Am I supposed to say something here? Oh, is this like an author's note thing?
This is my first fic, so I might suck.
Yeah, welcome to my Pokemorph story. Have fun reading it and stuff. It'll probably be hard to understand, but please read on and see if you like it.

By the way, my Pokemorphs are different. Like, a lot different.

Where do you want to go to play today? The park? OK, the park. Off we go.

A jolly little Buneary bounced merrily along the sidewalks of Twinleaf Town. It seemed oddly intelligent, and looked like it was confident that it knew where it was going. It was wearing a simple backpack, the sort often used by beginning Pokemon Trainers; it had multiple labeled pockets that held various different items a Trainer would use on their Pokemon: Potions, Antidotes, and the like. On the pack, the word had been emblazoned in shiny, gold-colored letters. The rabbit wasn't attracting much attention. People on morning strolls glanced at it, noticed its bag, and ignored it.

"Buneary!" the Pokemon would enthusiastically greet people it recognized. They smiled, waved, gave a cheerful "Hi, Joe!" and continued with whatever they were doing. The happy Buneary was a familiar, everyday sight in the neighborhood.

The Buneary reached an intersection, stopped, pressed the crossing button, and waited patiently for the pedestrian symbol on the stoplight to glow. When it did, the Buneary walked across the street, just like any human, without any objection from the car drivers. It proceeded on its way until it reached a large park with some stretches of grass, an assortment of natural wildflowers, and a children's playground. It removed its bag, set it on the ground, and laid down in a field, using its ears as a pillow. It softly whispered to itself. "Buneee..."

Yes, this is quite relaxing. Move your left ear a bit... that's more comfortable... Ah... HEY!

"Bune? BUN!"

A Poke Ball came flying towards the Buneary from the bushes. In a split second, the Pokemon's eyes turned from black to a green tint, it slightly adjusted its facial features, and it took a serious expression. It flipped into the air and used Quick Attack to dodge out of the way and smashed the Ball.

"DON'T... TOUCH HIM!" it screamed furiously in English.

Joe! I used your body for a sec! Come on! FRUSTRATION, NOW!

Joe recognized that he was in danger quickly. He leaped into the plants the offender was hiding in. He released both his fear of Poke Balls and his anger towards whoever commited such an inconsiderate action as attempting to capture him, thrashing with all the power of his 1 1/3-foot tall, 12-pound body. He grappled on to his target and punched as hard as he could...

at a crying, yelping human girl.

"AH! GET OFF OF ME! I'm soooorrryy! ACK!" she screamed.

Oh my God, the idiocy of some people... Hmph. OK, Joe. Let me out.

He jumped off of her flailing body and... changed. The Buneary's fur melted, for lack of a better word, into his pale, white skin as his ears shortened and became rounder, his bones extended and became stiffer and more solid, the fluffballs on the ends of his ears and surrounding his waist disappeared, and his height grew until he was over four and a half feet tall. A thin black undershirt and a pair of worn, dark brown track pants emerged from his body and shifted into place. His paws, which contained three hard-to-move claws that were only barely separated, each divided into a hand with five fingers. His right thumb was stuck in an extremely painful position for a few seconds before moving with a "pop!" The boy groaned and stretched to remind his muscles that they existed. They occasionally forgot how to move properly when Joe was out for too long. He had a slim figure and some hints of muscle, though not much.

Ugh... ghh. That hurt, Joe. You really can't get that thumb, can you? the boy complained to Joe in their mind.

Bunear, Bun! Eary... Ry, ry, Joe apologized.

No, I'm fine. It's OK.

"Yo. Mornin'."

"Wha, wha, what! Bu- but, the! Um! The Buneary... Buh... Uh?" the young girl was startled out of her wits.

"The name's Ethan. I'm 12. You just tried to capture my brother, Joe. Don't do that again. We do not like it, I assure you." Ethan walked over to his bag and rummaged through it, looking for something.

"But, um - wait, brother? What?"

"What, you don't believe me? Are you blind?" Ethan sighed as he pulled a black zip-up hooded jacket with a flame design out of the bag and put it on over his undershirt.

"Look, I'm a Pokemorph. Like, part human, part Pokemon. I was born with Joe. The Buneary. He kind of is me. Look at this."

Ready, Joe?

Ethan's body shrunk and grew fur, and there was Joe, poking his head out of Ethan's jacket, which was, needless to say, too big for Joe.

"Neary! Neary Bu - ..." There was that flash and Joe's black eyes acquired the green shade of Ethan's. "Hey. So, I can control Joe's body as long as he doesn't resist. Back to you, Joe..." The glint disappeared.

"Buneary! Buneary Bune." Joe took a little while crawling out of the jacket.

The girl's mouth was gaping open and frozen in that position. The question What the hell is a Pokemorph? was flying through her head. Joe woke her up with a Pound.

Joe, that's not nice.

Neary, Joe retorted, which basically translated to "I don't care."

"Ow! What was that for? I said I'm sorry!"

"Sorry," said Ethan through Joe's mouth. "Joe thinks you're a threat because you tried to capture him. He's holding a grudge."

"Well, I saw a Buneary in Twinleaf Town. Since they're only native to Eterna Forest, I thought that there was something special about Joe! ... And, yeah, there was."

"Meh, don't sweat it. If you had actually caught Joe, though, his Frustration would be pretty powerful." Ethan chuckled and moved to sit down next to the girl. "Anway, The entire town knows about us freaks, so it's not like it's some kinda big secret."
"Freaks? No, wh-"
"So, when and why did you move to Twinleaf Town? And what's your name?"

"... Um..." The girl decided that it wouldn't hurt to introduce herself to a kid that seemed so friendly. "My name is Gabriella. Call me Gabby. I'm also 12." Gabby didn't notice it, but she started to subconsciously stroke Joe's ears. Joe didn't stop her; her gentle touch felt good. "I'm from Hoenn. My parents are florists, and we just moved here on Friday to set up a small business because... well, it's too crowded in Floaroma Town for us to go there, but Twinleaf is a nice, calm little town, out in the country, with extensive grasslands, and then it's right next to Lake Verity, which is really beautiful and a sight to behold. The air around Twinleaf is so refreshing and clear. My parents are encouraging me to become a Pokemon Trainer in about a year or two. This is a nice place to start on a journey for inexperienced rookies. The Pokemon around here aren't tough -" she realized who she was talking to and was about to apologize to Joe when she realized that he'd been replaced by Ethan. "Ah!"

"Oh, did I surprise you? It's kind of hard to not notice the height difference when I transformed in the middle of that monologue... You know, you can take your hand off of my head. Joe always likes being petted, though." And I guess I do, too, when I'm in Joe's body, since we still sense the same things through each other's nerves, he realized.

"Oh! Um... Sorry. Can I continue?" Gabby's face flushed red.
"Whatever. I think it's nice to get people who don't immediately run away at the sight of Joe and me. You freaked out at us yet?"
"Well, I really don't think you're freaks at all. I mean, you said you and Joe were born together, right? It happened naturally, then, right?" Gabby felt that she should make Ethan feel better. Her view was that anyone who thinks of himself as a freak deserves cheering up. She was the kind of person that tries to help in every situation. She considered it her duty.

Ethan hesitated before responding. "Well, I mean... my dad's a human, but he's a special human. He can understand and speak to Pokemon. It's kind of weird, but definitely not as weird as me, his son..."
"Hey, um, where was your father born?"
"Eterna Forest. He was raised in Floaroma Town."
Oh... I've heard that some people born near Viridian Forest have strange powers and connections with Pokemon, Gabby pondered. Could Eterna be similar? It's said to be "the place where time stands still"... and there's definitely no doubt that it has some sort of magical energy in it, judging from how all Leafeon are known to originate from there. And then, of course, there are the hauntings of the Old Chateau... Gabby knew quite a lot lore, myths, and stories concerning Pokemon and their mysteries.
"Well, my mom is a Lopunny and knew him since she was a Buneary. They befriended each other when Dad was a kid; he liked visiting and playing with the Pokemon of Eterna Forest. I've... actually never visited Eterna..." Ethan imagined his mother's birthplace longingly. "... Well... when Dad became a Trainer at age 11, my mom went with him. They actually made the Pokemon League; they didn't get all the way through the preliminaries, though, so they couldn't challenge the Elite Four, but the whole journey was a fantastic trip. They'd had a lot of fun the whole way and Mom had evolved at some point. She's really happy with Dad and always was; they were both overjoyed when she evolved. All of Dad's Pokemon like him a lot. Being able to know them so well with his ability was great. He never captured one that didn't want to fight alongside him. You could learn from that. Don't just jump on wild Pokemon and capture them by surprise like you tried with Joe. See if they're friendly. If they like you, they'll go willingly."

Buneary, Buneary! Buneeeeaa!

Joe, she can't hear you, you know.

Gabby didn't know how to respond to this. After she caught a Pokemon, of course she would care for it and love it, but the element of surprise can rarely be outmatched at the beginning of a fight. Strategy was important, right? Right?

"So, they got some prize money from the League for collecting all 8 of Sinnoh's Badges, and Trainers then receive more money judging from how far through the preliminaries they get." Gabby knew that, every year, about 10 finalists usually battled the Elite Four and the current Champion. No more than five, though usually only two to four people were left at that point, got to face off for the glorious title of Champion. "My dad went back to Floaroma for a while, and then he moved to Jubilife City. He and Mom were hired as regularly appearing guests on a few shows, and occasionally traveled around and participated in Co-ordination Contests with Mom and Dad's other Pokemon, too. They've even gone to a few in Hoenn. Everything in there life has been peaceful since then. When they had me, Dad got a place here in Twinleaf because this is a quiet little town and they didn't want me to become famous. Hey, Gabby? Do you think the thought of a male Buneary is funny or anything like that? I've been wondering about this a bit lately. I mean... well... like... my mom's figure, is, um... I guess what Joe would look kind of like if he evolved... so... um... yeaaahh..."

Ethan and Gabby both blushed, and Joe would have if he had been in his body.

Neaarrryy... Bu-Bune... Joe tried not to laugh. (A Pokemon's laugh, by the way, always sounds funny and sounds even funnier when it's inside your mind.

Aaawkwaaarrd... Why the crap did I just say that? Ethan wondered.

Aaawkwaaarrd... He probably didn't realize he was saying that... Gabby thought. Her Pokegear started beeping and she tapped a button on it to make it stop.

"Um, well, it was nice to meet you, but I gotta go right now... well, tomorrow's my first day of school here in Twinleaf... are you in seventh grade, too?"
"Um, yeah. So. See you then, I guess. Hey, you said your parents are florists, right?" Gabby nodded.
Buneary, Nearyyy!
"Cool. Joe says he wants to see your garden some time. He likes flowers... and he apologizes for hitting you. And he understands that you didn't know about us and only tried to capture him on accident. Right, Joe?"
"Good, Joe. So... bye, Gabby."
"Bye... um. Guys."

I can't believe I almost took them home with me as a pet, Gabby was thinking as she walked off, leaving Ethan and Joe there.

What, Joe? You think she's cute? ... I guess, yeah. Hey, move that ear... perfect. You're so fuzzy... you know, I wonder why I can't wiggle my ears while you can move your ears so easily... Joe and Ethan went back to resting.

When Gabby got home later that day, she Google'd "Pokemorphs".

My version of Frustration, by the way, doesn't necessarily use the Pokemons's frustration towards its Trainer. The power can come from any negative thoughts, such as tension, stress, or guilt.

"Do you think the thought of a male Buneary is funny or anything?"
I do. ^_^ As the author, I think it's really funny, in fact.

For the Viridian Forest thing, read the Pokemon Adventures manga. This fic either exists in the Adventures world or a hybrid of those of Adventures and the games. Probably the latter.

So now you know what I meant by "My Pokemorphs are different." I don't know why, but I like the idea of two minds being in one head. Other than this fic I have ideas for two other stories I'm considering. All three of these stories' main characters have more than just a split personality - they have two completely different people that know everything about each other and are contained in a single body. They know their lives, their thoughts, and their deepest secrets. It seems interesting to me.

If you review, you get a white powdered sugar-coated mini-donut. It's yummy and sweet! And if you don't want it, take a Poffin.
Mwahahahaha! My brilliant strategy of bribing potential reviewers with sweets shall definitely prevail over other authors' foolish plans like offering those silly virtual plushies!