Author's Note: Another sequence between Guy and Catrine. And this time, their relationship is under stress. Thank you, the Sheriff for being excellently devious and divisive. Takes place around the same time as "The Executioner and The Marshal," and is also based on "A Hero's Prologue."
Enjoy and R&R :D
"Ah good!" the Sheriff smiled as the doors to the Great Hall opened with a creak. "The Gisbornes are here. Thank God for that."
Guy walked up to the Sheriff who sat in his chair at the other end of the hall; Catrine followed a few paces behind, striding quickly to catch up to her husband. A strange man in orange-checkered livery stood facing the Sheriff, and on hearing the footsteps approaching, he spun around.
"Who are they, my lord Sheriff?" the young man asked, his bright blond hair mussed and dirty from travel and his face lined by blonde stubble. "This message is only to be entrusted to you."
"Oh, well, don't worry your pretty little head about that. Let me introduce you all," the Sheriff jumped from his seat and began walking slowly to where the three of them stood. "Sir Guy of Gisborne and his lovely wife Lady Catrine," he said with a flourish of his hand, "allow me to present to you Sir Mathew of Rookwood." The Sheriff smiled and crept closer to Guy, "He's the you from the town of York."
Guy's eyes narrowed in confusion and glanced over Sir Mathew, "What do you mean?"
"I'm the lieutenant of the Sheriff of York," the young man turned to face Sir Guy and took two steps closer. "And I find your lack of control here an indignation, sir."
Guy scowled, "What do you mean?"
The Sheriff took a step between the two men, his hands clasped behind his back, "Well, apparently, Sir Mathew has fallen prey to Nottingham's increasing annoyance." He turned towards Sir Mathew with a familiar twisted smile on his face, "Turns out Sir Mathew was no match for a band of outlaws hiding out in Sherwood. They took his money and his weapons, and even the mighty Lieutenant of York could do nothing to stop them."
Guy smirked at the Sheriff as Sir Mathew clenched his fists in anger, his composed face beginning to twitch under the Sheriff's insult. "Not all men are capable of handling our outlaws, Sheriff. It's something that a Nottingham man just knows how to deal with," Guy gloated, crossing his arms as he spoke.
"Well," Sir Mathew answered, "I would argue, Sir Guy, that even you don't know how to deal with them, otherwise they wouldn't even be a problem, now would they?"
His lips drawing in a sneer, Guy stepped forward, his leather gloves squeaking as he clenched his own fists.
At that moment, Catrine inserted herself between the two men. "Gentlemen," she said with a slight shake of her head, "this is no way to create a good impression in front of a lady." Catrine curtseyed to Sir Mathew, "Now, my lord, you said you carried an important message? Though, indeed I'm surprised the outlaws didn't see fit to remove it from you as well," Catrine smirked, extending her hand for Sir Mathew's message.
Mathew looked at her hand with disgust, "My lady, the reason that they didn't steal it is because the message is all up here," he said quietly as he pointed to his head. He turned to face the Sheriff who stood in front of his chair once more. "My lord Sheriff, I bring you a summons from my master, the Sheriff of York. A summit has been declared for all the sheriffs north of Nottingham to be held in the fair city of York. Prince John's agent will decide each shire's tax quota for the northern shires. You have three days time to arrive in the city, or else suffer the consequences of disobeying the Prince's agent."
The Sheriff gave a weak smile, "Of course, Sir Mathew. We will leave tomorrow morning. Now run along to York, my young man."
"On the contrary, my lord," Sir Mathew gave a deep bow, "it's my duty to accompany you to York for the summit." He straightened and looked at Guy and his wife, "And I believe I am owed one sword, one dagger and 200 crowns for my unlucky encounter in your forest."
Guy spun to look at the Sheriff. The Sheriff's face twitched as he shooed everyone away, "Yes, go Gisborne. Go give the man what he wants."
Bowing slightly, Guy began striding quickly out the door with Catrine by his side and Sir Mathew close behind, his spurs clacking against the stone floor.
"A moment if you will, Lady Gisborne," the Sheriff called before the group left through the door. Guy gave to an abrupt halt and turned to look at Catrine, his grey eyes searching for her reaction. She shrugged and gave him a quick peck on the cheek. Guy huffed as he shut the door behind him.