This has nothing to do with my multi-chapter which I promise to update later in the week.

This was actually a challenge posted on the camp rock fandom which I decided to write a Channy fic about :D

It's called Ten truths of life. Feel free to take the ten truths and write your own version. This is mine.

Disclaimer: Nope, nothing is mine.


He was such a cheat.

He cheated when he stole their parking space.

He cheated when he made her look like a diva in front of the tween population of America.

It wasn't supposed to happen.

She should've held on tighter, played a harder game.

He wasn't supposed to take it, but he did.

Because in the end he cheated her out of her heart.


She wasn't sure what love felt like.

But she was sure love wasn't supposed to feel like this.

You weren't supposed to want to throw a vase at the person you love.

And you sure as hell weren't supposed to want to hate them.

But she didn't in the end.

Hate him, I mean.

Because she wasn't sure what love was supposed to feel like, but she was damn sure this was it.


She lusted for him, no doubt about it.

Her lust consumed her.

Her lust brought her back for more.

She craved him.

Sometimes she wondered how she ever managed to restrain herself.

She literally had to hold herself back.

Because she was in lust.


She lied when people asked did she miss home.

She lied when people asked did she want to go back.

She lied when people asked did she ever regret taking her shot at fame.

She did regret it, because then, she told herself, she wouldn't have met him.

She told herself she wouldn't miss him.

She told herself she didn't need him.

Because in the end she always lied.


Apparently she was the poster girl for innocence.

She exuded innocence.

She was the definition of innocence.

Just a naive little girl, in too deep.

Not knowing enough to make it in this big bad world.

But that was all an act.

Because in the end, she was anything but innocent.


She was so darn confused with everything.

She was confused as to whether she'd made the right decision by moving.

And mostly she was confused with her feelings.

Did she love him?

Did she hate him?

She didn't know what to think.

Because in the end all he really caused her was confusion.


She found it hard to trust.

Building trust takes time and effort.

Trust takes mutual respect.

She why had she just handed over her heart to him?

Without a care?

Why was it his and only his, when she didn't know how she felt about him.

Because for some reason, she chose to trust him.


It was all a disappointment.

Her place on the show was a disappointment.

Her first love was a disappointment.

She had expected to fit right in, instead she felt all alone.

She excepted to have real friends.

She expected to be loved in return, but that didn't happen.

Because her life was just one big disappointment.


She was a hypocrite.

Everything she thought was hypocritical.

Every fight they had was hypocritical.

Romeo and Juliet, the biggest idiots in her opinion.

Falling for their enemy.

But didn't she just go ahead do it too?

Because she was hypocrite.


She knew it was inevitable.

Her cast knew it was inevitable.

Everyone knew it was inevitable.

So why did it surprise her?

She thought he'd never get the guts to do it.

But he leaned down and kissed her and proved that the cheating, the love, the lust, the lies, the faked innocence, the confusion, the trust, the disappointment and the hypocrisy were all worth it.

Because in the end they were inevitable.

It is Sonny and Chad, very subtly but I guess if you wanted you could twist it to Tawni and a Falls star. But it would be a very tight squeeze. Sorry if there were any mistakes I wrote this really quick. I kind of like it though.

Confusion came really easily for some reason.

Anyway review (especially you Abbie if you're reading this because I said so!) and tell me if it sucked.

Love always (non creepy way),
