Disclaimer: If I owned Sonny with a Chance what would I be writing on fanfiction for? I'd be writing for the show and spending my money! So clearly I don't own SWAC! See you at the bottom!
Getting Lost
"I just can't believe I'm even out here!" grumbled an grumpy Chad as he shuffled his way through the scattered branches, occasionally getting caught on them, the darkness masking the look of annoyance on his face. Sonny was slightly behind him, with a look that also suppressed no joy.
"You think I like it? It's your entire fault anyways!" she huffed. A ticked off Chad stopped walking and turned around to her incredulously.
"My fault? Sonny you seriously think it's my fault? Who's the one who said 'No, of course we'll hang out with your daughter today Mr. Condor!'" Sonny let out a small chuckle,
"I'm sorry, you'd rather him cancel our show's?"
"Sonny! Sometimes you're so dense, it's all a bluff, as much as I hate to say it my show AND yours is what brings most of the viewers to Condor's channel. Without our show's he is NOTHING!" Chad reminded the brunette, the moon a crescent in the background of the woods.
"Okay then, why didn't you say that when he asked us!? Why are you too chicken to do the talking?!" Sonny shouted at him, aggravated beyond repair.
"Because I didn't want to say it! Chad Dylan Cooper doesn't have to say anything he doesn't want to say!"
"Why didn't you want to say it?!"
"'Cuz he was gonna cancel my show," he admitted timidly, under his breath. Sonny swatted him on the side of the head for sounding like a baby, and for having terrible grammar.
"Ow!" he exclaimed as Sonny continued trudging ahead. Chad followed, both of their tempers had been flying that entire day, and it was going to be a long night.
"Let's just find her stupid bracelet and get back, do you remember where we were exactly?" Sonny questioned over her shoulder, Chad was a little busy scratching his bare arms and swatting at black flies and mosquitoes.
"It's a little dark to know exactly, we came through here with her and then we..." Chad was cut off by a faint rustling in the bush. Sonny quickly ran to Chad's side and whispered in his ear,
"What was that?" Chad shook his head, and they heard more rustling. Images quickly flashed into Sonny's head. A murderer, a rapist, a bear, a random hobo! Her breathing became uneven. Why didn't I listen to mom! This is why she said never to go in the forest! The rustling got louder, so Chad grabbed sonny's arm and whispered in her ear,
"Run." And that they did. The branches scratched and pulled at both of their hairs and skin, especially the tee-shirt wearing Chad who was shivering from the bitter cold. They went right, left, north, east, they went anyway that seemed to have a passage that was somewhat accessible. Finally, when they thought they were far enough away, they bent down to breath for a second. Looking around, Sonny saw an unfamiliar tall tree that looked like something good to lean on, so she slid down the tree and sat, huffing and puffing, putting her head between her legs. Chad joined her.
"That...was...so...scary," huffed Sonny. After a moment of gaining their breaths, they looked around, noticing the unfamiliar layout. The forest looked, different and they had no idea where they were. They had been running for a long time, were they lost?
"It can't be...we're...aw crap Chad Dylan Cooper does NOT get lo..."Chad began, but a stubborn Sonny cut him off midsentence,
"Don't say it, it's not true!"
"We're lost Sonny," Chad said uneasily, afraid of stirring the scared Miss Sonny Munroe.
"No, no, no! We can't be lost! There's no way, we were here earlier today! We know every corner of this place!"
"Sonny, we barely ventured into the forest; we defiantly didn't come this far in, and we turned so many ways when we were running."
"Your lying Chad, there's no way we are lost, nope no way. You're just trying to scare me." Sonny was so shocked she became in denial. Chad knew the stages all too well. He was a 'stage' type of guy. He practically had a PHD in 'Stages'. The stages for falling for someone, the stage for falling in love with a co-star, the stages of shock; well you get the picture.
"Sonny, just calm down..." Chad said, putting an arm around her, for both their benefits, Sonny to calm, Chad so his arm wouldn't freeze so much. They both instantly ignored any feelings at the moment; this was no time for that.
"How am I supposed to calm down? We are lost! We'll die here! Oh Chad I don't want to die! I just started to become famous!" Sonny's chest heaved in and out. Stage 2, hopelessness.
"Sonny, don't worry," Chad said again, his attempts not making any difference.
"Smooth Chad. Just smooth you got us lost when there was probably only a bunny in the bushes." Sonny shrugged out from his arm, his arm feeling numb in the cold. Stage 3, anger.
"Sonny, we had to run,"
"You're such an idiot," she huffed at him. He winced for her knew the next stage. He hoped she'd skip it. Yeah, not going to happen.
"Chad, how come you always have to be such a jerk and suck a loser and," here came the tears, "ohmigosh this is my fault isn't it! Oh no I can't believe I'm so stupid and now were lost and cold, you just have a tee-shirt on." Chad put his arm back around the crying Sonny. Luckily, the 4th stage of sadness was over, and here came the best one. Accepting.
"You know, I guess we'll have to deal with this. I know a lot about the wilderness so we should be good. First we'll have to... wait...I HAVE A CELL PHONE!" Sonny screamed, grabbing her blackberry out of her pocket. The screen came on, and Chad smiled with fake hope, knowing there wasn't any way they'd get bars out there. Sonny tried 911, she stared hopefully, 1 bar, 2 bars, back to 1 bar. She stood up raising it to the air, it remained at one bar. Sonny sighed and plunked back on the ground.
"Great," She said. The blackberry picture still bright, Sonny noticed Chad's arms. Chad's arms looked like they were losing colour, and goose bumps were all over them.
"Oh gosh Chad! Look at your arm's!" Sonny passed, the phone over his arms, illuminating them so he could see. Chad blinked,
"That can't be good." He gave a crooked smile, and Sonny moved her hands gently up his arm's, hoping to make them warmer. A thought crossed her head; this could quickly turn into a cliché movie. She could warm up his arms, look up into his eyes, and share a passionate kiss. Sonny quickly shook the thoughts out of her head and spoke in a quiet voice,
"Uh," dang, she looked into his eyes, the blue eyes, the pool of light blue entranced in the darkness of the sky over the lake, oh goodness I'm getting lost in his eyes! She quickly snapped out of it and looked away. "We can take turns wearing my jacket." She announced, shrugging out of the black light spring jacket and handing it to the cold Chad.
"Um, I know you don't think very highly of me Sonny due to you getting dropped on the head as a baby; but my arms aren't as skinny as yours, I'll rip it. Plus, then you'll be cold."
"Doesn't matter, your freezing," Sonny said protectively.
"Sonny, this jacket doesn't look very cheap,"
"I don't really care Chad, just wear it before you get bitten by more bugs or die from frost bite." Chad put it on reluctantly, hoping not to beak it, it was a very tight fit, and the sound of a little tear was heard, but it did feel a little warmer. Chad looked over to Sonny who was looking slightly depressed and cold.That was one thing I can help with, I'm good with the funny's when I want to be.
"Hey babe, how do I look?" he said, striking a tiny models pose in Sonny's jacket, another small rip was heard, but only by Chad. Sonny laughed remembering,
"I almost forgot of that dare, that was the strangest dare ever!"
"Who would have thought that this is how the day would turn out when we got up this morning?"
"Not me,"
"Not me,"
"Well, surprises can happen," Sonny shrugged with a playful glint in her eyes. The both of them leaned against the tree stump. Chad's arm around sonny (to keep her warm of course) and Sonny was cuddling against Chad (again, warmness) both thinking deeply about the weird things that had happened during the day.
At this time, you're probably confused. What happened during this day? What happened that forced them to be out, late at night, well let me take you back to the beginning, back to the beginning of this all.
I really hoped you liked this chapter, it was kind of a short chapter, and I am planning for others to be longer. I think I'll update this once a week, just because I don't want to rush to get all of the chapters out, then end up being to busy to write anything, as I have experienced before. Wow, I'm rambling!
Question 1: What's the funniest Sterling Knight Interview or video? I think the Bonnie Hunt one was the funniest! What about you?
Question 2: What is the length of your ideal chapter?