Disclaimer: Aw, jeez, I'm going back to therapy. It makes me sooo depressed to keep saying this!
I'm pretty sure you get the point. I don't own SWAC!
See ya at the bottom, people!
Previously on Sonny With a Chance of Getting Lost…
"Shhhhh, they're coming!" the security guard snapped in a mere whisper as we all knelt down in the dark closet.
"Who?" whispered Sonny.
"The Chad-hards."
Falling asleep (Present)
"Chad, what if no one finds us?" she asked, staring into his big blue orbs of eyes and snuggling a little closer to him; she was still very cold.
"Sonny, as soon as people think we disappeared, they will be looking all over for us," Chad smiled reassuringly. Sonny liked what she heard and rested her head back on his chest again. There was a peaceful silence between the two until Sonny's head suddenly jerked up.
"OH, MY GOSH!" she squealed.
"What?" Chad asked, severely worried for Sonny.
"Think of what the tabloids are going to say! Two stars that have dating rumours going around forever suddenly are lost together? They're going to think we eloped or something!"
Chad stared at her with an annoyed look on his face, "Jeez, Sonny, next time don't freak out so much; you scared me! We can deal with all that crud when we get back."
Sonny crossed her arms and sat back down, not as close to Chad as she was before due to her stubbornness. Soon, Sonny let out an exasperated sigh,
"Why is it so cold, anyway; it's California! People are still out at the beach at this time!"
"Because, the person who's writing this is from Canada, and she has no idea about the weather up here."
"Really?" asked Sonny.
"Yeah, what a sucky author, eh?" Suddenly, Chad started clucking uncontrollably, and he did a chicken dance around the fire, "I mean, amazing!" he stopped and sat down at the fire, and somehow Sonny forgot about what just happened, and so did Chad.
"Why is it so cold anyway; it's California! People are still out at the beach at this time!"
"Because the breeze is off the lake; plus I heard there was a storm coming or something." Chad shrugged. Sonny's eyes went wide.
"A storm! And we are out here? CHAD, WHY DID YOU JUST TELL ME NOW!" Sonny spazzed and slapped his arm hard, but currently it was Sonny's turn with the jacket, so Chad's arm throbbed.
"OWWWW! Jeez, Munroe, it's not coming till later!" Chad looked down at his arm; it looked as though it had drawn blood under the surface. Chad knew better than not to tell Sonny, or she would freak out and punish herself for it.
"Chad, we might be here all night..." she freaked.
"Sonny, okay, seriously, the storm is coming in another day or something, really; it's only cold because of the lake." Chad tried to reason with Sonny soothingly. Chad's arm still stung, and due to Sonny's owl-like eyes, she noticed him rubbing it;
"Seriously Chad? My slap hurt you that much." She snickered silently.
Woah, woah, woah, I was gonna protect her, but now she is insulting my manliness!
"Well, Sonny, let's see, my arms are bare and freezing, and some chick exerts pressure which makes the blood from under the skin rise, yeah your slap freaking hurt me! Elmo's slap would have hurt me! I have freaking frost bite!"
Sonny looked at Chad with wide eyes; "Oh no Chad I'm soooooo sorry, oh my gosh, I can't believe it! I am soooooo stupid; I mean, how do you stand to even be around me when I'm a national disaster or something, like, holy crap, I mean—seriously—I hurt you—and..." Chad put his hand on a nearly crying Sonny.
"Sonny, don't sweat it."
Sonny smiled slightly, and leaned back on the tree.
"I just can't believe I'm so clumsy!" Sonny shook her head in disbelief.
"Sonny, come on, clumsy is hot, you said you read those Twilight books right? Look at the main chick, she is beyond clumsy and has guys falling all over her."
Sonny laughed, "That's only because the author was a pretty wishful thinker."
The two laughed silently.
"Either way, it's pretty true," Chad admitted. Sonny blushed a pure crimson.
"Chad, did you just call me hot?" She said awkwardly, a grin forming on her face.
"You're more than hot, sweetheart." Chad said, acting romantic. All the while, Chad was in deep thought. Holy crap, jeez, Chad, I thought we agreed that you wouldn't tell Sonny these things! Shut up—it's working; I can see her cheeks even in this darkness! You're letting off to much! Too bad inner, Chad, deal.
"Um, is thanks an understatement?" Sonny asked; peering up at Chad through her thick lashes.
"Yes," Chad said with a sly grin on his face. And before you knew it, Chad and Sonny were slowly leaning in, until their lips touched in a sweet embrace. It may have only lasted 5 seconds, but both of them looked lovingly into each other's eyes. It was quite corny, chick-flick-ish, but really, who doesn't love those?
"Sonny, I have to tell you something." Chad began. Too much, Chad, too much!
"Yes?" Sonny prodded, trying to mask the excitement in her eyes.
"Ummm, well, I...think it's getting late, we should probably sleep; should we stay on the tree?" Chad asked. Sonny could feel her heart crushing, as she realized that what she really wanted to hear was not said.
"Yeah, I guess so." Sonny said, defeated. Chad knew what he was supposed to say, and he knew Sonny knew, but, quite plainly, he is too chicken.
I am not!
Aw, Jeez, Chad I thought you stopped interrupting my stories!
Well, come on, seriously, I am not chicken!
Really, Chad? Why didn't you tell Sonny you liked her?
Well, maybe I didn't want to.
Come on, Chad, what is more romantic then getting lost and being in a close embrace in a forest all alone and admitting your secret love?
You writers are sick. You always think we should get together in the end, and everything should always be romantic. Well, that doesn't happen in the real world, kid.
This is not the real world, Chad, this is fanfiction, now get out of my story! First the whole the author is from Canada thing, and now this! You are so misbehaved.
"Goodnight, Sonny," Chad said dejectedly.
"Goodnight, Chad." She said warmly. And together they slept, Chad's arm around her shoulders, and Sonny's head on his chest.
OMGEEEEEEEE, they kissed! Are all of you fainting right now? We still want to know more about the previous crazy days, correct? Maybe our chapters will dwell over in the past for a little, for some more Channy spiciness, and they haven't even seen Dakota yet! Stay tuned for some Channyful love!
Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, peoples! How's it going? So do you guys hate me for not updating? Did I make up for it with the kiss? Haha, well I think this chapter kinda stinks, but you know. Whatever.
So, as you know, we have been hit by story stealers. Fortunatly, Mclovinit is gone, and funnylovin has apologised and taken down all of her story's! I'd like to thank all who reported her!
I would like to thank my amazing Beta Willow! Thank you!
Please review ;)