Pink Plants and the Constable's Pants.
I do NOT own Murdoch Mysteries, so n disrespect to Maureen Jennings who does. I just own Addie Bradstreet and the potted pansies.
Addie sat at her cramped little desk, her brow furrowed as she glared at a small pink potted pansy flower that stood lonesomely next to a pile of criminal's records. This activity in it's entirety was a little odd, but even more so was the fact that Addie had been glancing worriedly over to the tiny plant for the best of three hours since her mother had brought it in, much to the amusement of George, Higgins and the rest of the lads.
Of course THEY would think it was funny at 28 year old woman staring daggers at a potted pansy. Addie being Addie, didn't. There had been the occasional snicker now and then, but she wasn't having any of it.
"What?" Addie finally demanded, not taking her eyes off of the pink flower, like it was some deadly criminal out to get her.
"Are you alright?" Higgins asked, trying miserably to contain his childish giggles. George elbowed him lightly as an indication to shut up.
More minutes of silence went by, until with out warning Addie leapt up out of her chair, sending said piece of furniture flying right in to Inspector Brackenried's path.
"What the?" Brackenried half shouted. Giving no explanation to her sudden outburst, Addie grabbed the pink pill coloured flower and jumped over the barrier that separated their desks from the front desk, resulting in gasps of amazement from the lads.
"Wow…" Higgins muttered, watching as the woman threw open a window and flung out the defenceless flower. Shutting the window behind her, the maveric young lady constable took her place back at her desk and flicked through a file as if nothing had happened.
The lads glanced around each other in awe, while the inpector frowned at Detective Murdoch.
"I'm getting to old for this." Brackenried grunted, walking back to his office.
George and Higgins stared at their friend, not knowing what to say. Finally George broke the scilence "Umm Addie... what..." He still didn't know what to say. Addie looked up, took one glance of the entire station's facial expression's and gave them the biggest grin any one had ever seen.
"I hate pansies." Addie smiled at them. George shook his head and laughed, as Higgins walked away shaking his head all the way.
"You know," George said walking up to his strange little friend "You never cease to amaze me."
"That dear George, is what I do best!"