Here is the Chapter that I promised to you! I hope you like it. I've been busy working on my other fic, which seems to be more popular than this one ever was, so I sort of put this one on the back burner…No worries, though, there will still be fairly frequent updates.
I don't own Chuck.
Renegade Returns…Sort Of...Or Not
Sarah tried to open the glass door several times, but every attempt failed. Jamie had also cut off all communications in the room, so Sarah couldn't call for help either. As much as she didn't want to, she was going to have to shoot the door down. After she had done so, she ran up the stairs two by two to the Orange Orange, and bolted across the parking lot to the Buy More. She ran up to the Nerd Herd desk, panting. Chuck was standing there, his back towards her, but when he heard her heavy breathing, he turned around.
"Sarah, hey, what's going on?"
Casey walked over, "Yeah, I'd like to know the same thing."
"Morgan was kidnapped by Intrepid, and they're holding him, and… They want your sister, Chuck, and she's gone after Morgan and …"
"Sarah, we have to get him back!" Chuck interrupted her. Then he started toward the door.
"Wait," Casey grabbed Chuck's arm, "I think that we should all just calm down here."
"Why… Why would we calm down? He's my best friend! By the way would you let go of my arm? It kinda hurts."
Casey released Chuck's arm, "I don't know why I'm saying this, but I think Jamie has a plan."
Sarah looked around, "Maybe we should discuss this in Castle."
They got down to Castle, and as soon as they closed the door from the Orange Orange, Sarah started talking.
"Morgan's gonna be fine; Jamie said so."
"Like you would trust her." Chuck muttered sarcastically.
"Look, Chuck, I know that she and I haven't always gotten along the best, but somehow she knows what's going on in this situation, and the only thing that we can do is trust her on it."
"What do you know about her mission?" Casey asked.
"Well, a woman went into the Buy More under a false name looking for Morgan, who she then kidnapped. Morgan called us from the trunk of a car, and we were able to trace it, after which Jamie locked me in Castle and took off. Oh, and Jamie said that the woman's name was Marsha McCauley."
"Marsh—Marsha McCauley—I've heard that name before," Chuck thought out loud. "Wait! I flashed on her ex-partner, Tripp Rayner back in D.C."
"And you didn't tell me?" Sarah asked a menacing tone in her voice.
"I was kinda sworn to secrecy about the trip to D.C. It was before I decided to go 'Agent Carmichael' on Jamie." Chuck defended himself.
Sarah huffed, "Do you remember the flash?"
"Uh, yeah, let's see, Agent Tripp Rayner, age 26, romantically involved with my sister Jamie, was presumed to have gone rogue with Agent Marsha McCauley, but that was never confirmed." He paused, "Maybe I should flash on Marsha. Do we have a picture of her?"
"Sure do." Sarah pulled out the picture that they had gotten from the Buy More surveillance.
Chuck glanced at it, and almost had a flash overload. Almost two munities later, he snapped out of it.
"Whoa," He said, shaking his head, "Don't ever show me that picture again."
"What did your flash tell you?"
"Agent Marsha McCauley, age 32, Agent of the CIA. Was recruited at age 20 by Langston Graham, worked with several partners, was also a candidate for the human intersect project, but her scores weren't high enough. She was partnered with Tripp Rayner after he..." Chuck trailed off for a moment, "After he completed his observance of Bryce Larkin and Sarah Walker." He turned to Sarah, "You know this guy?"
"Yeah, I do actually." Sarah replied, "He wanted to be the perfect spy, and he wanted to see me and Bryce in action, so the CIA sent him to observe us for about six months. Finish telling me about your flash."
"Well, the whole partnering thing triggered another flash," Chuck continued, "They were on a mission in Moscow when Marsha went rogue. He went after her and Chelsea Cooley was left to pick up the pieces, which triggered another flash that told me that Chelsea Cooley is actually my sister who was sent as reinforcement for McCauley and Rayner. She and Rayner had been romantically involved since she had been put in the field, and he had requested for her to join him in Moscow. They were about to move their operation to Paris, and I think that they were going to get married."
"That was all in the intersect?" Casey asked.
"Sure was," Chuck replied, "But that's not the end of the story. "They were on the mission in Moscow, and had infiltrated an enemy base. Turns out, our good friend Marsha had turned to the other side and nearly killed Tripp and Jamie in an explosion. They, of course, escaped and lived. They broke up; Tripp took off after Marsha, and Jamie stayed in Moscow. She was reassigned shortly thereafter to Malaysia, which is where she was when Reed was killed."
"So is Rayner rogue?" Casey asked.
"Well, he was assigned by the CIA to head the Intrepid investigation, and it was never confirmed that he was working for the other side." Sarah said.
"Wait, you've had contact with him?" Chuck asked.
"Yeah, both Casey and I have." Sarah replied.
"You should have said something! We need to get him here, like, now!" Chuck exclaimed.
Jamie was following Morgan's cell phone signal, and was taking every shortcut possible to catch up with Marsha. All she could hope was that she could catch up before they got to their destination.
She watched her monitor as she got closer and closer to the signal, until she realized that she was only about 300 yards away from it. Her heart started beating hard, and she could feel her breakfast coming up. Now is not the time to get morning sickness Jamie, she muttered to herself. She took a deep breath to keep it from coming up.
She maintained a 30-yard tail on them for the rest of the way to the Intrepid compound. She drove up just in time to see Marsha getting out of the car. Marsha noticed Jamie driving up, and pulled out her gun. Jamie parked the car and got out, her hands over her head. They stood there for a moment, about a hundred feet away from each other.
"Well, well, if it isn't!" Marsha yelled.
"I'm unarmed; Marsha, just hand Morgan over and we'll call it even." She called.
"Yeah, I don't think that's very even." Marsha said, "You know what I want, and I'm keeping the little bearded man until I get it."
"Then let's make a deal. I turn myself in, and you release him. Right here, right now, and nobody gets hurt." Jamie said, "Now let me see him."
Marsha opened the trunk, and Morgan climbed out, "Well thank you," He mumbled, "It was starting to get kinda cramped in there…Jamie!" He started to run toward her, but Marsha grabbed him and held him back.
"Not so fast, buddy." She snarled, "Here he is!" She called.
"Okay, now send him over, and I'll come that way at the same time."
"Alright, but you try anything stupid, Jamie, and I will kill him."
Morgan and Jamie started walking toward each other. They met in the middle.
"Go straight back to Castle, Morgan. Don't do anything dumb, got it?" She whispered to him.
"Jamie, what are they going to do to you?" Morgan asked worriedly.
"That's not important. You're safe and you need to get back to Castle. Just one thing- Don't call them, don't notify them, and don't contact them in any way, okay? Not until you get back."
"Move it!" Marsha yelled.
Jamie hugged him. "Goodbye Morgan."
"Goodbye, Jamie, and for the record, I don't care what anybody says; you are a great spy."
The remark brought tears to her eyes. "Thank you," She squeezed him harder for a second, then released him, "Now run." She directed.
Morgan turned and ran just as Marsha came up and grabbed her by the arms, tying her hands behind her back. Right before Morgan reached the car he turned to look at her one more time. When Marsha saw him, she grabbed her gun and pointed it at him.
"Morgan run!" Jamie screamed, tears running down her face.
Morgan ran and dove into the car just as Marsha fired.
"You said he would be safe." Jamie muttered resentfully.
"Well, you got your wish, but come on Jamie, have I ever been one to keep my word?"
Tripp ran down the Castle stairs, "Okay, Sarah, talk to me, what's going on?"
Sarah was frenetically typing on the keyboard, trying to pick up some type of signal from Jamie, but had failed at all attempts. She looked up at Tripp, "Do you want the long version or the short version?"
"Just tell me what's going on?" He instructed.
"Marsha McCauley kidnapped Morgan, then Morgan called us, then Jamie locked me in Castle and went after him." She stated.
"And you don't think that Jamie can handle herself on this mission?"
"No I don't."
"Why not?" They heard someone behind them ask; it was Chuck.
Sarah just stared at him blankly while searching for words.
"Sarah, why not?" Chuck repeated his question "Is it because you don't think she's capable, or is it that you don't think she's ready, or is it just because you have stereotyped Jamie in your head? It's that, isn't it?"
Sarah opened her mouth as if she were going to say something, and then closed it again.
"That's what I thought." Chuck said as he turned to leave.
"Wait!" Tripp said.
Chuck turned back around.
Tripp continued, "There's something she's not telling us." He turned toward Sarah, "Sarah, what are you hiding? 'Cause if you know something, now would be the time to tell us."
She went back to facing the monitor, "I don't know anything. Let's just focus on finding her, okay?"
"Sarah," Tripp began, a smirk forming on his face, "You're forgetting that I am one of Jamie Bartowski's closest friends. I am one of the only people in the world who can tell when she's lying, which means that I can pretty much tell when anybody is lying, and believe me, you know something."
Chuck walked up behind her, "Sarah," he said softly, "just tell us the truth."
Sarah clenched her fists, "She told me not to tell anyone, and I promised her I wouldn't."
"Sarah, I don't think that rules apply here. They could be torturing her for all we know."
"She's pregnant, okay?" Sarah blurted, and then turned her face towards Tripp, "With your baby."
Tripp's face furrowed, and he took a step back. He was shocked, but he couldn't let it affect him right now. He needed to stay focused.
Morgan drove as fast as he could back to Castle. He was shaking like a leaf, and was having a hard time concentrating on his driving. He was about ten miles from Castle when the laptop in the passenger's seat bleeped on. He looked down at the screen, and all it said was, "Press Enter".
Morgan, of course, pressed enter, and an automated voice came through the speakers, saying "Download Successful; playback will begin immediately."
Evidently, Jamie had bugged herself—Of course she had, she was Renegade, not Brainless!
The playback began, and Morgan listened in shock. When he arrived down in Castle, he stumbled in, his expression horrified. Sarah looked up and saw him.
"Morgan!" She cried as she ran over to him, taking him in her arms, then she took his face in both of her hands, "Oh my God, are you okay?"
He nodded his head before she hugged him again.
When she noticed that he hadn't said a word, she backed away. She studied him for a moment, then asked, "Morgan, what's wrong?"
"I know something, and I don't know if this thing is bad or not, but since we're dealing with bad guys, I'm going to make the assumption that it's bad…"
"Morgan, buddy, what is it?'' Chuck asked.
"I know why they want Jamie." He said shakily, "And it's not because of her knowledge of Intrepid."
"Well if it isn't that, then what is it?" Tripp wondered aloud.
"Think! Think, Mr.," Morgan paused for a moment, trying to think if he had seen this guy before. When he concluded that he never had, he continued, "Mr. Agent-that-I-don't-know, what is another thing that she's got a lot of knowledge on that might be of interest to an organization such as theirs?"
Nobody said anything for a few minutes, and then all of a sudden, Chuck and Sarah jerked their heads up and looked at each other in horror.
"Oh my God," They said in union, "It's…."
It's a cliffhanger, people!
Review, tell me what you think. I think that this story is coming to an end, but it most definitely will have a sequel. I was going to make it into one long story, but now looking at it, I think that I will make it into two, since the second half is really a little more about Chuck and Sarah.
There will probably be one or two more chapters, then I will start a sequel.
Also, if you're a fan of AU, you should check out my new story, No Mere Coincidence. It's a lot of fun to write, and personally, I think it's better than this fic!