So. I finally updated the final chap. The story is done. Finished. I was having trouble writing at the end, so it's pretty crappy, but yea. Hope you enjoy - about 1750 words w/o au's.


In the Present Forever

Epilogue Part 2

Kagome spun around in front of Yuka, Eri, and Ayumi in the dress. It was a light, peachy color; strapless and form fitting until around her knees, where it flared out. "What do you think of this one?" she asked. They looked at her, all three still in their lavender bridesmaids dresses, and shook their heads. Ayumi handed her the next dress, an almost brassy-goldish colored one that had a tiered-lace skirt that poofed out from her waist and pointed towards the dressing room.

"Next!" the other two chorused happily. Kagome sweatdropped, took the dress, and changed. This process went over again and again, removing dresses from the possibilities they'd picked out until they finally found one that they absolutely fawned over when she came out in it.

"Kagome, that one is perfect!" Ayumi squealed, looking almost ready to spazz out. The dress that they had decided on was a pure white, with the top part like a corset, the sleeves resting directly on her shoulder, poofing slightly. They in fact reminded her of Cinderella's dress, at the sleeves. Poofy like that; except not so high, more flat but still fluffy. The dress flared out at her hips, looking like multiple layers of lace and some glitter spread out on the top, especially from the corset, which was decorated with glitter in front.

Kagome smiled almost nervously, like the three of them were rather freaking her out. She admit to herself, though, that she loved the dress as much as they did. Even more so, probably, since she got to wear it! Looking at the price, however, wasn't fun; it was only super expensive. "Hmm… do you guys think I should go ahead and spend the money on it anyway, and just keep it and give it to my kids or something, or pick one that costs less?"

"Definitely go ahead and spend the money for that one, Kagome." Eri insisted. "It's absolutely perfect!"

Kagome smiled.

"Thanks, Eri, Yuka, Ayumi. I'm going to get changed back into street clothes now, you three need to do the same already!" The four of them laughed a little, and went into the changing rooms. As they left the store, dresses neatly placed in boxes and carried in bags, Kagome spotted a familiar reddish-brown headed girl leaning against the wall, a sad look on her face. "Hold on…" she said to the others. She gently set down her boxes, then cupped her hands around her mouth. "Ayame! Is that you?"

Said girl looked up, saw Kagome, and ran over. "Kagome! I've been looking for you." Ayame exclaimed. She looked uncertainly at Ayumi, Yuka, and Eri, then whispered. "Can I talk to you alone? I… I really don't want anyone listening in."

"Umm... ok." Kagome replied, perplexed. She turned to the other three girls. "Hey, we need to talk alone, 'kay? I think we should wrap up the rest of what we planned for today tomorrow, instead. Then we can have our chill day on Sunday, and get back on schedule on Monday."

The three nodded, and smiled at Ayame. "Hope to see you tomorrow, then, Ayame." Eri said, already assuming that she was going to hang out with them after this. "Kagome, we'll take the dress with us, so you don't have to worry about it. See you tomorrow!" Ayumi took the liberty of grabbing Kagome's wedding dress, and waved good-bye.

"Thanks guys!" Kagome called after them. She turned her attention back to Ayame and rubbed her arm a little nervously. "How about we go to the nearby park. Hardly anyone is there most of the time. There's virtually no chance of being overheard."

Ayame nodded in agreement, and kept an uncomfortable silence between them until they were sitting on a park bench. "So. You're getting married to Kouga now?" she asked, her voice sounding rather forced at the moment.

Kagome knew it probably wasn't wise to answer an obvious question, but she felt the words force themselves out of her mouth anyways. "Yes. He asked me a couple of weeks ago."

Ayame's bangs were covering her eyes now, making it impossible to see them. Kagome felt sure that she must be about to cry, though. "Ayame…" Kagome murmured, feeling regretful for having so blatantly said that.

"Kagome… tell me, when did you realize that you actually loved Kouga back?" she asked, her voice breaking near the end.

Kagome thought back to the restaurant, when Kouga proposed, and looked up at the sky as she tried to find the right words to explain it. "When he proposed, my brain just kind of… froze. Well, more like my body. My brain was practically electrocuting itself." Kagome smiled weakly. "It was like in those few seconds, I reviewed everything that had happened since I became stuck here in the present more than two years ago now. And… I just kind of realized it then, that I did love him back. After all that had happened, especially with what went on maybe a couple weeks after getting back."

Ayame was silent for a moment, then stood up. "All right… thanks, I was just wondering, that's all." She was clearly trying to sound stronger than she really was at the moment.

Kagome felt a pang of guilt and pity. Ayame had been the one who loved Kouga first, after all. Kagome felt like she'd stolen him away from her, permanently. "Ayame," she started, getting up and putting a hand gently on Ayame's shoulder. "I know you were the one who loved Kouga first… I'm sorry, I feel like I've stolen him from you." Her tone sounded almost as guilty as she felt.

Ayame turned around, and looked Kagome in the eyes. "I was such a fool all these years!" she cried, the tears freely streaming down her face. "I thought that he would love me back if I kept after him, kept chasing him down and forcing him to spend time with me!" She flopped down into the grass, and Kagome looked up as the gray clouds up ahead looked as though they were going to start spilling tears themselves. She ignored the possibility of rain, however, and knelt next to Ayame, gently stroking her back and comforting the demoness as best she could, not saying anything and just letting her cry.

Once Ayame was done crying, Kagome helped her up. Ayame turned to her, wiping her face of tears; grateful for the rain that had begun falling some time ago and was hiding the fact that the wet streaks on her face were not from rain, except her eyes were red and somewhat puffy.

"Thanks…" she said quietly, her voice somewhat back to normal. "Sorry about that." She hardly looked as okay as her voice suggested, however. Kagome gave her a sympathetic face, and began to speak.

"Ayame… come shopping with me and my friends tomorrow. Please. I feel like you should come with us." Kagome told her, and added jokingly, "Besides, I think that Eri already decided that you're coming, period."

Ayame smiled a tiny bit, and gave a shrug. "I don't know… maybe. What are you even shopping for?"

Kagome smiled, happy that she was able to goad Ayame's curiosity to get her to stop looking like someone just died. "We bought all the wedding dresses today, we were wanting to pick out bouquets and flower decorations too, but we're doing it tomorrow instead."

Ayame looked as though she was pondering it for a moment, and then nodded. "It makes sense… I'll go. People always used to say that I was good at arranging flowers." She giggled a bit, though it was weak and she still sounded a bit depressed.

Kagome smiled encouragingly, and ran a hand through her wet hair, now hoping to get home soon so she didn't get sick. "I'll see you tomorrow – I need to get home before I catch a cold, and so do you! Tomorrow, you can meet us by the children's park here, okay?"

The next day was a little tense, because Kagome's normal friends were wondering what exactly Ayame was going to have to do with the wedding, but they soon got used to her being around, helping to choose a wonderful bouquet of white roses and lilies, matching the dress perfectly. The flowers Kagome decided on for the reception and ceremony were the arbutus flowers, baby's breath, and some hibiscus flowers. Already Kagome was feeling overwhelmed at the sheer beauty of the flower arrangements.

After that, it wasn't long before the wedding date – September 8 – arrived. And now Kagome was the one who was worrying about this and that, some other thing, and feeling insecure about everything. Ayame – who was now her maid of honor in this whole thing, which had rather peeved her friends off – calmed her down, quickly going over all the things Kagome was freaking out about, saying it had been finished or taken care of hours ago. In fact, most all of the guests were even there already.

The ceremony itself went off without a single problem – when the preacher had asked if any objected, no one made a peep (not even Kagome's grandfather, who had insisted he was against the whole thing from the start), they both said "I do" with no hesitation, and they kissed.

About two hours later, the reception started – the presents were all brought out, there was a plate order of food for the people that had remembered to RSVP (hors d'oeuvres going around for those who forgot), champagne was being served (watered down severely for children), and after everyone finished eating their dinner, there was dancing, and other normal wedding-type-things to do.

A few years later, Kagome gave birth to baby boy, who was decided to be named Natsu, and even later came along a baby girl, Maemi. Both, of course, had jet-black hair like their parents, and the same blue eyes. The resemblances were uncanny. Being hanyou, they had cute little wolfish ears that had been masked with the same protection magic that Kouga and the others used as soon as possible.

Yep. It ends on that crappy note. I know it's just... left open... Sorry. *headdesk* I just couldn't force any more writing out. T_T. My brain is dead, my writing muse poofed ages ago, and I just wanted to get the last chap done so that you guys weren't waiting for forever on it. At some point, I'll come out with another story (albeit not for Inuyasha), so... yea. Fun.