Hello again everyone! Let me just say how totally thrilled I am by all the interest in my little story. I hope you are all still reading this time next week.

You lucky things are getting this update a little early, due to an impending visit from my in-laws, normal service will be resumed next time.

Right, here we go again with Chapter 2…

Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight, it belongs to S. Meyer

This storyline is mine though, so please no playing with it without my permission.

Chapter 2 Well Hello Prince Charming

Why do things like this keep happening to me? I am lying in bed, mentally running through my day of embarrassing incidents. Today has been exhausting and I thought I would crash out like a light, but no such luck. My brain has decided it wants to torture me.

After yet another awkward moment, this time in Rose's kitchen, I tried to make a bolt for it. But this time Jasper and Rose decided to tag team me and stop me from escaping. Damn twins. They're freaky like that. Rose offered me tea, and Jasper found me a chair. I was trapped.

I tried not to peek at Edward, I really did. But my stupid brain betrayed me again. Of course the one time I risk a glance, he happened to be staring right at me, dammit. I felt my face heating up again. Why did he keep staring at me like that? It was so unsettling.

I attempted to catch Rose's eye in the vain hope she could get me out of this. No chance. She seemed to be enjoying watching me squirm. As Jasper and Rose engaged in conversation, Edward shifted his attention to me.

"So, Bella, Jasper tells me you lead a very busy life around here?" Before I could stutter out a couple of sentences, we were interrupted by a noise upstairs from one of the children. Seizing my moment, I leapt from the table and with a cheery "I'll go!" bolted up the stairs. Rose's eldest, Riley, couldn't sleep so I happily settled in to read a story, or two, or three. When he was finally asleep, I tiptoed downstairs, and to my luck found just Rose sitting at the table. Talking to her was no problem, I recounted my day and she tried to keep the laughter to a minimum. Funny though, she never exactly disclosed just why Jasper came over and why Edward was with him. We shared a glass of wine or two, before I returned home. I opened my laptop and managed a little more work before falling into bed, hoping to zonk out straight away.

Well that didn't work did it? It is now past midnight and I am still wide awake. I toss and turn and just as I am actually contemplating counting sheep, I eventually fall asleep. But my dreams are haunted by a certain green-eyed, messy haired, handsome stranger, so I don't get a good night's rest. I wake when the alarm goes off, feeling just as tired as before I went to bed.

I have agreed to go into Jasper's office again today so I drag myself out of bed and get started. This time I go straight up to my hidey hole, only to find there is a note from Jasper sitting on my desk. "Bella, come see me as soon as you get here, I need to discuss something with you asap." I sigh heavily, he's probably going to nag me for sneaking off yesterday. Hmm I'll just check my email first. I haven't even finished logging on to the computer before my phone rings.

"As soon as you get here means now, Bella!" It's Jasper. Damn, is he spying on me or something? With another sigh I drag myself over to Jasper's office. No sign of Lauren so I give a courtesy knock and in I go, grumbling to myself as I stomp through the door. Well, I was summoned here like a naughty child.

"All right, I'm here, what's all the fuss about?" As I cross the threshold I get an inkling that something's up. Oh no not again. Yep Jasper is not alone. Standing next to him is...

Edward. Not just Edward, Edward in a dark suit. Oh my giddy Aunt. I almost clutch my chest like a swooning heroine in a romance novel.

Edward in a suit is a sight to behold. The contrast of the dark fabric against his pale complexion and unusual hair is striking. And he's clean-shaven too, wow. Such a contrast from his rumpled appearance yesterday. My jaw nearly hits the floor and I try my hardest not to drool. I try to compose myself and notice that both of them are standing there smirking at me. Bastards.

I take a deep breath. Control yourself Bella. You are not going to blush again. "Jasper you sent for me?" I adopt my submissive employee voice while giving him a filthy look. He's still smirking. I want to hit him.

"Yes, as I keep missing you. I've been trying to tell you this but haven't had the chance because you keep disappearing on me. Edward's going to be my new partner. He's buying into the business. You know I've wanted to expand for a while now, and have been looking for new investment." Well knock me down with a feather. That's what all this was about. I thought Edward was just an old friend visiting or something. Jasper is now beaming. I am so pleased for him.

Jasper's firm does something with computers. Something so clever I have no idea how it works. He built it up from nothing bar a little help from his family, who provided his initial investment. Although Jasper did a business course at university, he's a bit of a computer geek at heart. He's a real hard worker and a great friend. I would do anything for him. He looks so excited about this development and it's easy to forgive him for any awkwardness I am feeling right now.

Jasper is now in full flow, telling me all about how Edward grew up with Jasper and Rose, then his family moved away when he was a teenager. They have recently been reunited and Edward was looking for an investment opportunity. I listen, nodding in all the right places.

Edward steps forward.

"Jasper has told me a lot about you, Bella, and how you have been such a great help to him. We are hoping you can still help us out in the future?" He's smiling at me, expecting some sort of response. I had better get myself together.

"Well, um, of course, if you still need me, wouldn't you want someone full time?" I stammer, blushing furiously.

"I'm sure we can come to some sort of arrangement." He is so smooth, all charm, and has such a winning smile. I can feel myself smiling too. No wonder he's successful. Hmm he seems to have a strange effect on me. It feels like he's pulling me in with some sort of tractor beam. I try and force my eyes to look away from him and focus my attention on Jasper.

"So what did you need me to do today? You didn't leave me any instructions?" I ask him. Hoping there will be lots to distract me from the sex god in the room. Sex god? What am I thinking? I need help.

"Have a seat now." Jasper gestures to a chair. "We can go over some stuff I'd like you to help us with. And if you can, Edward needs our latest figures to go over."

Unfortunately, or fortunately for my inner perv, Edward doesn't seem to be going anywhere at the moment. Bugger. It's difficult enough to concentrate with him in the room but when he takes the chair next to mine and sits down, it's almost impossible to focus. One of his long legs keeps brushing against mine. Focus Bella focus. Avoid the tractor beam and try not to stare at those long, muscular thighs...

The meeting is purgatory. My senses are being overwhelmed by the man sitting next to me, the scent of his cologne, his warm hand that brushes against my fingers when we reach for the same piece of paper. Thinking about it, isn't he sitting a bit close for a business meeting? If this was Mike from the sales floor with his sweaty palms, I would be almost hyperventilating right now in my need to get away. Actually I remember the last time, when he put his greasy palm on my knee. Ugh. Good job I don't wear skirts. I manage a couple of sly peeks at Edward and each time he seems to be smiling at me. Maybe Jasper told him about my shyness? He seems to be going to great lengths to put me at ease. Or maybe he's just a natural charmer. Probably the latter.

We bring the meeting to a close, thank goodness, as I have so much to be getting on with. I explain that I will get as much done as I can, and should have the figures ready for Edward by the following day. They both seem fine with this. But just when I think I can make my escape, Jasper wants one more thing.

"Come to lunch with me Bella? No excuses this time. C'mon, I'm dying to have a proper catch up with you." I realize resistance is probably futile, and give in gracefully.

"Fine, what time?" We agree on one o'clock and I wander back to my office, stopping off for a coffee on the way; I need one. Although thinking about it, catching up with Jasper over lunch should be fun. I work away all morning and at one o'clock on the dot, there's a knock on my door.

"Ready?" Jasper is leaning on the doorframe, all smiles. Then I realize his bloody shadow is with him again. "You don't mind Edward joining us do you?" Damn. I can't say no without looking like a bitch and there isn't enough time to fake an emergency and get out of this. Take a deep breath Bella. It's just lunch, you can cope, Jasper will be there, you are not going to panic. Having given myself a stern talking to, I manage a smile.

"No problem." I grab my coat as it's still not that warm out – spring hasn't quite sprung here. We make our way downstairs and it almost comes to a fight between the two of them to hold the door open for me. This doesn't escape Jessica's beady eyes. Uh oh, I fear the Spanish Inquisition later. Mentally I remind myself to try and sneak back in through the back entrance.

We make our way over to Jasper's BMW, and I try to duck in the back but Edward won't hear of it, insisting I sit up front. Jasper seems delighted I have joined them and is chattering away. He wants to know how everything is going for me. I tell him things are good – I have another competition coming up soon. He wants to come along if he can. I had forgotten about our extra passenger but he suddenly reminds me of his presence.

"Competition, Bella? What's all this then?" Edward seems genuinely curious.

"Bella here is something of a rising star in the equestrian world," Jasper replies. "She has two competition horses and works really hard at it." Shit I can feel myself blushing again already. Jasper then proceeds to totally embarrass me by waxing lyrical about my prowess. Edward seems captivated, and before I know it I am the centre of the conversation. Crap. Luckily we have just pulled up at our favourite pub, which wins me a temporary reprieve. But not before Jasper has disclosed to Edward about how the company sponsors me and invited him along to my next competition. Oh bloody hell, that's all I need.

Jasper and I love coming here. The atmosphere is relaxed and informal, with big flat screens on the walls showing sports. Even though there are plenty of people here it doesn't feel overly crowded. Oh and the food is great. We find a table and after pulling out my chair for me, and asking what I'd like to drink, Edward disappears to the bar. What a gentleman.

Finally I have Jasper all to myself for a few minutes. But before I can get a word in, he leans in and winks at me.

"I think you have an admirer there, Bella." I stare at him dumbfounded. Is he pulling my leg? Surely Edward was just being friendly? Then I remember Jasper knows him better. I suddenly have an urge to start quizzing him about Edward, hoping he will tell me more. But I don't get the chance as before I can speak, Edward is back with our drinks. Of course with his looks, he doesn't have to wait for service. I seriously need to get a grip on myself, and away from this "does he fancy me nonsense." We are not back at school.

We order our food. The sandwiches are excellent, so I go for my usual, chicken salad with chips on the side. I have never been one of those girls who just orders a salad to look dainty. I like my food too much.

The boys are talking business so I tune out for a while, letting my thoughts wander back to what Jasper mentioned earlier. Why do I seem to care whether Edward might be interested in me? I don't "do" boyfriends. Not after the last fiasco. After getting my heart smashed to smithereens and the pieces trampled on, I have no desire for a repeat performance. And as I know only too well, men are not to be trusted. Suddenly I am startled from my inner musings.

"So Bella, what do you think? You'll tag along, won't you?" Oops Jasper is speaking to me. What have I missed?

"Sorry, what? I was miles away." Good one Bella, could you make yourself look any more awkward?

Jasper explains that there will be drinks tomorrow night, to celebrate Edward's partnership. I agree that I will try to be there, confident I can find an excuse before then.

Lunch is over all too soon and we head back. I manage to give the guys the slip as we get through the door and dash back to my office. A few hours later, all is under control and I make my exit home to work on things there. The rest of my day is the same as the one before, exercise horse, work on laptop etc. I decide to forgo Rose's kitchen, I am tired and I can't be doing with any more surprises today. I work away on the laptop until well after eleven, deciding to try and tire myself out that way. Hopefully, I can get a good night's sleep tonight.

Wednesday dawns, and the weather is promising. I did manage to sleep well last night so I feel more refreshed. I'm staying at home today to get some more work done with the horses and the vet is due later; hopefully to give Charlie a clean bill of health and the go ahead to start working him again. As soon as I arrive at the yard though, one of the girls tells me Rose has been looking for me. That's weird; she never does this as I usually pop in and out of her kitchen several times a day. Perhaps she just wants an early morning chat or something?

The house is quiet, maybe Rose isn't back from the school run yet? I wander into her kitchen and put the kettle on for a cup of tea. I think I'm going to need one.

"Right, Bella!" Rose is here, "We need to have words." Uh oh, what have I done? We rarely have disagreements to be honest, so this is worrying me. We grab our drinks and sit down at her large kitchen table.

"I've been talking to my brother and he told me something very interesting. I wanted to catch you before you get started. Is there anything you might want to tell me?"

"Er, not really. What's up?" I ask, but have a sinking feeling an inquisition is coming on. Scary Rose is in the building.

"Well I think you may have been holding out on me Bella. Not willing to share your thoughts on Jasper's new partner?" Rose won't let me dodge eye contact even though I am trying.

"Oh Edward? Yeah he seems very nice. I went to lunch with him and Jasper yesterday."

"Beeeellaaaaa." Rose is not buying the nonchalant act. "Spit it out. Come on, I know him, he's downright gorgeous isn't he? I nearly swooned when they turned up here yesterday. And listen, Edward's single and Jasper thinks he has a bit of a thing for you, he said he was asking all sorts of questions about you yesterday."

"Well I did make an arse out of myself." I mumble. "He probably thinks I'm not all there."

"Stoppit." Rose grabs my arm. "I won't have you putting yourself down like this. It's about time you realized what a catch you are. You can't keep letting what happened in the past dictate your life. I know you keep saying you haven't got time and you're not interested but it's been years, you can't stay single forever!"

"You said he was gorgeous, Rose." I reply. "Why aren't you interested in him for yourself if he's so special?" Hah. I have turned the tables on her. Go me!

"Nope, he's not really my type. I like my men a bit more rugged thanks." She winks at me. "And there's another reason I summoned you here. We're going out with them tonight. I expect you smartened up and over here by eight tonight. No excuses."

Oh holy crap. How on earth am I going to get out of this one?


Some important messages:

Thank you to everyone who has read, reviewed, alerted or recommended this story.

Especially to Quietruby, who has sent a lot of readers my way. If you aren't reading her story "A Matter of Trust" well, go read it now!

Big thanks to my prereaders annetteinoz and my lovely hubby, for reassuring me people will actually want to read this.

Even bigger thanks to my beta, xoEMC, for making this story so much better.

Finally a quick shout out to my fellow Brit Authors, please look at their stories if you get a chance.

"Say Hello Wave Goodbye" by afoolishmortal

"My Elevator Love Letter" by pearl421

"A Form of Escapism" by flubbles

Next update will be end of next week. See you then…I hope