So I'll admit this isn't my best piece of work and it's kind of rushed but here you go. Please review xx

Disclaimer: not mine

Welcome home

The doorbell ringing penetrated James' thoughts on his future, or lack of with a certain red headed prefect with whom he was in love with. James slid his back up the backboard of his bed and cocked his ear, listening to the voices murmuring below and trying to distinguish who was at the door.

"James! Someone's at the front door for you!" His dad bellowed, the faint trace of amusement in his voice put James on edge and he briefly wondered if he was being pranked. Nevertheless he jumped lithely off his bed and jumped down the stairs in pairs, eager to see who was at the door. He rounded the corner and found his best friend leaning against the frame of his door.

Sirius looked exhausted and worse for wear; his shiny bangs were swept to one side, revealing a fist shaped bruise ringing his right eye, further highlighted by the dark purple bags under his eyes. The other bits of his torso that James could see where cut and bleeding; James winced for him.

The two best friends stared at each other for a long moment before Sirius finally opened his mouth, "I left home."

"This is your home now." Sirius' grey orbs were locked with James' hazel ones for an intense moment. Sirius dropped his stuff and clasped his friend in a tight hug.

"Are you sure?" Sirius mumbled into James' shoulder, a rare moment of vulnerability shining through his confident façade.

"Sirius you are my brother, of course I'm sure. But I want you to know that whatever happens, whether you stay with here forever or decide to go elsewhere, whatever you decide, I'll be here no matter what. No matter what you say or do, nothing can drive me away. Especially not your family." Sirius let go of James and sniffed gently, blinking his grey orbs at his best friend reflecting his utmost thanks.

"Ex family." Sirius replied his tone a mix of disgust, pride and pain, not bothering to disguise his hurt as he knew his best friend could see through him. "I've been disowned."

"I'm sorry," James replied sincerely, picking up Sirius' stuff and lugging it into the hall with Sirius right by his side.

"I'm not." Sirius with a familiar crooked smile appearing on his face for the first time that evening, "Load of psychos they were."

James grinned and at that moment he knew everything would be alright, that Sirius would be alright. James slung his arm around Sirius and pulled him into the kitchen where his parents were talking quietly over a cup of tea.

"Mum, dad, Sirius is staying with us." Mr and Mrs Potter straightened up as the boys entered and the serious looks on their faces turned into smiles as they view the arm their son that draped protectively his best friend. Mrs Potter scanned Sirius quickly and went she met his probing grey orbs opened her arms. Sirius stepped into them, unused to the loving embrace of Mrs Potter. Mr Potter and James watched with smiles as she swept back Sirius' fringe and whispered into his ear, "Welcome home."