A/N: This is a strange drabble I just came up with, where Hades imprisons Thalia for a ransom from Zeus. Yes, it is random. Dedicated to Des, whos been through a lot of tough times through the last month.

She strangled against the chains that threatened to hold her life down forever. A silver mist emitted from the lock, swirling around the girl who tried over and over to cover her burning eyes, but she could do nothing. Nothing.

The smoke twirled around her mockingly, jabbing at her eyes as tears fell from electric blue. She hit herself mentally. She was strong, she told herself. She was not going to die this way. She couldn't.

Then, the most terrible part, the part that almost threatened her life. It was the faces. The horrendous faces in the smoke, gasping for the chance at air, the first air they had breathed in hundreds of years. They panted, and sang a haunting tune to the terrified Huntress.

She swat at the faces, she wanted to hit them, to tell them to go back to where they belonged. But speech had been revoked, as well as movement. Even the smallest twitch would send an electric shock through her body so hard it would've killed any other Half-blood. But she laughed at the weak punishment. Hades was not the wisest, after all.

That was the one thing that kept her optimistic. She would get out. She would be free. Zeus would be smart enough not to give into the ransom. She clawed her fingers against her chest, pulling away when the shock grew to hard even for her. Along with that came chains so heavy not even she could get up against them.

Her optimism was gone. Surely she would die here, alone with nothing but those wretched ghosts. At least it was an honorable way to die, she thought. Maybe Athena's cabin would make her shroud. She imagined how it would look, and a tear slipped past her eye, full of electricity, it shocked her face on the way down.

It fell on the chains, and for a while, it just sat there. But then, like it was acid, the metal began eat away until it was no more. She pumped her fist in the air, ignored the searing pain, and ran for her dear life.