Sorry it has been so long since I updated. I put it down to severe writer's block and sheer laziness. As always none of the characters belong to me, I'm just borrowing them.

"So if you think about it, in a fair fight Superman would win against Batman." said Callen waving his hand around, whilst holding a lollipop.

"No way, dude. Batman totally has the Bat mobile." said Sam.

"Yeah but Superman can fly, and he has laser vision, not to mention super strength." said Callen with a grin, knowing that he was going to win this argument.

The debate was cut short by the soft sounds of someone walking towards them.

"I'm afraid gentlemen, that you are both incorrect," said the authoritative voice of their operations manager, Hetty. " As I told Stan Lee when he was creating Spiderman, who could beat a super hero who could cling to a building like a spider." she thought for a moment before adding thoughtfully, "or was it Mike Mignola?"

Any reply that the two men were about to give were cut short by a sharp whistle from up above.

"Saved by the whistle." said Hetty as Sam and Callen jumped up from their table.

"Did you hear that, Hetty and Stan." said Sam in a disbelieving voice.

" Don't go there Sam." said Callen with a determined look on his face.

"Wonder what other things she taught him." said Sam sniggering.

"I can't believe you went there." said Callen turning a shade whiter.

They entered the OPS room and saw everyone already there.

"What ya got Eric?" asked Callen as he positioned himself against the wall.

"Well you know how we were waiting for a hit on Steven O'Reilly?"

Callen remembered all to well the first time he met O'Reilly. He was attempting to smuggle two teenage girls out of the country, in two suitcases. When he was cornered he shot dead a police officer and injured a passer by. He had escaped, and the girls had escaped unharmed.

"Well he just surfaced downtown. Local ATM machine caught his picture." said Eric bringing up the picture and interrupting Callen's thoughts. It showed a man of slim build, jet black hair and deep blue eyes. Callen supposed he could have been classed as handsome, if it wasn't for a scar that ran down the length of his cheek.

"Remind me again. Why are we interested in him?" asked Dom.

" Well, he's into drug smuggling, illegal gambling, dealing weapons and human trafficking, to name a few." said Sam before Callen could answer.

"Eyewitness said O'Reilly went into the Peking Duck about ten minutes ago. It's a restaurant on the water front. Sounds like he is waiting to meet someone." said Eric.

"Good job Eric, send the co-ordinates to my GPS. Sam, Kensi lets go." said Callen.

They jumped into Sam's black Dodge. "O.K, when we get there, try not to draw attention to yourself, we are not after who he's selling to, just O'Reilly himself." said Callen.

"Relax G, we know." said Sam calmly as they pulled up outside the restaurant.

They got out of the car slowly, Callen signalling to Sam and Kensi to go around the back. He watched as they gave him small nods and went to cover the back, just in case.

Callen cautiously opened the door. He stepped inside and glanced around. O'Reilly was sitting with his back to the entrance, so he hadn't seen Callen enter.

"Steven O'Reilly, put your hands on your head and slowly turn around." said Callen raising his gun.

"Mr Grey, how nice to see you again." said O'Reilly using Callen's alias name. He still didn't turn around.

"Steven put your hands on your head and turn around." Callen repeated.

Without warning O'Reilly spun around quickly and fired two shots. Because he had his back towards the door, he hadn't been able to locate Callen's whereabouts, and his shots went wide. Callen ducked for cover. He felt someone push past him, and he glanced up to see O'Reilly running past him out of the door. Not seeing Sam and Kensi, Callen gave chase.

Sam glanced around the mess that, until recently, had been the Peking Duck restaurant. Even though only two shots had been fired, the customers had panicked, and in their haste to get away, had caused a bit of a mess. He walked over to the wall where two bullets had lodged themselves into the wall. Looking down at the floor he stooped down and picked something up. It was Callen's phone. He stood up as Kensi came over to him.

" Looks like O'Reilly tried to shoot his way out, and judging from the position of these bullets, he was willing to shoot G to do it." said Sam angrily.

"The restaurant owner says that O'Reilly took off through the front door, and headed towards the water front." said Kensi.

"Yeah not before he tried to shoot G in the head." said Sam.

"He said Callen took off after him." finished Kensi.

" Let's go after him then." said Sam as he pocketed Callen's phone.

Callen ran quickly after O'Reilly who, thankfully, had decided not to use his gun in public. He sped up as O'Reilly turned a corner onto the dock of the water front. He stopped and peered around the wall, there was no sign of

O'Reilly. He crept around the corner with his gun outstretched. Someone, probably a fisherman, had left his crates behind, which were just big enough for a person to hide behind. A splash had him moving cautiously towards the end of the pier. He peered into the water to see it rippling. Hearing a noise behind him he spun around.

"Goodbye Mr Grey." said O'Reilly as he raised his gun and fired. The force of the bullet spun him around, and loosing his footing, he fell into the water below.

Sam arrived just as he heard O'Reilly say, "Goodbye Mr Grey." and a shot fire out. He watched in horror as the bullet caught Callen in the right side of his chest, spinning him around. With a surprised look on his face, he saw Callen topple into the water.

"Get down on the ground." shouted Sam furiously, pointing his gun at O'Reilly. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Kensi doing the same, as she advanced slowly towards him. She roughly kicked him to the ground, and tossed his gun into the water. Seeing that Kensi had O'Reilly under control, he ran to the edge of the pier, and without thinking he jumped into the water. The first thing he noticed as he hit the water was that there seemed to be a lot of blood. Looking wildly around he spotted G just a little way below him. His eyes were closed and he was sinking. Through the clear water Sam could see the gash on G's head.

"He must have hit it as he fell." thought Sam as he swam down. Sam's fingers grabbed a handful of G's shirt and pulled him up. Sam grimaced at how light he was. "When was the last time he had a decent meal?" thought Sam as he swam to the surface.

When his head had cleared the water, he put G on his back and swam to the edge. Placing G on the floor, he put his ear to his chest. He realised with a start that he wasn't breathing.

"Kensi." shouted Sam.

"Already called them, and backup is on the way." Kensi shouted back from above him on the dock.

Sam worked frantically as he tried to get G breathing again. He ripped G's shirt and let out a breath when he saw that O'Reilly had missed his heart, and hit him in the shoulder instead. Rolling up his shirt he tied it around the wound.

"Come on G, don't do this to me again. Just hold on G, hold on." Sam continuing speaking soothingly as he worked.

He sighed in relief as Callen turned on his side and coughed up the water he had swallowed.

"G are you alright?" asked Sam intently as he stared into G's eyes.

G looked up at Sam and blinked owlishly, his expression turning to confusion.

Remembering that he had hit his head and might have a concussion, Sam asked him, "Do you know where you are?"

"Why are there two of you?" asked Callen in confused bewilderment, " and where's that ringing coming from?"

Sam chuckled softly, " You hit your head when you went over the side."

" Aw man, I got shot again didn't I?" said Callen in disbelief.

" Yep. At least it was only one this time." said Sam dryly. " Luckily he only managed to get you in the shoulder. From my angle he looked like he shot you in the chest." continued Sam.

"Oh that's why I'm sat here without a shirt." said Callen.

"No, we're shooting a hunks calendar, and your in it." said Sam with a rolling his eyes.

They lapsed into a comfortable silence, when Callen started to laugh.

"What?" asked Sam raising his eyebrow.

Looking at Sam with a straight face, Callen said, " Trouble really does seem to follow me around."

A.N 1.- The first part was based on a debate me and my sister had about who would win in a fair fight. I said Superman, she said Batman. Let me know what you think.

A.N2- Also for those who don't know Mike Mignola helped create Batman.

A.N3- The next chapter will be a hostage situation in his flat. Please leave any comments you wish to leave. Thanks for reading.