Thank you all my lovely readers! I never thought I'd actually get this far and I'm sorry for the long wait that I really have no good excuse for.

Lies that Come With Loving You

Chapter 16 No Different

*Two hours later*

'Now we are to see him.' Zoltan stated as we left my room with a basket with fruit and a quarter loaf of bread and a glass bottle of water with a spout and a cork and with my satchel on my shoulder with medical needs if he was hurt.


Zoltan did not answer back but instead lead me to where they were keeping Murtagh and stayed close by the doors when the guards let me pass, but did not follow me inside.

I took a deep breath and opened the door and stepped in. The room was well lit and I could see him sitting at a desk with his head bent as if reading something.

"Is it supper already?" He asked without looking up.

"Not supper but maybe something to eat." I said pursing my lips to the side and took in the whole view of the cozy room.

"And what do I owe this pleasure milady?" He asked, now standing up looking at me with hard eyes with sarcasm thick in his voice.

"Would you like something to eat?" I asked in a dead tone and my lips now set in a thin line.

"No, and why would someone as important as yourself be serving a prisoner like myself? Isn't the lady concerned for her wellbeing? It wouldn't be hard to injure you with no one else here." He said grimly.

"Important, yes, weak, no, and being able to injure me would prove to be a great feat on anyone's behalf." I said and sighed. "I understand how you can hold a grudge and be outraged and even want to lash out at me but there is nothing I can do to change anything and if I could I wouldn't." I said.

"Grudge? Outraged? Lash out?" He mocked. "Being outraged is as far away of what I'm feeling as is happy is to being miserable! Why did you come? As you said you can't change anything so why come to explain anything to me? Don't you have anywhere else to be, Queen?" He ranted.

"Insults and mockery aren't going to get me to leave. I came to explain." I said offering up the basket with a quirked eyebrow.

He took it and set it on the desk.

"What exactly needs to be explained?" He asked with a grim expression that was wiped clean of any other emotion.

"A lot, Do you mind?" I asked pointing to a spare chair.


"Where would you have me start?" I said taking a seat and looking over his face, grim, bleak, like stone.

"The beginning would be good, if I were to listen."

"My journey into being a dragon rider started when I was six. Four years my father taught me the Ancient ways of the dragon rider. Four years we lived together in peace as best we could. This was until a rider named Morzan came to visit our home one night." I looked at Murtagh when I said this, his expression was stoic but the look in his eyes told all, yet he said nothing. "My life took a turning point there, and I came to the Varden. I learned the secret arts of the Dragon Rider for many years until my training was sufficient enough so that I would be fine on my own during hiding and missions." I stopped for a moment then continued while breaking off a piece of bread, fruit, and water, offering it to Murtagh which he took and sat them somewhere not taking notice to them. "Through the years Zoltan and I grew close, as close as Dragon and Rider could ever be, and I only ever had one companion but in an encounter with Urgals he was lost." I stopped to hear any reaction Murtagh had to my short, almost bland story.

Instead of saying anything he simply averted his gaze to the floor as if it was going to wither under his stare.

"Why are you here? Is it to tell me that my father killed your family? Is your goal to tell me this in hopes of me apologizing for him? I will not, because I did not choose him as a father." He finally spoke with his hands in his lap.

"I'm not looking for an apology or sympathy you will not give. I feel no ill will towards you and if anything hope you the best upon your journey throughout life, but not matter how much I do not despise you it seems others will never think of it as you will." I explained.

"That is such like a Saint." He scoffed.

"I'm no Saint as much as you are." I said huffing in distaste of his attitude but how could I expect him to act any different?

He chuckled in a sarcastic way and looked up at me.

"How can you not feel any ill will towards me?" He said standing up to tower over me.

"Would you like me to?" I asked with a raised eye brow.

"Few people feel it wise to not befriend me. Are you sure that you should befriend me?" He asked and I stood to meet his gaze even though he still towered over me.

"How could I not, of course your attitude is so enthralling." I said rather sarcastically as I stared into his eyes until one of us looked away.

"Enthralling wouldn't be the word I would use." He said in a deep controlled voice.

The door behind me opened and a guard stepped in. "Milady there is someone here requesting your presence." He spoke as he eyed Murtagh as if he was a snake that was too close to me and he could strike at any moment.

"I will be out, give me a moment." I responded.

"Yes milady." He said and once again left me and Murtagh alone.

"I will be back tomorrow at sunset." I told him.

"Why?" He questioned.

"To talk, why else?" I said, and then took my leave.

"My father requests your presence, he says it's urgent." Nasuada said as soon as I closed the heavy door behind me.

Short, yes I know. I'm still interested in writing this story but I don't think I can say this for my other stories.