The battle had been a fierce one. The interns had all joined forces and created a catapult of doom, that's actually what they called it. Booth and Brennan fought off Angela (she was scary when she wanted to be) while the interns machine backfired and started coming after them. Booth hoped that there were tapes in the recording machines, their frantic screaming and Daisy jumping on Wendell's shoulders, screeching at him to run faster would make a very funny movie later on.
Eventually it ended though, the interns were covered in glitter and their catapult was lying on the floor sideways, all of them having tackled it to make it topple. Angela and Hodgins were in a closet making out, both of them soaking in paint. Goodman had simply surrendered, he and Zach were both smashing Zach's creation, somehow it had managed to strip Zach to his boxers before dumping a gallon of paint on him
Booth and Brennan were the only survivors. The two of them were panting heavily in her office, they had been forced to abandon the security booth after it was flooded with glitter.
As Booth looked over at Bones he couldn't help but smile, she had a maniacal grin on her face her eyes alive and dancing from the adrenaline. Her hair was array, tendrils drifting around her face. He had never seen her looking sexier, and she couldn't shut up.
"I mean I know the rush is from the adrenaline of almost being crushed by the catapult but I never expected it to be so exhilarating! Of course logically it should be exhilarating but the feeling from escaping of near death is addicting! We should do this more often I, it's an extremely effective way to relieve stress. And you Booth! You were incredible. I've never seen you as a ranger before and might I say I was quite impressed. The way you managed to save me when Zach's creation tried to throw me in that vat…"
"Yeah Booth?"
"Shut up."
He kissed her. He didn't know why, yes he did. He was in love. And from the way she was kissing him, she loved him back.
One more chapter to go! I'll put it up tomorrow. Sorry for the long wait, I kind of forgot about this story and I just want to finish it, sorry for any errors!