So hey, I'm back! Sorry this update took so long! I've had no idea what to write for the longest time, and I'm still not sure about this chapter, but I think it's alright! I hope you guys like it! I used sweetiejah07's idea for Chad's favorite movie! Thank you so much to everyone who reviewed, alerted, or favorited! Enjoy this chapter!
Disclaimer: Honestly, if I owned SWAC I wouldn't be writing this on FanFiction, now would I? I could just make it happen in the show! But since I don't own it, I am here!
*Sonny's POV*
Sonny Monroe was lying on her bed after a surprisingly decent day with Chad Dylan Cooper. She was reviewing the answers that she had gotten from Chad during their game of twenty questions. She skimmed over the page with her eyes, and one answer jumped out at her. Favorite movie: The Chad Dylan Cooper Movie. Sonny rolled her eyes, she was sure that was a lie. Then again, she really shouldn't put it past him; it was highly possible he was that self-centered. However, she was beginning to doubt it: a thought which seriously disturbed her. She shook off the idea and continued scanning the page. They had made some pretty good progress for only one day. She still had no idea how she would survive the rest of this week though. While Chad had not been completely insufferable earlier that day, he was still an arrogant jerk who had practically driven her insane every other time she had seen him. Sonny let her mind drift back to that afternoon, still shocked by how normal Chad had been. After they started questioning each other, they hadn't fought once. They had just talked, and laughed. In retrospect, it was very odd, but also... kind of nice. She remember the way he had spoken to the young girl, Lindsey, and thought of another note for the journal. At the bottom of a page she jotted down, '-Cares about his fans.' She then smiled and closed the pages around her observation. Satisfied with the work she had done, Sonny placed the journal on her bedside table, turned off her lights, and slipped into bed. Chad Dylan Cooper could be further unravelled at a later date.
*Chad's POV*
Chad Dylan Cooper did not do friendly. It wasn't in his vocabulary. He didn't chat, or socialize with, or get to know anyone who he didn't want something from. So why was he staring at a page full of facts that weren't about him? Oh yeah, Mr. Condor's little assignment. It was absolutely ridiculous. So why was he reading over Sonny's answers so carefully? He tried to convince himself that he was only doing it for all the fans that would be devastated if he got fired. There were a lot of them after all. Unfortunately for him, he knew that there were other reasons for his interest. Their earlier game of twenty questions had felt less like an assignment and more like two friends talking. Chad shuddered, he could never be friends with her, the very idea was too strange to even consider. Sonny Monroe was just a Random. She hadn't done anything remotely amusing in her life. He scanned her list of favorites to reassure his suspicions. Favorite movie: The Harry Potter series; she hadn't even picked one movie, she had picked a series. And he wasn't in it, so it must be bad. Favorite book: Wisconsin Peace-Picnic Planning; did he even need to comment on that one? She must have done something fun though: everyone had, even the Randoms. Realizing that he was genuinely curious, he added a question to the top of the journal's first page. '-What is the most interesting thing you've ever done?' Content with the amount of extremely hard work he had done that day, Chad dropped the journal to the floor and clapped his hands to turn the lights out. Right now, Chad needed his beauty sleep. Wrinkles wouldn't look good with his bangs.
I know that this is ridiculously short, and I'm so sorry about that! I will post more soon, but for now I needed to get something out there to motivate me and to show you guys that I haven't dropped off the face of the earth! I hope you liked it, but please review and let me know! I'm worried that this chapter might have been a little OOC, but I'm trying to stay true to the characters. Review please!