
Why did you abandon me and my sisters Father?

Are we not good enough?

Did you want only one of us and couldn't decide which?

If you saw how I'm doing would you want me again?

I love you so much Father.

But do you not love me?

Do you only love Alice?

What do I have to do to be Alice?

My spirit say I have to take my sisters lives in a way.

So...For you to love me I have to take their Rosa Mysticas?

That's all? For you I'll do it!

I'll be Alice for you Father Just wait!

No matter what I'll become Alice and we can see each other again.

I will be Alice.

No matter what.

The first in a seris of drabbles~

Its set right when Suigintou (thats how i see it when i read it anyway xD)wakes up for the first time.

Expect more drabbles about dolls soon!

Im working on an MEP part as I right this (With the song Clowns by t.a.T.u ) and the song goes Can you see me now? And im working with Rozen maiden so this was lurking in my head,so I wrote it!

Comments? Critiques ? Flames? Drop me a review for any (Flames will be used to roast marhmellos though!)

Peach-pit owns Rozen maiden not me :P