Orange checkered banners hung everywhere as Guy and Catrine made their way through York's darkened streets. Catrine leaned back against Guy's shoulder and yawned; she was exhausted from the journey and her body ached from sharing the saddle with Guy the entire way.

Warm breath tickled her ear as Guy chuckled, "We're almost there, my love."

"Unfortunately, that means I'm almost there to see the Sheriff again," Catrine replied, and Guy felt her stiffen against him. "He must be furious."

"For coming to save me? I doubt he'll be furious," he turned the horse towards the towering stone castle before them.

Catrine shot him a look, her face almost amused at his comment, but her eyes narrowed in correction.

Guy cocked his head and rolled his eyes, "You're right. He's furious," he conceded with a laugh. "Though I am eternally grateful," his voice no more than a breath against her neck.

"You, my love, are welcome," Catrine whispered back, reaching her hands into his raven hair, the very thing she loved to do most.

They rode in silence to York Castle, passing dozens and dozens of guards that lined the streets, each bearing Prince John's colors on tall banners. Another dozen guarded the castle gate, bearing menacing-looking spears that even made Catrine shiver against Guy's chest.

One guard walked towards them as Guy pulled the mare to a stop, "What is your business here?" he demanded, holding his pointed spear dangerously close.

Guy cleared his throat, meeting the guard's suspicious gaze, "I am Sir Guy of Gisborne, Lieutenant of Nottingham. We are here for the summit."

"I don't believe you, the Sheriff of Nottingham has already arrived," the guard replied, inching the spear closer to both their faces.

Guy huffed, "Look, if you don't believe me, then send for the Sheriff himself. He'll tell you. We were separated on the journey over, that is all."

The guard turned to his men behind him. "Send for the Sheriff of Nottingham," he bellowed through the portcullis.

They waited in silence, afraid that any conversation between them could be thought as conspiring. The guard watched their every move, as though any moment they would draw weapons and storm the castle. After a few moments, the Sheriff walked coolly up to the gate, his grin growing on his face as he saw Guy and Catrine just feet away from him, surrounded by threatening guards.

"Oh, yes, this is my lieutenant, guard. Though I'm deeply surprised to see him here so soon," he chuckled, extending one finger through the bars and pointing at Guy.

The guard looked over to the Sheriff, still disbelieving, "And the girl?" he asked.

The Sheriff shrugged and began to slowly turn around, "Probably just some hussy Sir Guy found. Let her in too, I suppose." He threw a sneer towards Catrine just before walking back into the castle.

Guy found Catrine's hand as the gate opened before them, gently squeezing it. Catrine huffed and tossed her hair, but squeezed his hand in return.

He led the horse into the corner of the courtyard, dismounting and then turning towards Catrine to help her down. Catrine swung her leg around as Guy's hands wrapped around her waist, laughing as he eased her down to the stone pavement. "My lady Gisborne," Guy laughed, "You didn't walk all the way to York."

Catrine turned her head sharply up to face him, "What?" she snapped.

"I believe just earlier today, you said you'd rather walk all the way to York than ride with your husband," he chuckled, placing a kiss on her half-sneering lips. Guy felt her melt into him, her sneer becoming laughter under his kiss. She stepped away, laughing harder than Guy could remember for a long time.

Arm in arm, they walked through the grand entrance of York Castle, all hung in banners and cloths of red and black in honor of the Prince's agent. A door on the other side of the great stone hall hung open a crack, and echoing voices and light spilled out into the hallway. Guy and Catrine walked over and peeked through the door. The Great Hall was bursting with people standing all around in the brightly lit space. And in the corner, they could see the Sheriff broodingly standing still, his hands clasping and unclasping behind his back.

Catrine laughed as they walked into the room, pushing their way towards the back corner and standing silently beside the Sheriff.

"What is going on, my lord Sheriff?" Guy asked, letting go of Catrine's arm and moving just behind the Sheriff.

"Nothing. The Prince's agent is giving some sort of self-important speech about the Holy War or whatever," the Sheriff replied, bouncing up and down on his toes.

"And the tribute, my lord?" Catrine asked, turning herself around to face the Sheriff.

"Tribute is already presented, tax allotments are already being decided by the agent, and I was already reprimanded for not bringing enough," the Sheriff replied, continuing to face forward and crossing his arms. Then he turned suddenly and entirely around, facing Guy. "Three months, Gisborne," he spoke.

Guy shook his head, "I don't understand."

"You're wife is banned from Nottingham Castle for three months, Gisborne. I figure it's punishment enough for the both of you."

"But my lord Sheriff, I only saved Guy from being tied up by outlaws and…" Catrine's voice quivered in emotion as she tried to defend herself.

The Sheriff pressed a single finger over her lips, "You wouldn't want to make it four months now, would you?"

Catrine's hung her head, turning it away from the Sheriff and from her husband. But, she felt Guy grab her hand in his, pulling her closer to him.

Just then, a fanfare echoed through the chamber as men in orange livery filed in, each bearing a folded piece of parchment.

"Ah," the Sheriff spoke, turning around once more, "Here come the tax allotments. Although, I don't expect much mercy, despite your… ingenious planning, Lady Gisborne."

A man in orange livery approached the trio as they stood in the corner, and Catrine smiled seeing Sir Mathew's recognizable face as he handed the parchment to the Sheriff. Sir Mathew dipped his head in greeting to Catrine, "My lady, it's good to see you again, this time… by your husband's side," he flashed her a charming smile.

"But of course, Sir Mathew," Catrine laughed, dipping her head in return.

The Sheriff hastily tore away at the parchment in his hands, turning around to face Guy and Catrine with a broad and toothy smile on his face.

Sir Mathew bowed to the group, "It's been a… pleasure… to observe your operations in Nottingham. I apologize if I've appeared judgmental about your methods." He smiled at the Sheriff, "I had no idea your shire was so poor. My apologies." With that, Sir Mathew withdrew, flourishing his orange cape behind him.

The Sheriff began to cackle deeply, gripping the parchment tighter. Guy grabbed at the parchment, almost ripping it from the Sheriff's hands to see why exactly the Sheriff was so strangely happy.

Guy looked at the parchment, then looked over it again, "Is that really all, Sheriff?"

"Yes, Gisborne! Yes it is!" the Sheriff said excitedly, tearing the sheet from Guy's hands and planting a kiss on it.

"Congratulations to Lady Gisborne, I suppose," the Sheriff spoke, still only able to stare at the paper in his hands.

Guy grabbed her closer, pulling her into a warm and loving kiss. Catrine felt parchment jab into her side, and she reluctantly turned away from Guy.

"Two months, Lady Gisborne," the Sheriff smirked and poked her in the side again with the parchment. "You are banished from the castle for only two months. Now continue with your husband while I go… do something else," he replied with a wave of his hand.

"You are most gracious, Sheriff," Catrine chuckled, returning her attention once again to her husband.