Hi! So basically this is just going to be drabbles about my OBSESSION: Anna and Jeremy! I'm so hooked on them, it's ridiculous! Anyway, the chapters will probably be unrelated, and based off of quotes from the show. I'm not sure how long this story will last, I guess we'll have to see how long the pairing lasts (I'm scared for their lives)! This chapter is set during episode 17, when Anna is telling Jeremy why vampires turn humans. So here it is, enjoy!

Disclaimer: Why do I need this? I own nothing. I don't own Vampire Diaries, or Anna, or Jeremy. *Cries.* Yeah, I'm a creepy fangirl like that. And now I'm depressed.

Looking Deeper (Anna/ Jeremy Drabbles)- Anna Again

"Do you even know why we turn other people? It's not to give someone a one-way ticket out of loner hood OK?" Anna scoffed, trying to sound condescending, but even she could hear the other emotions clouding her voice. She didn't mean to continue, but she found herself speaking anyway. Maybe it was because of his insistence, or his genuine curiosity. Or maybe it was because she simply couldn't deny Jeremy Gilbert. "One: we need someone to do our dirty work. Two: revenge. Three: boredom, but, you know, that never turns out well." Anna rattled off. She was determined to make him change his mind, but without scaring him away. "And then, you know, there's the obvious one. You love someone so much that you would do anything to spend all of eternity with them."

They both paused as Anna's voice got softer, wistful. She looked straight at Jeremy and noticed him swallow thickly. She internally hit herself for listing the fourth reason. Why had she done that? Had she been expecting Jeremy to confess his undying love for her? Her thoughts instantly stopped when she realized that she had not yet spoken. She longed to break the silence, but couldn't think of anything to say. This was ridiculous, she was centuries old and she couldn't think of anything to say. Leave it to Jeremy to turn her into the awkward teenage girl that her appearance presented her as. Finally, she cleared her throat and smiled to lighten the mood. "I'm sorry, but you don't fit any of those categories yet." She couldn't resist adding 'yet' to the end of her statement. She wasn't sure why she did, but it made the future feel more open, so she didn't regret it. Something flickered across his face: relief, disappointment? Before she had time to analyze it her mother walked in, clearly searching for her. Anna switched topics quickly, mentioning something about a thesis. She wasn't sure quite what she said, but she found it ironic that now she could think of something to say. She walked away, leaving Jeremy wearing a puzzled expression. A quick text later, and he was filled in.

"Did you get everything?" Her mother asked, a sense of urgency in her voice. As Anna informed her on the state of their provisions, her mind drifted to Jeremy. Despite being a simple human, he had the power to dredge up old emotions within her: feelings she thought she no longer possessed. He always seemed to surprise her, and leave her shocked and speechless. She wasn't like that with anyone else. When she was with him, it was almost like she was a normal human again. But it was more than that, when she was with him, she felt real. Unsettling as it was, real felt good. It was something that she wanted to hold on to, even if it was just for a little while longer. She knew that she needed him for that, he was the only one who could fix her. Jeremy could make her Anna again.

So what did you think? Please let me know, reviews make my life! I know it's short, but it's a drabble! Wow, I've heard the word 'drabble' in my mind WAY too many times, cause now it sounds really weird! Try it, say drabble 15 times and see if you still think it's a normal word! Moving on, PLEASE REVIEW! I'll post more soon, I already have a few ideas, and I'm sure I'll come up with more! Thanks for reading, review!