Alright, my first Channy story! Let me start by saying that I'm not a huge Disney fan, but this couple caught my attention and now I love them! So YAY! Moving on, I hope you guys like this, I will defiantly continue it, but reviews are motivation for the updates to come faster! So please review, constructive criticism always welcome. Enjoy!

Sonny Munroe was in high spirits. Then again, someone who has been dubbed "Sonny" kind of has a responsibility to be in high spirits all the time. However, today was an especially good day because she had just found out that she had aced her last math test, and she was wearing an incredible new shirt. It was because of this reason that when she arrived at her dressing room she did not immediately go into a panic, even though she found a note from Marshall requiring all of the So Random actors to gather in his office for a meeting with Mr. Condor.

I'm sure it's nothing. Sonny thought. In fact, it's probably a good thing! I bet he just wants to congratulate us on our great work! With that in mind, she left her dressing room and walked briskly to Marshall's office.

When she arrived at Marshall's office, she was shocked to discover that not only was the cast of So Random in attendance, so was the cast of Mackenzie Falls. Her smile faltered for a moment before she thought, This could still be good. I mean, So Random and Mackenzie Falls are Condor Studios two leading shows!

Still not completely convincing herself, Sonny rushed over to the side of the room that her cast mates were standing on. Everyone was clearly awaiting Mr. Condor's arrival, and she couldn't help but notice that, for the lack of attention they were paying to each other, there might as well have been a brick wall between the two casts. She begun to get a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach. "Tawni?" She whispered to the dead-bored blonde beside her. "What's going on?"

"I don't know, and guess what? I don't care! This stupid meeting interrupted me when I was painting my nails, so I only have one purple hand!" Tawni moaned, holding out her hands for Sonny's inspection. It did look rather odd, but nonetheless, Sonny gave her an encouraging thumbs-up.

Moments later, Mr. Condor entered the room; all of its occupants immediately fell silent. He walked to the front of the room and stood behind Marshall's desk, facing all of the young actors. "It has come to my attention," his voice boomed out, after pausing a beat, "That the cast members of So Random and Mackenzie Falls have a long standing rivalry with each other. Is this true?" When he got no response from his terrified audience, he repeated his question, mush louder this time. "IS THIS TRUE?"

"Yes Sir," both casts replied simultaneously.

"I see. Well, FIX IT!" Came Mr. Condor's reply. "You have one week to repair the rift between your shows, or you're all fired!"

A jumble of conversation followed this proclamation, a dozen voices shouting at once. Over the chaos Chad's voice could be heard, "You can't fire me! How can you have 'Mackenzie Falls' without Mackenzie?!"

Mr. Condor laughed, and it came out rather menacing, "You really think you're the only one who could play Mackenzie?! I could replace you in a second! If I wanted to, I could get Zac Efron to play Mackenzie!"

"You wouldn't!" Chad cried, dismayed at the mere idea of being trumped yet again by the Tween God.

"Oh I would, believe me. Now be quiet, unless you want to be responsible for me being late to meet Dakota," replied Mr. Condor.

The room became silent once again. "Thank you," he sighed, not sounding the slightest bit appreciative. "Now, once again you have one week. You will all be paired up with someone from the other show. You will get to know each other and then you will record your observations down in these." He gestured to a stack of multi-colored journals. "Marshall will draw names for partners out of these two hats. Now I have to go meet Dakota. If I'm lucky, she won't be too angry with me... or you." With that parting thought, Mr. Condor walked out of Marshall's office, leaving its occupants terrified and fuming.

"If he thinks he can force me to do a buddy project with one of them, he's crazy!" Tawni exclaimed.

"And if he excepts us to work with the Randoms... NEVER!" One of the Mackenzie Falls actresses, Portlyn, whined.

"People, people! Please, it's just one week! Just cooperate or we're all going to be unemployed, myself included!" Marshall interrupted, wringing his hands. He then muttered to himself, "What would my mother say?!"

As everyone slowly calmed down, Marshall sat down at his desk and observed the two hats full of names sitting on top of it. There was a black one full of So Random names, and a blue one full of Mackenzie Falls names. Once all attention was on him, Marshall began drawing names out of the hats. "First pair, Nico and... Jill! Then we've got Tawni and Chris, Zora and Jennifer, Grady and Portlyn, and finally Sonny and Chad!"

The pairs unwillingly walked over to each other, and then went to get a journal. Portlyn looked especially unhappy with her partner.

Sonny sighed, of course she would get stuck with Chad. This always seemed to be happening to her. Her good mood effectively over, she trudged over to where Chad was standing and greeted him with, "Let's just get this over with."

"Wow, nice to see you to Munroe." Chad replied sarcastically.

They got their journals, Sonny a yellow one and Chad a green one, and began exciting the office when Marshall called out to everyone, "Make sure you spend as much time as possible with each other this week. I want you with your partner 24/7!"

Chad and Sonny glared at each other, both wondering about the possible disastrous effects of this week. "So I guess we should start now." Chad stated as they stopped walking in the hallway.

"Yeah I guess so." Sonny said, her lack of enthusiasm perfectly matching his. "Let's go to the prop house."

"No way! We have to go back to the Mackenzie Falls set, this place is so..." Chad trailed off, shuddering.

Sonny sighed, in no mood to argue. "Alright fine! Let's just go to a coffee shop, it's neutral ground."

"Sounds good," Chad said, looking at Sonny out of the corner of his vision. "Somebody's in a bad mood today."

"Well, I was in a great mood, until I got partnered up with you!" Sonny shot back, wondering how she was going to survive an entire week of Chad. She started walking out to the parking lot.

Chad grabbed her hand and pulled her back towards him. "Really Sonny, really? Cause I think you're just using that to hide how you truly feel."

Sonny found herself forgetting where she was, slowly moving closer towards the enemy, getting lost in his eyes. She didn't know how long they stood that way, but when she felt her hand brush his chest she snapped out of her trance and took notice of their position. They were standing awfully close together for two people that supposedly hated each other; Sonny's hand placed lightly on Chad's chest while his arm was encircling her waist. She pulled her eyes away from his and jumped back quickly. She scoffed, "No, I'm not hiding anything! Why would you think that?! Maybe because you're hiding how you feel?"

"No!" Chad opened his mouth a few times, searching for better words, but none came.

"Ok then, good!" Sonny exclaimed.

"Good!" Chad shot back as usual.

"Fine!" Sonny continued their involuntary tradition.

"Fine!" Chad shouted, completing the circuit.

Sonny stormed off towards the parking lot, and Chad stormed off in the opposite direction. A few moments later, her turned around and caught up to her again. "Right," he said. "Coffee shop is that way."

Sonny sighed, but this time there was a faint smile in her eyes, one that could spread across her entire face if Chad tried hard enough, which he defiantly intended to. As they headed out to the parking lot Sonny found her thoughts headed down a slightly more positive path. It's just one week. What could possibly happen?

I know, I know... the ending was a huge cliché! But still, what did you think! I'm dying to know so please REVIEW! I hope to update sometime this week, but once again reviews are motivation! REVIEW!