Okay let me just start this little note with an im sorry . This year has been completely nuts for me . I was in fact getting married what would have been Dec 1st and a few months before the wedding my world imploded when the groom called the wedding off after a small altercation . So I spent the first half of my year planning a wedding and the third quarter dismantling it . ( I have a wedding dress for sale if anyone is interested)
Now on to my stories they are not discontinued a slight hiatus maybe it's been so long since I have written anything im just trying to get the hang of things again,
so please bear with me
I might even put up some none mushy lovy dovy stuff only because I am still a little bitter , and if you guys could support me in reading and reviewing those too I would greatly appreciate it .
Changing of the Guard is a story that I am going to start to update regularly basically because I love that story it's my baby
We All Want the Same Thing may take me alittle longer to get back into
And as for What Dreams May Come well you know I up that when inspiration hits, but if anyone is interested in me putting up another chap send me a PM
Thank you guys so much for the support you have given in my writing