Another full moon shone down from the cold, starry night sky, and Catrine took a deep breath, feeling at her lower stomach as she looked up to the sky above the castle steps into the courtyard.

One month, and here she stood in Nottingham Castle once more, her banishment ended.

One month and still no blood.

Catrine yawned as she walked towards the steps leading down to her horse, held steady at the reins by one of Guy's men. She pulled her fur cloak around her, the autumn nights growing colder and colder as winter approached. Mentally, she began counting down the last few days of sun before the winter rains would begin, cold and sleety. Only a few days left to prepare Locksley for winter, Catrine thought with a smile. Since her banishment from the castle, she had grown even fonder of the town's rolling hills and the manor's warm and loving walls.

Footsteps echoed behind her, and Catrine paused just before the first step. "Is there something more I can do for you, my lord Sheriff?" she asked, not even needing to turn around to know to whom the footfall belonged.

"I see your keenness hasn't diminished in your time away, my lady," he mumbled behind her.

Catrine turned, seeing his balding head and dark face smiling at her in the moonlight, "Not a bit, Sheriff."

"I trust that you enjoyed your return to the castle? I know your husband was more than eager to have you back, working… beneath… him," his voice teased her.

Catrine snickered at his comment, choosing not to reply to his obviously true observation, and turning around to walk down the stairs.

The Sheriff caught her hand from her side, "Well, now that you're back, my dear, you will think of a way to help keep the castle from starving, won't you? I'm counting on your brilliant mind again, my lovely."

"I will think about it, Sheriff," Catrine replied as she straightened herself tall, gently releasing her hand from his.

"Good," the Sheriff smiled, "You know, Lady Gisborne, you may have disobeyed me, but you have never disappointed me."

"Thank you, Sheriff. But I also wanted to inform you that I will be spending a good deal more time at home in Locksley, in all hopefulness," Catrine smiled, her hand wandering unknowingly to her stomach.

A quizzical look on his face, the Sheriff cocked his head at her smile, then he looked to where her hand rested, "Is there… something wrong, Lady Gisborne?" he asked, pointing to her stance.

Catrine looked down, a smirk crossing her face, "Oh, no my lord Sheriff. I'm afraid I'm just simply famished from today's work. Sir Guy and I have our meal waiting for our return, so if you will excuse us, my lord…" she dipped a slight curtsey and moved quickly down the stairs to her horse.

She smiled as she looked over towards the gate—Guy sat astride on his horse already, waiting for her to ride back to Locksley. Quickly mounting, she rode up alongside him and threw him a beaming smile.

"Happy to be back at the castle?" he asked, riding as close to her as his horse would allow.

Catrine chuckled, "Actually, I'm happier to be returning home." Guy looked utterly surprised at her answer, and Catrine laughed out loud. "Perhaps I make a better mistress of Locksley than I thought I would."

"Not any better than I thought you would," Guy commented, gently reaching over and touching her cheek as they rode. "Mistress of Locksley," Guy laughed, "I suppose that title includes many duties."

"Yes," Catrine laughed as well, "Embroidery for one… meal planning for another," she looked at him with a mischievous glint in her eyes, "spying in disguise… weapon sharpening… that's one of my favorites." Guy laughed at her growing list, and Catrine continued with a smirk, "Saving the manor from winter's gnawing hunger, and of course… warm welcomings." She smiled, biting her lower lip slowly as she looked into his grey eyes, "Those are my specialty."

"Well then, mistress of Locksley," Guy smirked from where he rode beside her, "I think it's high time I supervised your duties, particularly your specialty."

"Of course, my lord," she laughed, riding even as she felt his hand rest on her knee closest to him, and she looked up to the full moon with a smile.

Author's Note- I hope you've enjoyed my story, and thank you for reading. To read on further about Guy, Catrine and her pregnancy I refer you to chapter 35 of "A Hero's Prologue."

Next up on my writing docket: an inserted episode to season two, called "The Eyes Have It." Happy reading :)