Author's Note: Hey everyone, I finally got to update! Sorry it took so long, and hopefully I'll be able to keep updating at least once a week from now on if I get around to it. This is personally my favorite chapter of the story so far, so I hope you enojoy it! Also if you don't understand something, feel free to ask me about it, but if you're pretty familliar with Tsubasa then you should get it. Be sure to send me a review and keep checking for updates, cus the story's getting good! lol :D
The Adventures of Kamui and Subaru
Chapter 3 – Celes
Kamui and Subaru fell out of the portal from the sky into the first dimension. They both screamed, Subaru like a little girl, and he held on to Kamui the whole time until they landed head first onto hard ice and cracked their heads. Fortunately they were vampires, so they could recover almost instantly, though they still had a few bruises. Then Subaru whimpered to Kamui:
Subaru: Ow! Kamui, I have a headache and bunch of boo boos! Kiss them!
Subaru started crying and sucking his thumb. Kamui got up and scowled at Subaru and pushed him back down onto the ice.
Kamui: This wasn't how I wanted to start our journey! Now get up and stop acting like a four year old!
Subaru: But you're the one who pushed me down!
Kamui: Subaru, don't even get me started! I have no idea where we are, so you have to work with me! If that's even possible…
Subaru: Well where are we supposed to start? We're in the middle of nowhere.
Kamui: Yeah, I've kinda noticed. Let's start walking around and maybe we'll find someone. There's mountains heading west, so maybe there's a town at the bottom of it. Let's go.
Kamui and Subaru walked for a couple minutes through the barren ice land heading for the snow-capped mountains when they saw a tall figure in the distance approach them. From what they could see through the thick snowfall, the man had a bushy white overcoat and a staff.
Subaru: Hey look, there's a guy who might be able to help us!
Then Subaru started running towards him.
Kamui: Subaru wait! Ugh, this is why we get into these messes…
Subaru: Hey dude! Can you tell us where we are?
Man: Hello, I can see that you're not from around here. My name is Fai, and you're in Celes.
Kamui finally caught up with Subaru.
Kamui: Hey, sorry if my brother was bothering you. We're travelers and we just need to know where we are and if there's anywhere we can stay.
Fai: That's ok, I just told your brother that you're in Celes. Unfortunately, this is a bad time for you guys to be traveling here, but I can take you back to my place so you guys can get some rest. My name is Fai, by the way.
Kamui: Thanks Fai. My name is Kamui, and this is Subaru my twin brother.
Subaru: HI FAI!
Kamui: He has short-term memory loss, so if he's acting stupid that's why.
Subaru: Hey!
Just as he was about to slap Subaru, Kamui thought he saw a look of sadness in Fai's eyes for a moment.
Kamui: Hey, are you okay?
Fai: Yeah, let's get going.
~ At Seishirou's Hideout ~
Seishirou was at his super-secret hideout looking at a magical watch on his wrist. Through it, he could watch the twins on their journey. He smiled evilly and started to laugh.
Seishirou: Hm, so they're traveling dimensions are they? We'll see just how far they get. With my vampire powers, I'll now be able to catch up with them as quickly as they can run away from me. They won't have a chance now that I can catch them. I've been waiting years for this…my ultimate plan to become immortal will be complete! Mwahahaha –
Fuuma: Seishirou, what are you doing? You sound like you're on crack again.
Seishirou: Oh, hi Fuuma. As you can see, your older brother has finally succeeded in hunting a vampire! And what's best, the vampire I got the blood from has a twin, so I'll surely live forever! And with my tracker, I can see everywhere they go so I can stalk them even more! Mwahahaha –
Fuuma: Okay Seishirou, I get it. And again, I don't really care what you do. I'm a treasure hunter, not a vampire hunter. I'm going away for awhile.
Seishirou: Where?
Fuuma: I don't know, anywhere I might find valuable treasures.
Seishirou: Whatever, I've got my eye on the most valuable treasures right now, something more valuable than gold…immortality!
Without replying, Fuuma left the hideout in search of his treasures.
~ Back at Fai's place ~
Fai: Here's some snacks and blankets. Hopefully this fire is warm enough for you guys.
Subaru: You bet it is! This is the most awesomest castle ever!
Kamui: Yeah, thanks for everything.
Fai: No problem. Do you mind if I ask why you guys are traveling?
Kamui: Well, Subaru kindof started this little problem back in the world we came from, so let's just say we're running away from this guy who's been stalking us. We've just started our journey and this is the first world we've come to.
Fai: That sounds tough. Unfortunately, you may want to leave this world as soon as possible.
Subaru: Why?
Fai: There's been a mysterious killer here around Celes lately. No one really knows for sure who it is. He picks off innocent civilians one by one, and he needs to be stopped. Unfortunately, we don't have that much information on him just yet, because anyone who confronts him always ends up killed.
Subaru: Ahhhhh! Me scared!
Kamui: Shut up and let him finish!
Fai: But don't worry, I'm a wizard and I'm going after the killer.
Subaru: Why? Aren't you afraid that you're going to die?
Kamui: Weren't you afraid you were going to die when you gave – well, you know…
Subaru: ?
Kamui: O_o
Fai: Uh, anyway, I have a strong magical ability unlike the other civilians of this town, so hopefully I'll be able to defeat the killer sometime soon. But if I were you guys, I wouldn't stay here too long. You don't want two stalkers on your backs.
Kamui: Yeah, we weren't planning on staying long anyway. He might catch up…
There was a long pause until King Ashura came into the room.
King Ashura: Hello Fai, excuse me for interrupting. Who are your guests?
Fai: Hello your majesty, please come in. This is Kamui and Subaru. They're traveling dimensions to get away from a stalker. It kindof sounds like the killer we have here.
King Ashura: Yes, it does. If you two are friends of Fai, you're welcome to stay here as long as you need. Our castle is heavily protected, so you should be safe here.
Kamui: Thanks, we'll try not to stay too long. We have to get going as soon as possible.
King Ashura: Fai, please show them to their room.
Fai: Of course.
~ Later that night ~
It was 11:59 p.m. Subaru couldn't sleep for his fear of Seishirou and the killer on the loose, so he just laid there, staring out the window. Suddenly out of the corner of his eye, Subaru thought he saw the shadowy figure of a man outside his window. He was still half asleep, so he couldn't tell exactly who it was, but he could just make out the sword he was holding and an evil smile on the man's face. Then as the clock struck 12, he saw the man begin to say something, and heard the words in the back of his mind: I'm coming for you, and there will be no escape. That did it for Subaru. He sat up from the bed and started to scream.
Kamui: (sleepily) Subaru – (yawn) what is it now?
Just then Fai came running into the room.
Fai: What's wrong!? I heard you scream!
Subaru: T-t-th-the-ki-kill-killer!
Subaru pointed to window where he had seen the figure of the man, but there was nothing to be seen outside but stars.
Fai: Huh?
Subaru: He-he's gone!
Kamui: I knew something like this would happen. Sorry about that, he's a little paranoid. Or a lot.
Subaru: But it's true! I saw the killer outside the window holding a sword! And he whispered something and I heard it in the back of my mind –
Kamui: That's enough with your childish games Subaru! Go back to sleep and stop worrying over nothing!
Subaru began to whimper as he held his blanket over his mouth.
Fai: This might have been my fault. I guess I shouldn't have told you about the killer.
Subaru: THE KILLER! What if it's Seish –
Kamui: Quiet you. Anyway, it's not you're fault Fai. Subaru's just a baby, but he'll get over it eventually.
Fai: Still, I'm very sorry about worrying you, Subaru.
Subaru: Don't apologize, just say that you believe me!
King Ashura: What's going on in here?
Subaru: Ahhh!
Subaru hid his head under the covers.
King Ashura: Are you alright?
Subaru: Uh, yeah, you just startled me for a second.
King Ashura: There's no need to worry. We've stationed guards at every corner of the castle, so I can assure that there will be no signs of the killer tonight.
Kamui: Thanks, he'll be okay now.
King Ashura: Alright, goodnight.
Fai walked out of the room with Ashura following behind. But as he walked out, Ashura flashed an evil smile at Subaru. Subaru cringed as the King closed the door.
Subaru: Kamui, I wanna leave this place right now!
Kamui: Look you idiot, stop embarrassing me and making yourself look like a retard. Seriously, what is your problem?
Subaru: I don't know, something about that King Ashura guy just creeps me out…
Kamui: What are you talking about? He's the nicest King ever! He doesn't even know us and he offered us to stay here as long as we want!
Subaru: But it just seems like there's something wrong with him...
Kamui: Subaru, there's something wrong with YOU. Look, we're leaving in the morning anyway, so just go to sleep and stop worrying. And don't mention to anyone that we're vampires! You almost spilled our secret back there!
Subaru: Sorry Kamui, I'll try my best.
Kamui didn't reply after that. Subaru tried to go back to sleep, and even though he didn't see the figure of the man again that night, he couldn't sleep thinking about the words he had heard in the back of his head a few moments ago. And little did he know that Ashura was listening to their whole conversation outside the door.
Fai: I hope you've enjoyed your stay here. I wish you guys wouldn't have to go so soon, but I guess it's for the best. And again, I'm very sorry about last night.
Kamui: Don't worry about it.
Subaru didn't say anything.
King Ashura: Thank you for staying at my palace. We wish you the best of luck on you journey.
Kamui: Thanks, and good luck with the killer.
King Ashura: Don't worry, he'll be gone in no time with Fai around.
Fai: Hehe…(smiles sheepishly)
A new portal opened up and Kamui and Subaru stepped into it.
Fai: Goodbye!
Subaru waved goodbye, and as he did he saw King Ashura flash an evil smile once more, but shook it off as he told himself it wouldn't matter once they got to the next world.