Queen who is not a Queen; Willow Potter

I lost my original background file for this story so only have a vague idea where I planned to continue it. It is clearly abandoned, and was not well planned out from the very beginning. If someone wants to adopt the story feel free. From memory I remember some of my plans for the story if anyone is interested, but it included a lot of cringe-worthy cliches.

Chapter 6 Summary

Obviously the magical humans would not have lost all records of Willow Potter, although their stories describing her would have blue eyes with glasses, a vivid red lightning bolt scar, and black hair.

I think I planned on the Kindred knowing in general terms where the magical alley is, being somewhat capable of understanding Postal Owls since they are kindred descendants, and after she could at least stay human for a lengthy time and walk Willow will 'wander' into it and ask how to sign up for a magical school. There would be a big fuss when she says her name, the cliché of a blood test by the Goblins of the bank Gringotts proving who she is, and a shopping scene with Flitwick due to his own loose ties to the Goblins.

I'm going to pretend that James had blue eyes so they think of her as a female heroine version of James Potter in the fictional stories, given the pure-blood bigotry and slightly misogynist society not wanting to acknowledge a female mundane-born as potentially powerful. The stories might even have a heroic male sweeping her off her feet by romantically rescuing her from a dastardly villain and being showered in riches and kisses for the various happy ever afters.

Willow's yellow-green eyes with blue flecks, and dark gray transitioning to blue black hair with many silvery white streaks due to her long time transformed and elemental magic affinities would throw them off a bit, but her name would raise eyebrows and make the magical wizards and witches remember the stories about Willow Potter, vanquisher of You-know-who/ the Dark Lord.

The Kindred also noticed the magic clinging to her scar and purified it so it is not as vivid, merely a faded white on already pale skin so nearly invisible. But Willow would not have nearly as much time to adjust to human society or come up with a foolproof story before being invited to Hogwarts as was hoped, so would have to go with a version of the truth, just vaguer.

Willows magic transformed her into a magical beast when she was cold after running away during winter, she somehow traveled far from Surrey by accident, maybe riding the winds of magic somehow, and intelligent Magical beasts raised her until her magic became more unstable and she started transforming back to human randomly, so Willow sought out human magical society again in hopes of learning to control it.

I think a small chip from Mistral's birthright Jewel would be placed in her new wand from Ollivander, or maybe he would just use that as a way of measuring her affinities to find a good fit, with all wands having a small jewel of similar coloring at the base and some having one at the tip too. Or maybe there would be a socket so Magical humans who use wands can add or remove their birthright jewels from their wands as needed, and replace it with their jewel after their coming of age ceremony/ Offering to the Darkness.

I know I had an altered prophecy with the title being one of the major lines in it that would be revealed at some point to Willow/ Mistral. Something like:

The one with the power to vanquish the Dark lord approaches

Born during the seventh moon to parents who thrice defied him

A queen who is not a Queen,

a Witch of flesh made by dreams

The Dark lords will mark her as an equal or opposite

The Kindred will mark her as a savior of their kind

The one with the power to vanquish the dark lords approaches

The third, fourth and sixth line would confuse any humans, but make perfect sense to Willow when she heard it eventually. I know in the Black Jewels Triology any female with a dark jewel is given the courtesy title queen, but only become ruler Queens if they form/ choose a court and have a territory to rule over. Witch when capitalized referenced the main character; The Witch, Dreams made Flesh, Ruler of many other Queens and Warlord Princes and through that large court all the major realms eventually.

I planned for Mistral/ Willow to become a follow up savior and prophesied Chosen one not just for the humans who needed their Dark lords, both obvious and secret, vanquished. This would definitely have Dumbledore as a secret Dark Lord, an unstable Warlord Prince who hides his ambitions and mild insanity.

Mistral/ Willow would also have chosen to become a savior for Kindred, her adopted people and get a magical tattoo/ dye her fur by a Kindred using craft magic to symbolize that before the prophecy is revealed to her. Maybe like the Witch, Dreams Made Flesh who hid a horn, altered ears, eyes and other Kindred traits Mistal/Willow would also have some changes due to magic and the dreams/ desires of herself and the Kindred, even multiple forms she can transform into to represent each major Kindred species she spends time with. Acelian Cat, Wolf/ Dog, Unicorn, Giant Black Widow spiders, and large predatory birds such as Hawks or Owls will be the Kindred Mistral spent time with and has a magical form for. The Postal Owls of Wizarding Britain would be Kindred trapped in Terralle who lost most of their craft magic and intelligence, but if they are given jewels and bond with a human who follows the ways of the past they regain it eventually. So Willow's Postal Owl becomes a Kindred and secret messenger to other Kindred Flesh made by dreams and marked as savior by Kindred would make sense to Mistral/ Willow by that point.

I also know I planned to make Jewel color related to both power levels and elements, there are hints already of that in the few chapters I have written. I know blue meant water, yellow meant wind and lightning, both blue water and yellow wind creates ice which is white. Mistral is the name of a northern icy wind that I liked hearing about since it sounds like a cool name. I remember that I had a whole list of potential colors for Jewels and power levels, much more nuanced than what the Black Jewels trilogy uses, with light colors not always meaning weak but instead an elemental magic if the whole jewel was not a light color. I think the intended colors are obvious; red for fire, green for plants, brown for earth/ rocks, purple might be illusions or poison, and so on. Mistral/ Willow would end up with an Ebony Black jewel with glints of a rainbow of other colors swirling inside it after her Offering to the Darkness ceremony at age 17.

Willow would not become friends with Ronald Weasley, but be friendly acquaintances with and help the Weasly twins with their pranks. After Sirius becomes her legal magical guardian among humans with his encouragement Willow even planned out her own pranks and helped them make their pranks better and less like bullying. Neville would become a friend sooner, but not nearly as close as Hermione or Luna became. Others Willow shares classes with are acquaintances she studies with occasionally or rivals/ potential threats in the the case of Malfoy's group of Slytherins and Death Eater children.

There would be many conflicts both minor and major.

Internal and Emotional conflict as Mistral/ Willow struggles to adjust to the expectations of both humans and Kindred and control her own developing unstable power.

Outward minor conflicts due to various horny boys and jealous girls as Mistral/ Willow grew more attractive and powerful. Maybe a few thwarted attempts at rape by those horny boys that Willow viciously defended herself from knowing the possible long-term consequences and got punished by Dumbledore for.

Hogwarts house rivalries that become ridiculously dangerous at times. Teenagers are not very calm or reasonable due to their hormones after all, and magic makes that potentially deadly.

Both Dumbledore and Voldemort would be major antagonists, although Mistral/ Willow would not be able to openly oppose Dumbledore until she grew powerful enough and his facade of benevolence broke down. I probably would have Dumbledore secretly abuse his power as Headmaster of Hogwarts, Supreme Mugwump, and so on to try to manipulate, subjugate, control, undermine and/or sabotage Willow while trying to give reasonable explanations for that abuse such as 'punishing' bad behavior. I think I meant for Dumbledore to have read damaged fragments of a book detailing the history of The Witch, Dreams Made Flesh and decided that any powerful female is a potential threat to his power base and secret plans to rule Magical Britain from the shadows.

Voldemort would be an open antagonist and enemy, trying to kill Willow in elaborate mad schemes while still very weak and very insane from his first vanquishing and just general insanity of a powerful male with no anchor or code of conduct to cling to in order to manage his instincts. When Willow is 14, nearly 15 the Triwizard Tournament scheme actually succeeds and he gains a body and more power. Schemes and fights after that would be more dangerous, but although she would accumulate more scars from close encounters Willow would survive due to her desperate efforts to learn and develop her magic, actually asking for help from trusted adults and her friends, and hidden allies of the Kindred.

I know that I intended Sirius Black to be far more suggestible, insane and unstable at the start; a Warlord Prince who lost his anchor to sanity. I think I intended Lily to have secretly been his anchor, and unofficial queen/ unrequited consort even if officially she was James wife. Sirius would escape from prison in Willow's 2nd year, with Dumbledore even going to the effort of clearing his name at the end of it so Sirius can become his puppet magical guardian of Willow since his attempt to put her back with the Dursleys or even the Weasleys saw her running away during the summer after first year twice, with the second time succeeding in staying with the Kindred until summer ended and she sneaked onto the train to Hogwarts. Dobby does not try to prevent that, because the events from the 2nd and 3rd books are switched.

Willow would try to help Sirius anyway and make herself his new anchor of sanity. Due to that and his confused attempts to become her consort Sirius would start molesting Willow at some point, with her reluctant consent because he needed the close contact until he was more stable, but refusal to let him go further until she is 17 at least. Willow would eventually reveal her past living with the Kindred, and Sirius would enthusiastically help her visit their realms during any vacations if he was allowed to come and learn about those traditions and ways to keep Warlord Princes stable too. His animagus form of a dog fit right in with the Kindred once he learned how to use craft magic through his jewel and hear psychic threads even while in it.

Sirius would be the partner to have sex with Willow/ Mistral during the Offering to Darkness ceremony, but his own power as a Black Jeweled Warlord Prince and lingering instability would drive Mistral/ Willow partially into insanity herself until she came back, thus the odd Jewel coloring of Ebony Black with rainbow color glints and swirls.

I know some of the major plot points of Harry Potter would be used, especially the early ones. I think I intended this to be a fix it story as far as the general laziness, stupidity and doormat behavior to try to be 'normal' of the original Harry Potter went. But a subplot of Willow's attempts to teach her friends the old ways the Kindred remember and generally help the Kindred would be included, especially during the summers.

Sirius would not die in fifth year, the prophecy orb would be the method Willow learns her prophesy rather than Dumbledore's pensieve. Willow would not be lured there by visions but deliberately go to the Department of Mysteries because she suspects there is a prophecy referencing her and in hopes of finally revealing Voldemort's existence.

Sixth year would include a lot more training and fighting rather than solely awkward romance attempts, childish fights with friends over a book with notes written in it, and paranoid stalking of potential death eater children. But those would be included as well, mostly various boys awkwardly trying to become Willow's boyfriend and her refusing, then a few trying to rape her and her violent defense of herself. Willow would try to awkwardly romance and date Hermione and Luna as being safer options with no risk of insanity due to early penetrative sex. The book previously owned by the Halfblood Prince would still be used, but more carefully after some independent research to confirm its accuracy so there is only a small fight with Hermione quickly resolved. The paranoid stalking would have a bit more support, because it would not just be Malfoy trying nefarious things and death eater children known to spout similar views are likely to actually be helping that side of the war. Redemption is only possible if there is actual remorse and something to shatter the previous mindset and punishment for wrong actions.

Dumbledore would be revealed as a secret Dark Lord at the end of that year, Severus Snape/ Prince would not kill Dumbledore but reveal himself as a double agent serving himself and whoever the winning side is, which is still Dumbledore because he is not as insane or violent as Voldemort and actually succeeded in many of his goals.

Seventh year would not be a disastrous camping trip/ scavenger hunt for Horcruxes but an actual extended guerrilla style war on two fronts- against both Dumbledore and Voldemort. I think I would come up with some other method Voldemort used to gain his broken immortality that made him even more insane, but might have defaulted to Horcruxes if I had no better ideas, just with Willow actually being able to sense the dark magic and find them faster, but secrecy failing so there being actual guards on the Horcurxes after the first is destroyed, so fights and killing Death Eaters to get them. The Deathy Hollows and the Dues Ex Machina of the Elder Wand's allegiance would not be how Willow kills Voldemort.

The Epilogue would include actual changes to magical society. Kindred no longer hunted and killed as beasts, but accepted as sapient beings that prefer the wild over smelly human cities and society. Live and let live would be an enforced motto and set of laws. Bigotry by anyone would be forcefully removed and punished when found. There would be no unbalanced and forced relationships just to show children happily going to Hogwarts. I am not sure who I would have paired Willow with, since Sirius would also be an unbalanced relationship. Maybe I would have Willow/ Mistral have an unofficial court, with multiple consorts among the Kindred, and Hermione and Luna being known consorts/ romantic partners but no official marriage and adoptive children with reasonable names instead of forced homages to the past.

Obviously that planned story includes a ton of implied and outright cliches, a near perfect Mary Sue main character, lots of telling and summarizing rather than showing and would likely have forced awkward transitions and changes between Harry Potter and Black Jewels Trilogy material. Although I think not everything was quite so cliché when I planned it out, since everything was newer way way back then in 2010 when I started trying to write. It was also my first attempt at writing fan-fiction, which is usually full of mistakes anyway and I had no beta and barely even tried to edit it. There are still very few attempts at that crossover on this website so it seems a shame to leave it abandoned. But there is no way I am continuing it since my own knowledge and memory regarding the Black Jewels trilogy is far fuzzier now. I have read so much Harry Potter fanfiction everything seems cliché. And I have no real ideas to properly merge the two different magic systems other than my awkward attempts listed in the story and in this super summary.