could sense that they'd be filled with hate, the lust for power, and blood lust as did his red dragon.

"Fate will come to claim you Morzan and it will not be so kind to you for what you've done to your fellow riders." My father spoke with blood on his lower lip and now with Morzan's sword to his throat and my father's to his as they stood.

"You will die Fainin make no mistake about that." Morzan spoke.

"Not without a fight Morzan, never without a fight." My father said.

My father was skilled with a sword and with magic as well but Morzan had summoned black magic that my father was weakened by although not by much. They fought for what seemed like hours but I knew it was but minutes, then again only minutes until someone's life would be taken.

'Thena let us take our leave now! Your father will be infuriated if he found you did not take to the sky yet.' Zoltan scolded me.

'I have to see it Zoltan my father will win he has to or I fear Alagaësia will not be the same whence he is gone.' I told him.

As our bickering came to an end so did one of the warriors in front of my eyes. A simple slice of a sword brought him down and ended his life. I didn't regret watching this for I wanted to see the fate of such a warrior worth fighting. He fell hard and it seemed as if time had stopped as did my heart. Acting on impulse I threw myself from my spot next to the cottage and out in to the open.

"Father!" I screamed the water from my eyes clouding my vision to the extent where I could no longer see the danger I was now in, now exposed.

As my father's blood dropped and he fell to the ground so did Aneira. Her cries filled the air and struck at my heart as did the sight I was witnessing. I felt like it was all a nightmare and that my mother would soon wake me from the pain that wrenched at my heart and threatened to make it stop beating. Pain consumed me body and I felt as if I was dying instead of my father. As the first tear fell in that second I saw the light go out of his eyes and Aneira's cries stopped as the light left her eyes as well.

Zoltan saved me by surprising the man called Morzan by roaring only a roar made for a dragon in the heat of an age old battle. Zoltan scooped me up from the spot I was on and took to the sky with amazing speed to lose our enemies.

'Hold on Thena I will fly as high as possible to lose them both. I'm sorry for the loss of your parents, deeply sorry please understand it is my duty to protect my rider do not be angry with me Thena.' Zoltan pleaded with me and I acknowledged him by simply telling him I was not upset with him he was trying to spare me from the heart ache of witnessing what I did but I didn't want to listen.

"Sé mor'ranr ono finna, stydja.(May you find peace, rest.)" I spoke for my parents as tears slipped down my ten year old nose and down Zoltan's scales.

Going to the Varden wasn't something my father would have suggested because he saw traders there and they were to be eradicated but never were. I was now an outcast for the rest of my years if I didn't find a way to help myself. Although I couldn't go to the Varden it didn't mean I couldn't send Ajihad news of what happened and of my safety. I knew not where Zoltan and I where to go but I knew we couldn't return to the place I was raised nor the place my father felt was where rebels against the Empire gathered, it was a start at the least.

Hoped this was good I just couldn't get it out of my head. Okay time for pronouncing my characters names . (I really hope this is not confusing I'm trying my best so pronunciation is close to what it is supposed to sound like)

Aneira (Thena's, father's dragon)- 'An' is pronounced exactly like the word 'an'; 'eir' is like 'ear'; 'a' is like the 'u' in 'up' just the 'u' not the 'p'.

Thena (narrator & main character)- 'Then' is pronounced somewhat like the word 'then'; 'a' is pronounced like the 'u' in 'up' also just like in Aneira.

Aria (Thena's mother)- 'Ar' is pronounced like the word 'are'; 'i' is like a long 'e' as in peewee; 'a' is like the rest of the a's above like the 'u' in 'up'.

Fainin (Thena's father and said lord/leader/king of the dragon riders but more of a leader than king)- 'Fain' is like 'pain' but with an 'f' instead of a 'p'; 'in' is exactly like the word 'in'.

Zoltan (Thena's dragon)- 'Zol' is like the Spanish word for sun which is 'Sol' but with a 'Z' instead of an 's'; 'tan' is just like the kind of tan you get at the beach.