The train
I held my breath as my snow white owl landed beside my cereal bowl.
'Maybe my family has finally written back' I thought although I highly doubted it.
I took the letter from my owl and opened it to find it was from Hogwarts.
I read it then jumped up squealing like I was a little girl again.
I almost considered writing my family a letter telling them I was going to Hogwarts but then shook my head.
They had sent me away when I was still a baby because Voldermort had tried to kill me and left me with nothing but a lightning bolt scar on my forehead.
I knew I had 7 siblings and I was only a year younger then Fred & George but I was sure they didn't remember me.
I thought of Bill, Charlie, and Percy who were my older brothers and knew they probably remembered me but mom had probably forced them never to mention me.
"Nice way for my mom to remember me. The child Voldermort came after" I said stroking Snowflake.
She stared at me with her gray eyes and I sighed.
I went upstairs to pack for the trip then realized I had to go to Diagon Alley and get my books and things.
Going downstairs, I grabbed a little floo powder from the fire place mantle and threw it into the fire.
I stepped inside, yelled "Diagon Alley", and vanished.
I stepped out and found myself in the Leaky Cauldron.
I walked into the streets of Diagon Alley and saw a woman leading some red-haired kids down the street.
The woman saw me and stopped with the kids staring at me behind her.
I caught my breath as I saw the woman was my own mother but suddenly I just turned away and went into Gringotts.
"Mom who was that?" I heard my brother's voice ask as I went through the doors.
"Nobody Ronald. Come on all" My mom said.
Tears stung my eyes but I just continued walking.
"Yes?" The goblin asked.
"I need to withdraw from Vault Number 730" I said placing my key to my vault on the desk.
The goblin nodded and motioned for me to follow him.
As I did I noticed my family come into the bank but I just ignored them.
I sat down in the mine cart and rode to my vault.
As we stopped I took a small bag and the goblin opened my vault.
I walked in and gathered some money then left and put the bag into my pocket.
We rode back into the bank and the goblin handed me my key back.
"Thanks" I said as I saw my family leave for their vault.
"Is everything alright?" the goblin asked.
"Perfectly fine" I lied as I left Gringotts. I bought my school things and finally went into the Leaky Cauldron for a drink.
"Demi over there" A voice called as I got a butterbeer.
I looked over and saw my giant friend Hagrid sitting with a boy who had the same lightning bolt on his forehead that I did.
I knew he was Harry Potter yet I felt calm as I walked over.
"Hi Hagrid" I said as I sat down.
"Demi this is Harry. Harry meet Demi" Hagrid said.
The boy looked at me, held out his hand, and said "It's nice to meet you Demi".
I shook his hand and said "It's nice to meet you as well Harry".
"Harry's going to Hogwarts this year. Are you?" Hagrid asked me.
"Yes actually. I got my letter today and I decided to buy my stuff as quickly as I could" I said looking at Hagrid.
By the look in my eyes he knew I had seen my family but he didn't say anything about it.
"What type of pet did you get Demi?" Harry asked me.
"I've got a pet already. A snow white owl named Snowflake. What about you?" I asked Harry.
"I've got a new owl called Hedwig" Harry said as Hagrid lifted a cage onto the table.
I looked at the white snowy owl in the cage and she stared back at me then hooted lovingly.
I smiled softly then I saw my family enter the building.
"I'm sorry but I must go now. It was very nice meeting you Harry" I said as I stood up.
"It was nice meeting you as well" Harry said.
"See ya at Hogwarts Hagrid" I said as I walked to Tom the bartender and got a little floo powder.
"Hey" A voice said behind me. I turned and saw Fred behind me.
"Demi?" he asked softly.
"Hi Fred" I said as I walked to the fireplace.
"Stay for a bit. Mom's staring at you" Fred said following me.
"Thanks but being reminded how she just left me to raise myself is not fun" I said as I threw the floo powder into the fireplace.
"See ya" I said as I stepped inside. I cleared my throat and said "Home".
Just like that I vanished.
-Weeks pass and it's September 1st-
Dragging my luggage behind me I peeked into a compartment on the Hogwarts Express and saw Harry and a boy with red hair and freckles sitting in there talking.
"Hey Demi" Harry said looking up.
The other boy looked up and I knew he was my younger brother even if he didn't know it.
"Hey Harry. Is it okay if I sit here with you 2?" I asked.
Harry and the red-haired boy nodded and I smiled softly.
I put my luggage above us then sat down next to the window.
"I'm Ron. Ron Weasley" My brother said causing me to look at him.
'I knew I had a sibling named Ron' I thought as I said "Demi. Nice to meet you Ron".
Ron and I shook hands then Ron said "You look like me. If I didn't know any better you'd be my sister".
I looked out the window and said to myself "Oh Ron. If only you knew I am your sister".
A.N: Well? Did you like this? I know it's weird reading this but I got bored and I couldn't sleep so here ya go. Gotta get ready for Autism. Bye.