I just want to say thank you to TennisWriter456 for being my beta reader. Thanks for taking your time to read my story. Alright, the chapter we've all been waiting for.

The Reunion of a Queen and a Warrior

Vorm observed from the window the departure of Tabatha and her cousin. He himself had given strict orders to his loyal guards to allow the female and her cousin to leave. Once they were out of sight, Vorm clenched his fist. How he loathed the very thought of that scum touching was his! She had been promised to him since their childhood, but she had to leave and break their engagement off. Then HE comes to picture and she automatically forms the bond with him? Fate had a cruel, twisted irony. Not only would Tabatha allow no one near her except loved ones, but she would try to destroy Vorm with her power. In order to keep her mind in one piece for now, he had to allow his nemesis near his betrothed. Well, it was a small price to pay in the grander scheme of things. Unfortunately, that meant giving the queen mother pleasures all night. Vorm snarled once more, "Enjoy you little play toy while you can Tabatha, you shall soon be mine. I always take what belongs to me..."

The scenery whipped past the queen and her cousin as they sped at full speed. Nettle couldn't help shiver. He remembered vividly his cousin's reaction when she heard Raguna was near. The very thought brought tremors down his soul. Looking back, he wasn't so sure it was a good idea bringing Tabatha with him. Originally, the plan was to sneak Raguna in the palace during the state dinner tomorrow night. She would have been in more control around the humans. It was Claire and Minerva who had insisted that he bring Tabatha. Ah well, he couldn't change his mind now. His cousin was so focus on her mate, she would have has his head if he had left her. As it was, he was barely able to keep up with her.

Nettle gave a shout, "Tabatha! Don't you think we should slow down? We're going a little fast!"

The queen gave a hiss, "Must find mate. Must find mate."

Her cousin shivered, "Tabatha! You need to calm down! If you don't control your instincts, I can't let you come with me!"

Tabatha whirled backwards and glared at him with the famous glowing eyes, "Do you dare try to interfere with me finding my mate? I will not rest until I see him!"

Nettle gulped, "Tabatha! That is what I'm talking about, this is not you! We can't let you near him if you're in this state! You could harm-"

Tabatha snarled and grasped her cousin by the collar of his shirt and flung him into a tree. The impact sent the bark flying into all directions. He land head first on the ground. He was dazed and tried to shake it off.

Once he came around, his heart dropped in his chest. Tabatha was hovering above him with goal of revenge. Her whole body was covered in a purplish hue while her hands covered in purple balls of power. The elf that was his cousin was no more. Her baser self was the one in control. All it felt was rage and a need to destroy. It could not differentiate between friend and foe. The fiend before it had kept it from its mate. He need to be destroyed and... wait, what was this smell?

This scent was very familiar. It smelled of fields after a hard long down pour of rain. Pine trees and other scents of monsters were intertwined. It was intoxicating and made the creature want more. Who did this scent belong too?

The rational side of Tabatha's mind awaken ever so slightly. She knew whose scent belonged too. It had been so long since she had smell it, smelled him. It was driving her mad. She had to be near him, to feel him in her arms once more. Nothing would stop her from being with her mate now!

The purplish force field around her disappeared and she growled out in the air. Leaping into the treetops, she took off in the direction of where her mate was. Oh, he had a lot to answer for. Such as why he was getting hurt and coming after her? And her sister!..Oh she had a score to settle with her! The logical side was so adsorbed in her thoughts, that she didn't even notice the baser side mixing in. No matter, nothing mattered. The world wasn't worth living unless she was near him.

Nettle leaned against the trunk of the tree panting. He tried to move, but winced when he felt the pain from his ribs. Apparently, Tabatha cracked a few and his left foot was sprained. Ah! Not only was his cousin on the lose, but he didn't have the mobility to go after her. Nettle shook his head and cursed to himself. It would really help if his element power was wind, he would have been able to catch up with the insane queen. Didn't matter, now he had to get to them more then ever. Summing his element of earth, the ground began to tremble. The dirt he was under shot him like a man in a cannon. Using his magical abilities, he glided himself to the source of his sister and cousin. He could only hope he could get there in time...

Raguna and his group were carried further into the words. His legs were starting to cramp from sitting for hours. Lute was lying down with his arms behind his head and his legs crossed. It was clear he wanted something to do, but lacked the means to do anything at this moment. Claire had left their traveling tent once her Rune Energy had been restored to their proper levels. She claimed that it would be a dishonor to her comrades if she refused to join them. Huh, elf honor was very strange concept.

Raguna began to rub his bruised and batter arms. He had hoped Minerva would have healed them, but she had refused. She claimed would be in enough trouble as it was with Tabatha for causing him pain and toting him along on the journey. The princess couldn't afford more of her sister's wrath.

Tabatha's wrath. The very matter sent chills down his spine. Tabatha was never one to lose her temper. Sure, she may get frustrated from time to time, but never did he see her with such rage. The closest was when the last time he saw her. The very memory made him feel sick inside. If Norress or Vorm and harmed her in any way... may God have mercy on their souls. Raguna already had a score to settle with them for kidnapping his wife, the murder of Turner, the attack on the half-elves, the list went on.

Lute could see that Raguna was deep in thought. Usually, he would have tried to converse with anyone to stave off boredom. But like Raguna, he also was thinking of matters at hand. Matters concerning a certain Vampire. He couldn't help repeating Raguna's advice in his mind over and over. He was right in a way. If he didn't confess his affection regarding her, he would lose her. The very thought brought terror to his soul. He already lost one love of his life, he couldn't lose her. He couldn't image life without her.

Both men were so absorbed in their own worlds, they barley registered that the carrier they were on had come to a halt. It was only when they felt it being set down that they begin to take in what was happening. What was going on? Why had they stopped? The answer to their question came when the form of Minerva entered the tent.

She sat down cross legged, "O.k guys, from here on out, we're on our own."

Raguna, "What? You mean your friends are just going to leave us?"

Minerva gave him a warning gesture, "Hey, they were risking their lives as it is being around me. We're going to go the city, but we're going to rendezvous with some friends of mine. Claire is going to remain with us."

Lute was confused, "If they're going to leave us, then where is Iris?"

Minerva pointed her thumb back, "Bat girl is sleeping against a nearby tree. Don't worry, Claire is watching her. You've got nothing to fear."

Those assures were not enough for a man in love, he had to see with his own eyes. Lute stood on his feet and left the tent. Minerva couldn't help but smile one of her rare, genuine smiles, "Ah, young love! I may not be fond of blood sucker, but she blessed to have a guy like him. Now if only they would confess!"

Raguna nodded, "Yeah, by the way, I need to ask you something. Who is it are we exactly meeting?"

Minerva crossed her arms, "Wouldn't you like to know? O.k, O.k, don't give me that look! We're meeting up with Nettle and another member of the resistance. They will get us past the guards, seeing as how grandma is not fond of me. I need to keep a low profile, if you know what I mean. We'll be staying at Nolan's summer home. Princess girl should be there as well."

Raguna couldn't contain a chuckle. Back when he and Tabatha had been dating, Minerva had come to Trampoli to fetch her sister home. She and miss Bianca had a..uh...difficult understanding. More like, threatening to blow Bianca's head off would be the correct term.

Minerva made a face, "It's not funny, I'm only dealing with her because she's my sister's best friend and her family does trade with my people. If it were not for those two, I would have run my sword through her by now."

Raguna, "You don't really mean that."

Minerva, "Alright, I wouldn't, but I sure do feel like it. Getting back to the subject on hand, I need to remind you. When you get to see Tabatha, wait until we give the o.k. Don't speak to her until we know she is under control, do you understand? Her powers are going to be very unstable. We don't want her to accidentally set you on fire."

Raguna let out a gulp, "Surely you must be joking?"

Minerva gave a cocky grin, "Raguna, this is what you got into when you mated with Tabatha. As long as Claire and I are there, we will help you in anyway we can."

A loud piercing cry was heard outside the tent. Both warriors were on their feet. Minerva took out her two daggers and dashed to the source of the cry. Raguna buckled his Rune sword around his waist and followed after his sister-in-law.

Once he was outside, he held his hand over his eyes and scanned the area. The elves they had traveled with had not taken their leave and were all gathered in a crowd. What he saw would have caused him to rush forward, had Claire not intervened.

There, in the distance, was his wife! She was circling her sister like a predictor of sorts. Tabatha was dressed in an entire similar to what Minerva wore. Raguna was shocked the way his wife was treating her sister. There was no sisterly affection on her features. Her white eyes held no emotion, only the killing intent of a predator. To right of the of the contenders, Iris stood in front of Lute. She kept Lute behind her while her famous Christmas eyes kept watch over the enemy. Raguna could tell her movements were slow and she could barely stand. Clearly, she would protect her human lover even if it meant being weak in the sun light.

Raguna turned his attention to Claire, "Please! Let me try to calm her down! She'll listen to me!"

Claire shook her head, "Raguna, she is not in control. She tried to kill Minerva and that is not normal. Don't go near her."

Raguna shook her hand of his shoulder, "Doesn't matter, she's my wife. No elf or human will stop me from holding her."

Claire didn't even try to stop him as he ran to Tabatha. If she had a mate, she would have done the same. Nevertheless, she would keep an eye on things just in case.

Minerva was eying her sister's movements. She knew one wrong move and the mad female would have her head. Literally. Tabatha had always been the better warrior of the two, even is she didn't dress the part. But Minerva had one advantage up her sleeve that her sister did not, she still had her logical side intact. That still didn't mean she could still win against her sister. Maybe she should try reasoning with her? It was still worth a shot.

Minerva switched to the elfin tongue, "Sister, what has caused such a change in thee? Does thou wish to harm thine kin?"

The baser side let out a hiss, "We wish find what is ours, many keep us from seeking what we desire. Our mate's scent drives us mad, we will not rest till we find mate."

She let out a sigh, "Sister, thine mate is with us. Seek the way of peace and we will let thou near thine mate. We wish to speak with your high being. She is the one that will listen to reason. Will you comply with our request?"

The creature paused in thought, like contemplating what she asked. The creature gave a nod, "We agree."

The change happened in a blink of an eye. Her hair stopped fairing around like a banshie and her eyes returned to their lavender color. She was the Tabatha that they all knew and loved. Minerva rubbed the back of her head and smiled sheepishly, "Hey sis, how have you been?"

Tabatha narrowed her eyes and brought her fist down on Minerva's head. She let out a yelp and growled, "What was that for?"

Tabatha, "You know perfectly well what that was for! I know that little stunt you pulled with Raguna. What were you thinking? He could have been killed! For all I know he..."

She continued on with her rants to her sister that she didn't even know that Raguna was right behind her. A look of terror fell across the elf princess. He was doing a very brave antic he was pulling. Well, if it got her out of her sister's wrath, she didn't care. That would be on his own head.

Tabatha felt a pair of two strong familiar arms encircle her. They held her arms gently in place across her chest. She could feel those same lips kiss across her neck and whispered, "I see you took my advice and let your ears out. You hair looks better this way too."

She couldn't take it any more. The reunion she had been waiting for. For so long she endure sleepless nights, wonder if he was hurt or worse. Now here he was in the flesh!

Tabatha spun around and wrapped her arms around her lover's neck. She couldn't contain herself anymore. Not caring what other would see, she cried in his shoulder and sobbed, "My love! Raguna!"

Raguna had waited for this moment. What torments she must have endured. The very thought made him boil with rage. He would have loved to ride up to castle this very moment and run his sword through Vorm and Norress. For now, he wouldn't let anyone or anything ruin the moment.

Tabatha released her hold on her husband and looked him in the eyes, "Don't think you're off the hook either! Are you crazy? Why did you even agree to come here? It too dangerous..."

Raguna silence her lips with a kiss. She gave in. The poor woman was terribly conflicted. On the one hand, she was so happy so see him, but on the other, she was so enraged with his recklessness. Oh, well. There would be time to deal with that later,. Right now, they were in their own little world. She wished this moment would last forever. Unfortunately, forever doesn't last in the material plane.

Nettle made his grand entrance. More like slamming into the ground was more like it. Once the dust had cleared, he stood and hopped as fast has he could to his sister, "Claire! Are you o.k? How is she?"

Claire pointed to the lovers in the distance. They had manged lock eyes with his and Nettle let out a sigh of relief. His relief was short lived when Minerva glared at him, "I thought you said she was o.k! Why did you even bring her here if she was this unstable?"

Nettle gave a weak laugh and held his hands up, "I see you've not changed cousin, still your grumpy self? I would have come sooner, but as you can see, I was held up..."

The poor elf would have fallen to the ground had not his sister caught him. Tabatha and Raguna had rushed to him as well. They placed him gently on the ground while Tabatha began to inspect his wounds. Thanks to his elf abilities, his foot was mostly healed, but his ribs were still in need of tending. The elf queen could not believe the damage she cause her cousin. She wanted to tear the very fiber of her being. All those lessons in control had been for nothing. Why did she hurt him?

Nettle seemed to see his cousin's conflict and patted her shoulder, "Tabatha, don't blame yourself. It happens to all bonded elves when they are separated from their mates. We shouldn't have kept you separated from him. We thought we were only trying to protect you both. I'm sorry."

Raguna, "Hey, it's alright, I understand. You guys thought you were doing what was best. I would too if I was in your shoes. By the way, I'm Raguna and you are?"

Nettle extended his hand and shook Raguna's, "Nettle, I'm Claire's brother. It is an honer to meet you, your majesty."

Raguna cringed, "Please, call me Raguna. You are family."

Once things had settled down and introductions were made Minerva barked orders, "Alright, now's the time to get to work. Daniel, you and your people get back to the castle. Alert us to any news that will happen. We'll be fine here."

Daniel bowed, "As you wish your majesty."

Once he had left, Minerva turned to her sister, "Hey, now that you're here, we can get to work."

Raguna wonder what she meant by that when he saw Tabatha's eyes began to glow. For a moment, he thought she was going crazy on them again, but it was not so. She held both hands palm up and that's when their carriage began to change. What was once an elf way of travel was a wagon similar to one they had used before.

Lute's eye light up with awe, "So that's why you were needed, that will help us greatly getting through the city."

Raguna summoned two bufflmoo named, Bessy and Anne to pull the wagon. They would be more willing to listen to others if something were to happen to him. It was good thing he did because he wouldn't be accompanying them.

He felt wife's arms embrace him from behind. His heart let leaped in bounds, but something was off. Everyone was tensed. It was then he found out the reason why. He could see from the corner of his eyes that his wife's eyes returned to white. At first, he was afraid she had returned to her previous terrorizing self. That was not so. Tabatha had a look of mischief. What was she up too? She ask innocently to Lute, who had helped Iris into the wagon, "Do you need my husband to drive the monsters?"

Oddly, Lute remained calmed, "No, They'll listen to me."

Tabatha, "Good, then you don't mind I 'borrow' my husband for a while? I'll meet you guys at the safe house."

Claire, "Tabatha, are you sure that is a good idea?"

He could feel his wife's fingers tighten around his tunic, "Don't worry, I will conceal us. Besides, we are not expected for several hours. I will be on time."

A great mist began to form around the couples feet. It grew in mass until it was in the form of a cloud. Nobody had a chance to react. It shot straight up into the air and was out of sight. Minerva let out her held breath, "You heard what my sister said, let's get going."

Lute frantically searched, "Hey, where's Ruff?"

As if on cue, he poked his head from the wagon, "Right here, where do you think I was?"

Nettle, who was lead into the wagon , asked, "Where did he come from and who is he?"

Minerva eyes targeted her foe, "My arch enemy. Hey Ruff, where have you been?"

Ruff sat next to Lute and light his pipe, "Observing."

Claire lifted an eye brow, "Observing what?"

The little man let out a puff of smoke, "That's for me to know and you to find out."

Minerva, "You coward! You were trying to hide weren't you? You little-"

The argument ended with the smack of the cane. It took all of Claire's power to keep her cousin back. Lute shook his head and gave the reigns a crack. This was going to be a long trip...

The sky came to creeping halt once they were high above the skies. Raguna didn't know what his wife's plan was. On the one hand, he was glad to be alone with her, but what was she planning?

She seated herself calmly down and patted a spot, "Raguna, don't you want to sit down? We have so much to talk about."

Calm down, she wouldn't hurt you. This is your wife we're talking about. "I'm fine, how are you?"

Tabatha, "I will be fine once you sit down."

Raguna did what was asked of him. For a while, there was silence between the two. They had both long for this moment and not one knew what to say to the other. Raguna was the first to cave, "So how have you been?"

Tabatha stretched out her legs and leaned on her hands, "I will not lie, it has been hard dealing my grandmother and Vorm. How is Leif doing?"

Raguna, "He's doing fine. Trampoli is going to survive. Tabatha, I didn't want to tell you this, but Turner didn't came it. We gave him a proper funeral. Thankfully, he was the only causality. It going to be hard for his family. "

He could see his wife begin to tear up a bit. They had never been close to the man, but he had been honest and good them. It would be hard without his carefree view around. Raguna embraced her once more and accepted her need for a shoulder to cry on.

They had been through so much. She enduring Vorm's advances and he fighting his very life. They wished they were back at home with their son. Their son, how was he doing? Was he o.k? Was he being taken care of? Like all parents who love their children, their worries would not be at ease until they saw him with their own eyes.

Raguna cupped both hands around his wife's tear stained face, "It's not your fault. He gave his life to save our village. Were not for you, more lives would have been lost."

Tabatha fell under his gaze and nodded, "I know. Still, I wished I had listened to you and stayed in the forest."

Raguna shook his head, "If you did that, then more people would have been killed until they had found you."

Tabatha, "Your right. I wish we didn't have to sneak or hide you're here. I just want this to be all over and go home. You working in the fields and taming monsters, me being a wife, mother, and a maid. I know that sounds silly, but that is all I've ever wanted in life."

The warrior couldn't contain his passion that arose within him. He gathered his beloved in his arms once more and began to kiss her neck. Tabatha let out a sigh and closed her eyes. There was no one to interfere with them in that moment. No power hungry chancellor, the duties of a queen or elves could separate these two lovers apart.

Raguna moved his lips up to his wife's ear and whispered, "I must say, you look gorgeous in this outfit. It brings out your elf heritage. You should dress like this more often."

She could see the fire of passion lit in her mate's eyes. It was strange how this human made her feel, so delicate and vulnerable, yet strong and empowered all at the same time. She felt helpless in his arms and there was no chance of escape. He descended on her lips once more. She could feel the all too familiar weakness as her legs gave way and they both fell on the cloud...

The darkness began to glow in purple hues all around. Normally, the creature never revealed its emotions; but now, it had a reason too. It could feel the very strength of the bond between the elf and human. The very love radiated from them was sickening. In all of its created life, never had it known such terror. It knew the prophesy was coming to play and the warrior was growing in his resolve. It had to do something to take care of the growing problem at hand... but what?

Its swirls swirled around, as if illustrating in thought. Love was a very powerful emotion. It knew in all the history of the world, that was the one powerful force capable enough to destroy him. Ah! Why didn't he think of it before? That would surely tear the couple to the very core. Not even their love could withstand what has threatened all lovers since the begging of time.


Sorry, I'm taking so long with this story and you've all beens so patient with me. I had to redo the ending since I though was not cutting it. Lots has happened since I last updated. My computer broke and my great grandmother past away almost a month ago. That, and with a hectic school schedule, life just wasn't fitting. Thanks for viewing my story. I will try to have one chapter each up by the end of this month if possible. Hopefully I can write more during winter vacation. See you.