Humour! O.o.c-ness!
Puns! Chibi! Sasuke.
Fem! Insane! Itachi!
Chapter 1Whales!
'What`s a whale?' Sasuke asked as he looked at Itachi, who was attempting to catch the evil Siamese fighting-fish: Harvey 2-face, and stick him back into Arkham. (A/N: Yep, it`s true, we- bloody fish! Get back in ya box!)
'A very large fish.' Itachi said, as she glared at the mass-murdering multicoloured fish. (1)
'Can you eat them?' the 8-year-old asked the 16-year-old. Itachi shook her head in reply.
'No, not really…why?' she replied as a duo of baby guppies shot past her net. And nearly got Hannibal. (2)
'Just wondering…' the little Uchiha trailed.
'Okay then-HAH! Gotcha! Aww, dammit!' Itachi cursed as the fish escaped her clutches.
Sasuke just giggled as he turned back at the t.v, ah, Ben 10 alien force had just started, excellent, and he ignored his sister`s complaints and stupid swearing -he`ll tell mum when she came home- life was good.
He kills any other fish that happen to be in its way. 2-face acted nice at first, but then he started being evil. So now he`s in the tank, safe in a netted isolation box, we fondly call: Arkham Asylum.
My psycho neon tetra: he and Clarice –who he also murdered- literally chomped on the other neon tetra`s tails, which killed them.