Hey, So this is my first fanfic, so please be nice with the reviews! It's something that I have had in the back of my head for about 6 months and I just needed to get it written down.
Beginning of a Revelation
Chuck Bartowski was on his way back from an emergency computer repair job. He drove along, nodding his head in time with the beat of the tune he was listening to, but his mind was somewhere else. He was thinking about his cover life. The life that he told everyone he lived. Yes, he loved computers, televisions, and all the cool gidgy-gadgets that went along with them, but he was growing tired of the lies. Always having to lie to his family about where he had been or what he had been up to was starting to wear on him. He was also concerned that they were getting suspicious about his stories. Being pretty much the world's most important spy, he knew that lying to his family was for their own protection, but still…
Chuck's superior officer, General Diane Beckman, was aware of Chuck's concerns. He had had them for a while, and she was working on a solution. Believe me; she was not going to let the most important piece of U.S. intelligence live in doubt about his safety or his cover.
In the recent months, Chuck Bartowski had begun dating his former handler, Sarah Walker. She was the love of his life and vice versa. Sarah was concerned about Chuck's safety, especially now that she was dating him for real instead of just a cover relationship. She was worried that if Chuck got into a tight situation that she might be so compromised, she wouldn't be able to react quickly enough to save him. She also had expressed her concerns to the General, who smiled and assured her that she was working on a solution. Sarah, in turn assured Chuck that everything was going to be okay, but both of them continued to remain unsure.
Back in the present, Chuck was driving down the road on his way to this supposed "computer emergency", all the while thinking about these things and how he could possibly keep the masquerade up much longer. True, some of his Nerd Herd calls were legit, like the one he was currently en route from, but many of what he explained to his co-workers as "computer emergencies" was actually National Security emergencies that needed the computer he had in his brain. Dates with Sarah were oftentimes rattled with bullet holes and bombs, and his and Morgan's game nights oftentimes consisted of writing lengthy mission reports and investigating "the bad guys" as they had dubbed their enemies.
Chuck's mind was whirling so fast with all these thoughts that he almost did not notice the red light. He stopped abruptly, almost too late and breathed a sigh of relief all too soon…
Chuck felt his car lunge forward and backward. He felt his head hit the steering wheel and then lash back, and it took him a couple seconds to realize what happened; he had been rear-ended. He looked in his rear-view mirror, and, much to his surprise, he saw that it was another Herder.
A mid-height brunette stepped out of the car and ran over to his window. She knocked frantically several times before he finally opened the door and go out.
"Oh my God, are you okay?" She asked frantically. "I am so sorry. And embarrassed. My first week out on the job and I get in a car accident with another Herder."
"Hey, it's okay, just a couple of dents and a bit of whiplash. Don't worry about it.'' Chuck smiled.
"Well, I'm glad you're okay. I should probably give you my information though, just in case." The girl smiled, and Chuck couldn't help but think that he had seen that smile before.
"Let's get these Herders out of the middle of the street." Chuck said
They drove the damaged cars into a nearby parking lot. Then they both stepped out of their cars to exchange information.
"Here's my card." Chuck said. "You can give that to your supervisor."
"I don't have a card yet so I'll write my stuff down." The girl said, pulling out a piece of paper and a pen.
"So what branch do you work at?" Chuck inquired as the girl was writing down her info. "I have never seen you at the Burbank Buy More."
"That's because I work at the Beverly Hills branch." She laughed.
She handed him her information and he took it. He looked at it and couldn't believe his eyes.
"Your name is Jamie Bartowski?"
"What, do I know you from somewhere?'' She replied.
"My name is Chuck Bartowski!" Chuck declared.
"Oh really? I didn't even look at your card. Wow, that's really cool." Jamie smiled. "Oh my god, I have to go. I promised my client that I would be there a half an hour ago!'' She got back in her car. Despite the damage, it was still drivable.
Jamie drove over to where he was standing rolled down her window. "It was nice meeting you, Chuck."
"Yeah, you too, especially since we're probably cousins. Say, your dad's name wouldn't happen to be Patrick, would it? That's my dad's brother."
"Nope," She replied, "my dad's name is Stephen. I really need to go. See you around, Chuck." With that she drove away.
He stared at her vanishing taillights in utter shock. Had he just heard her right? It could be coincidence, but what if it wasn't? Could it actually be that this girl was… his sister?
So what did you think? Please review! And remember, be kind.