Title: The suave art of seduction

Summary: Throughout the years Albus Dumbledore encounters Minerva McGonagall in certain compromising positions. Lemony.

Disclaimer: JKR – not me.

AN: So JK says Albie is gay! Weeelll, that might prove a tad problematic if one were to think in a straight line (pun intended ) – but who wants to do that! Here is an Albie, probably not really sure about his orientation himself – something-sexual with a considerable steer toward a certain black-haired Scottish witch (nudge nudge wink wink). Enjoy

~Hogwarts 1943

Albus Dumbledore gave a short laugh as he gave his companion a look that clearly stated that although he was amused he was likewise slightly offended. Horace Slughorn, proud owner of obscene, perverted jokes, took no notice of this and continued his own mirthful laughter as the two professors climbed the long staircase leading to the top of the Astronomy Tower. Although Albus found Horace to be an excellent potions master, he found that his colleague was somehow lacking in the department of diplomacy – an absence that would emerge daily through his joke-telling in the staffroom and unfortunately for Albus, Horace had been employing this habit of his for the last half hour. And this had resulted in Albus finding himself in a consistently state of embarrassedly blushing and feeling slightly perturbed. And once every second joke he would laugh uncomfortably and Horace would smile and continue his debauchery stories of wayward witches, gyratory goblins and sly Slytherins. Really, the man was an enigma upon himself.

Albus quickly swept up the stairs, hoping the increased tempo would delay another story of leering leprechauns and he smiled inwardly as he heard the short, plump mans heavy breathing behind him. Thank Merlin for the wonder of breath-stealing stairs and badly-shaped potionsmasters. So far the corridors and dungeons of the castle had been quiet and desolate, and the two professors had yet to catch any students out after curfew. Reaching the landing of stairs and the top of the tower, Albus waited for Horace to catch up with him before he opened the heavy wooden door. Horace smiled despite his labored breathing and when he reached Albus, they both went through the door to the Astronomy Tower. And both professors stopped breathing and both looked wide-eyed upon the two half-naked students that leapt away from each other at the sudden loud noise of the opening door.

Albus was mesmerized from the moment he stepped through the door as the soft glow of white curvy skin assaulted his eyes. He forgot to breathe as he was captivated for a small moment by the luminous radiance of a pair of fair-skinned long legs, alabaster creamed thighs and the beautiful shine of a toned stomach. He lifted his gaze and found his breath caught in his throat as he watched the swell of breasts barely concealed by the black of a bra. He watched the play of black hair against the white skin, saw strands lying playfully between the inner slopes of pale breasts and immediately felt a stirring in his lower regions, and he felt how this hot, humid sensation crawled throughout his body, coiling in his spine and prickling in his stomach. And when he looked into her dark eyes and remembered her name he felt a rush of excitement travel from his head to his toes and he would have continued to gaze upon the exposed skin if he had not also remembered his own position and that of the enthralling female. As awareness of the situation finally settled in his mind, he quickly averted his gaze and looked upon the figure of the shirtless boy. And somehow the sight of Tom Riddle standing there, a certain slouch to his position and a smug look in his dark eyes, was alike an incentive to reality and Albus felt another stirring – one that lit flames of resentment in its wake. And as such the image of Tom Riddle was what prodded the professor from his entrancement, like cold water rushing through his veins and leaving the feeling of ice in his heart. All in all it had only been a few seconds since the opening of the door into the Astronomy Tower before Albus raised his voice and scolded the two errant students, the potionsmasters still standing next to him, his mouth agape with shock.

"Mr. Riddle, Miss McGonagall! What in the world were you thinking! – No, don't answer that," he directed at the black-haired girl who had nervously opened her mouth but shut it closed the moment he looked at her.

"Sir," Tom Riddle started, his slithering voice at once underlined with false submissiveness and his eyes suddenly becoming two pools of innocence and remorse. Albus felt his anger rousing and turned his hands into fists at his side. But before he could negate Tom Riddle, Horace interrupted.

"Riddle, I advise you to keep your mouth sealed," Horace started as he looked gravely upon the two students, "and start marching back to your dormitory this instance… Now". Horace looked to Albus then, "Albus, I'll leave you to deal with Miss McGonagall - Goodnight" and before Albus could get a word in edgewise; the potionsmaster had left the room followed by a more or less subdued Tom Riddle.

Albus would gladly have changed places with Horace at that moment as he was forced to once again look upon the still half-naked body of Minerva McGonagall. And he found that situation to be pure torture in that instance, enthralling and alluring as she was. It was rather cruel for fate to tempt him so, twisted to suddenly turn a much cherished student of his into this creature of beauty. It was disastrous for his once rather innocent feelings to be turned into these myriads of lustful emotions, torturous to suddenly realize that his student had left behind girlhood and entered into the fascinating terrain of adulthood, matured into a curvy figure with long alluring legs that begged to be touched, full-formed lips that were just waiting to be kissed –

Albus mentally shook himself and begged his perverted thoughts to back down, along with a certain lower member of his body. Clearing his throat somewhat awkwardly he tried to act as he would have done in any other situation and as if he had not discovered the wonder of the female body suddenly materializing in a student. It was not as if he had never noticed students before, but he would have rationally analyzed that they had changed in the summer holidays and had grown into rather pretty witches. Never before had he been so assaulted by desire, this yearning deep in his bones. It ached, painfully.

As he got back to his senses he noticed the goosebumps upon her white flesh and instantly realized that she must be freezing. Silently he approached her; strictly keeping his eyes locked upon her face and went to drape her in his outer heavy cloak.

"Can't have you shivering to death before I can administer your detentions, now can we," he stated softly, his hands lingering upon her now covered shoulders longer than was appropriate. The girl looked up at him through thick dark lashes and mumbled a quiet thank you as she encircled the heavy cloth around her slender figure.

"Professor," she started her voice suddenly loud in the silent, dark balcony of the room. Albus swallowed and tried to regulate his breathing. He had to act normal – normal and appropriately. But he found it hard to tear his eyes away from the blossoming shade of dark red lips slightly protruded in the process of forming words. He found the lull of dark pools of midnight hard to resist as he looked directly into her eyes.

"Miss McGonagall, I think we should take this conversation to my office. I for one do not feel in the mood to discuss your love life and your consequently breaking of school rules in this dark, cold place."

Albus gave her a grave look mostly originating from anger directed at himself. He quickly steered the still silent student towards the door and walked behind her as they marched down the long winding staircase.

He berated himself immensely then as he found his gaze glued to the shape walking in front of him, eyes fastened in particular to the curvy sway he could distinguish now and then under his heavy cloak. This was torment. This was wrong and perverted. In despair he forced his eyes to lock upon the black tresses of hair curling and flowing lightly as his student descended the stairs. Once they reached the third floor landing, he quickly walked ahead of her along the corridors and sighed as finally the image of her was no longer in front of his eyes. Neither of them spoke as they walked through the dark deserted corridors, the echo of their swift footsteps eerily trailing their path. Once every now and then he would turn his head to make sure she was still behind him, and every time he would curse himself as her dark, beautiful eyes met his.

Upon reaching his office he sighed once again somehow put to ease for a little while by the comfort of the familiarity. In here he could hide behind the title of his profession, something he had felt was overwhelmed by his dark thoughts in the distant, dark Astronomy Tower. In here he could focus on the problem at hand and act his part. He strode across the office floor, swiftly producing crackling emerald flames in the fireplace as he swept by. Coming to a stand behind his desk he directed the girl to take a seat opposite him. He immediately felt the spirit of educator mode set in by the separation of a proper desk between them and for the first time that evening he felt his shoulders relax as he returned to the well-known role of Albus Dumbledore, paternal transfiguration teacher.

He looked up and in a horrifying instant his world was turned upside down again. He mentally cursed upon realizing that the student was just as tantalizing and attractive as she had been in the dark, secluded Tower.

"Professor may I speak?" she spoke in a low, sultry tone, breaking through his daze. She gazed straight into his eyes, and he found those dark orbs mysteriously unreadable.

"Of course," he answered automatically although he wished he could tell her to go back to her dormitory, and to stay away from him till she graduated. But that was a stupid wish – it was not her fault that her old coot of a teacher couldn't keep his wayward, improper thoughts under control.

"I apologize for breaking the curfew rules sir," she told him with a repentant grimace that was somehow contradicted by the slight narrowing of her eyes. Most likely the remorse was only for actually getting caught.

"Apology accepted," he told her nonetheless and continued in a more somber voice, "But I still feel inclined to take 50 points from Gryffindor and give you detention."

She looked a bit crestfallen at first but the expression was quickly transformed into a dark pout. Albus couldn't help noticing how stunningly gorgeous she looked despite that sudden glower of what was to be believed unmerited punishment. Quite occupied by these traitorous thoughts, he was rather taken back with the line of her next spoken words.

"Slughorn will most likely feel inclined to give points to Tom you know!"

Albus looked aghast at her and briefly wondered when his favorite, rule-abiding pupil had started questioning her superiors. She was usually so reserved.

"I am sure Professor Slughorn will give an appropriate punishment for Mr. Riddle, now – " he started but was interrupted by another atypical exclamation.

"Bullocks – Professor Slughorn will share a good joke with Tom about the conquest of Gryffindors and that'll be it!"

Somehow the path of the conversation, of what was supposed to be a reprimanding talk, had gotten out of hand and gone on a rampant chord.

"Miss McGonagall – what has gotten into you! Are you trying to pin more detentions on your record!" He opted for an intimidation tactic, hoping to steer the dialogue in a more safe direction.

But her eyes blazed with aggravation and it only steered her voice to a louder and more sardonic level; "Detention for speaking the truth sir!that's a little too conservative even for you."

He couldn't believe his own ears but she was actually mocking him; "Detention for insolence and disrespect towards your teachers then and – "

"I am merely pointing to the fact that Slughorn will not be taking any points from Slytherin!" she interrupted again before he could finish his sentence.

Albus abruptly saw the whole absurdity of the situation and gave a little laugh. And he couldn't stop from making a teasing comment;

"And you know this how? I had the distinct impression, Miss McGonagall, that you deem divination to be utter nonsense!"

She seemed exasperated, and she was directing a dark glare at him.

"Professor! I am basing this on mere logic!"

"And I am taking a further 10 points," it slipped from his lips before he could think about it. It came as a surprise to the dark-haired girl as well, her eyes widening and her mouth suddenly half-open. But the surprise was rapidly exchanged for enragement and her dark eyes became even more shadowy as they sparkled with anger. Albus felt captivated by the play of different, flickering emotions across her face and watched in wonder then as her soft lips unexpectedly turned into a smirk and her eyes danced intensely.

"I saw you looking," she spoke once again looking at him from under her lashes, her eyes also unreadable again. The short words went through him like a current of painful voltage.

"I beg your pardon," he croaked and instantly felt tense.

"I saw you looking at me" she repeated but this time her lips seemed to sensually caress the words as she spoke and her eyes twinkled darkly.

In which universe, and in which timeframe had sweet little Minerva McGonagall turned into this dark creature of sinister beauty? He had no idea who was sitting opposite him.

"Miss McGonagall," he attempted in sheer panic to end a potential dangerous road "will you please stop this nonsense and return to bed. Detention 8-o-clock Friday evening – my office. End of discussion." He rose from his position and waited expectedly for his student to comply and quietly return to her normal self. Nothing of the sort happened.

Indeed she rose as well but instead of walking toward the exit, she moved leisurely toward him, her dark eyes holding his in an entranced gaze.

"Sir you were looking," and when she was but mere inches from him, his heavy cloak suddenly fell from her shoulders and was left pooling on the floor, leaving him to the view of bare flesh once again. He swallowed.

"Miss – " he started and in an attempt to keep a distance between them he took hold of her shoulders so he could stop her from advancing any further towards him. Another mistake on his part he immediately realized as his hands came into contact with the soft skin of her shoulders. This was wrong. And in his momentary stupor the girl came even closer and he was assaulted by the delicious aroma of lavender and the essence of her female scent. Albus felt his body instantly reacting to this close proximity. She was too close for comfort, too close for it to be proper. This was outrageous, perverted and so wrong. He knew it, and sure as hell she was aware of this as well. He could feel the soft hum of warmth emanating from her body, he could see the languidly rise and fall of her chest as her nearly-naked breasts suddenly came closer into view.

"Even now you are looking ... professor" the last was added only as a devious afterthought and Albus watched her dark features dancing with delight.

What happened next was something borne out of his subconscious, something that came from the darkest reaches of his mind and something he was too shocked by to stop it from occurring. One minute he had been trapped by the intimacy of her proximity and her words and in the next moment he felt fire leap through his body and he had grasped her arms and pinned her firmly up against the wall behind him. It happened in a swift move and as he regarded her dark, suddenly astonished eyes, looking up at him anticipatively, he felt reality crashing down upon him and partly dousing the raging fire. But it only lasted a moment. He felt enraged again when he looked down at her, watching her as surprise was replaced with a unperturbed breathing and her eyes calm despite being caught between the wall and him. The corners of her full-formed lips were once again slightly curved in a seducing smirk and one eyebrow arched in dominance. It drove him over the edge that he had tethered on through the evening and in an abrupt movement he pressed his body hard against her till he heard an intake of breath and then he leaned down, leisurely trailing his lips from the curve of her jaw to her ear just barely touching her skin. He felt a shudder go through her as her breasts and hips further protruded into his abdomen and it elicited tendrils of intense heat to spread across his body in pleasure of vindication.

"Play with fire, little girl, and you get burned," Albus warned her, his voice a coalescent of danger and something darkly sweet. Exultantly he felt another quiver run through her body and felt her hot breath on his neck. All reason and sense of reality had left him and for a short-lived moment he felt sadistic and beyond boundaries but that was rapidly forgotten as he moved his head back and her dark eyes came into view. They were beyond the dark midnight now, two dark orbs that beheld him with a hue of naked desire.

Behind her radiant eyes however the emblem of the school insignia stood in stark contrast to the bleary wall. Suddenly mortified he took hold of her arms and guided her rather roughly toward the door, and with a forceful shove he deposited the somewhat baffled student on the other side and closed the door with a harsh 'Friday afternoon, Miss McGonagall, Ogg's office'.


Next encounter: Knockturn Alley 1946

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