Hey! Another chapter already! Crazy, isn't it? :D Anyway, I know this is really short, but I couldn't resist writing this companion fic to my last chapter. This is set during the season finale, and it's from the POV of the deputy who holds Jeremy back from Anna. I thought it would be very difficult to witness the devastation that occurred on Founder's Day, and even more painful to be a part of it. I don't think this fully conveys how heartbreaking this scenario would be, but I had the urge to write it! Also, Mr. Deputy(I'm thinking of naming him Steve) is sort of growing on me since writing this chapter, maybe I'll write another chapter with him later on, he could be in therapy or something! Moving on, this is my first time writing in second person, so I hope it's ok! Enjoy!
Disclaimer: I still don't own Vampire Diaries... *sigh.* But I'm working on it!
Looking Deeper (Anna/ Jeremy Drabbles)- Just Doing Your Job
You hear the screams first. You enter the bathroom from which they are coming. It only takes you a moment to comprehend the scene before you. A young girl, obviously a vampire because of the excruciating pain she is in, is wrapped in the arms of a boy who appears the same age. The boy looks horrified, scared, and helpless. His eyes are so lost as they burn into yours, questioning your motives. You send out a signal for backup and pull her away from his attempted comfort. He speaks with a shaky voice, edged with confusion and frenzy. The poor boy has no idea what is going on. He must think you're wrenching away his innocent girlfriend. If only he knew the truth, then he would look at her with that expression as your backup enters and injects her with vervain. Then he would not scream and burn holes into you with his eyes, he would thank you. But he does not know, so he pulls away from you with all the strength he has. Again and again, in a constant struggle to reach her. You don't mean to cause him this pain, but you have to do your job.
The boy shouts out for her: the girl you are keeping him from. You wince, because you are causing the pain on his face. He continues calling her name, and you hold him back. It seems like such a normal name: Anna. A name that would belong to a sweet teenager living in your neighbourhood. You remind yourself what she is, and what she can do. What she would have done to this boy. She is nothing but a monster. Yet, he does not think so, you can tell by the look in his eyes: you are tearing him away from something that he cares about very much. You don't want to feel bad, but you do. How can you not, looking into those broken, panicked eyes? You yell, hoping to calm him down, or at least scare him into silence, so that you won't have to hear his terror. He does not stop, insisting that she be left alone. But she must be destroyed, for the boy's own safety. For the safety of the whole town. You have to keep doing your job, no matter how difficult it may be. No matter how many times you will have to see those eyes in the future: full of hatred for you. No matter how many times your heart breaks from how similar to humans these beasts seem. No matter how many times this night will replay in your nightmares, you have to keep doing your job.
So how did you like this chapter? I know it was really short, and random, and there isn't really any Janna in it, but there will be a Janna chapter up soon! Meanwhile, did you like the second person narrative? Or the random person POV? Please review and let me know! It will make me so happy!