Four elementary schools, three middle schools and four different high schools. These come to a grand total of eleven different schools that I've had the privilege of going to, even if I didn't go the whole year. Now my parents have uplifted me again leaving behind the only friend in the state of California that I had , to make the state of Washington my new home." Isn't this excited Lauren honey? A new adventure." Mom asked, turning around. Lauren broke her gaze from all the greenery, "Oh yeah, mom fantastic. But don't you think I'm a little old for the whole adventure speech, I am seventeen after all." said Lauren turning away from her mom once more.
Karen Gosling was at her wits ends trying to pull her daughter out of this fun. Even since those damn dreams had started, the happy child she once knew was gone. " You're never too old for a adventure: she answered. Lauren scoffed, "Yeah right." They were never going to acknowledge the dreams. TO her parents what she would call well visions maybe, Lauren still didn't know exactly what to call them. But her parents were in denial, fear was also there; she could see it in their eyes. Every new city and town it was there. When they looked at her, she could see the fear even if they thought she didn't know.
Their daughter was a freak. Watching the scenery pass by Lauren could remember the first time she had her very first dream.
The town that we had lived in was small, everybody knew your name and your business. Our house was one of those houses like in "Leave It to Beaver:-you know. Little white house with black shutters and a white picket fence. Anyway, the night that started it all was a very quiet night; more quiet than usual, was making a stir. In a small neighborhood, the last house on the street, slightly alone, a child sat in her bed. A light came on in the hallway. A frantic mother rushed in to give her daughter comfort. "Shhh sweetheart, mommy and daddy's here. Sshh," she did, rocking the little girl back and forth. "Did you have a bad dream" asked dad.
Little Lauren looked into her dads eye's " The bad man hurt her daddy. He hurt the lady. She was almost home, almost home and he took her. Made her bleed. Yes he did."
" what lady honey? What man" He asked gently holding her in front of him. Lauren turned her head away, looking warily out the window. " The bad man, Daddy," She responded." He just wanted to play."
The next morning on the news they reported, that a body was found. It was a woman's body. She had been strangled with a child's jump rope. Well Lauren had told her parents he only wanted to play. But they didn't know how to handle whatever was happening to their daughter. So they did whatever parent might do, they took her to a shrink. The crack head doctor recommended several different explanations. None of which her parents believed so they did the next best thing or so they thought. they decided to move. And move. And move and move some more.
I've always wondered if I was a cursed, if fated decided to play some cruel joke. These dreams or nightmares whatever you wanted to call them, were my constant companion now. Evil never sleeps, they say. But one dream in particular seemed to always be a part of me. A thought that would stay in the back of my mind, lingering just below the surface of my mind. A boy, tall, silent, his golden eyes pierced every part of me. Even awake I felt like he was watching me.
"Welcome to Forks, guys. We're finally here," Dad proclaimed proudly, as they passed the sign. " Whop de do," Lauren exclaimed, twirling a finger through the air.
"Now come on, Lauren. Don't be like that. I thought we had come to a understanding about this move." said Dad.
" Oh I understand. Believe me, you just don't want to explain to the neighbors the random screams in the middle of the night." Lauren stated staring her dad straight in the eyes. She knew she had them there. " Lets see them get out of this one," She thought.
" Lauren, you know that's not the reason and your dad got that wonderful job offer at the high school," Exclaimed Karen.
" yeah, right," was her response, turning her eyes back to the outside world of trees. Fogginess slowly crept into her mind, a sudden heaviness seemed to take hold. Her vision began to cloud over.
When she opened her eyes Lauren found herself on a dirt road, lined with trees. The air was cold, she wrapped her arms around herself to try and keep warm. In the distance she could barely make out what sounded like a horse or some sort of animal. From around the bend came a cart full of women and children. Soldiers appeared to be escorting them, but the strangest thing about it all was the uniforms of the soldiers. They looked to be dressed in civil war issued uniforms. That couldn't be right, the civil war ended in 1865 over 147 years ago.
Lauren watched the cart get closer and closer when she suddenly notice on of the soldiers on horseback. He looked strangely familiar, like she had seen him before. But that was impossible!. " Excuse me?" she called out, " Excuse me. Can someone please tell me where I am?"
No one answered, it was like they didn't hear her or they simply couldn't see her. The man on horseback approached. Lauren tried to gain his attention " Sir Excuse me. Please help me." Raising her arms, she waved, desperately. Again no sign of recognition.
"Lauren," someone whispered.
Looking around, she couldn't locate who was calling her name, there was no one around except the cart which had now passed her by.
" Hello, is someone there?" She called out. " Lauren." It grew louder this time, and closer.
Jumping awake, Lauren tried to calm down taking deep breaths she looked at her mom. " Are you okay dear?"
"I'm fine mom; really. It was just a dream, just a really weird dream that's all." She answered. " If your sure I wanted to wake you to let you know that we're almost to our new house and You'll start a new school tomorrow and make all sorts of new friends. It will be amazing sweetheart you'll see." Karen stated with a grin.
Lauren smiled in return, that was mom for you. Always trying to find the brighter side of everything even when there really wasn't one there to be found. Being the new kid really didn't bother her anymore, it did when they first started moving but now a days. It just didn't seem to bother her. And as for friends well those just never worked out. Glancing around Forks with its one light stop she had to admit there was something calming about this town. Maybe for the first time Lauren had found a true home.