Chapter 4

"I'm sorry, honey, I didn't hear a word you just read. My thoughts distracted me," Mother honestly answered.

"What were you thinking about?" Kit asked curiously.

"Oh, just the future."

"The future? Why were you thinking about that?"

"It's a parents job to worry about their child's future."

"What's there to worry about? The future will come no matter what anyone does to try to stop it," was Kit's wise reply to that statement.

Mother chuckled at her son's smartness. "True but it's not the future itself that I worry about. It's what that future might bring."

"What's it gonna bring?" an excited Kit asked.

"That's what I don't know and worry about," Mother replied.

"I don't understand," Kit said as his ears went down slightly.

Mother sighed. "The future may be a bright happy one but there's just as much chance that it will be a sad one as well. I want you to always remember this, Kit. No matter how happy it is, the future will always have some sadness in it. Sadness is a part of life and, while it hurts, it also helps us grow. But, just as there is always sadness, there will always be happiness to if you don't allow the sadness to consume you and you look for happiness. I want you to promise me that no matter what the future brings or what sadness you encounter in your life, you wont let sad things destroy your happiness. It's okay to be sad at times, just don't let it take over your life. Look for the good that still exists and always remember, your father and I love you more than anything and we always will."

"Why would I forget that? You and father always tell me that you love me," a puzzled Kit wondered.

"Your father and I wont always be here, Kit. As much as we'd love to be with you forever, that's not the way the world works. Eventually you'll be on your own. All kits grow up and leave their parents," she replied, leaving out that sometimes the parents were taken from the kits by violence.

"Well I'm never gonna leave!," he declared emphatically.

Mother laughed at his declaration, forgetting all about her worries of the future. Her son was just too cute to be sad around. What will be, will be.

Yes, this was another short chapter. I updated because a Fox named Rose asked so nicely. Again short but I'm working up to something actually happening. Just have to lay the ground work. If you can't tell yet what's going to happen then you could probably ask one of the other people reading this and they could tell you.