Ok, thanks for reading this story and if you have read or are reading one of my other stories just know I haven't stopped writing them I have just been really busy and I should have the next chapters to those up in a day or two.

Me: Emmett why can't I own Twilight

Emmett: Because you aren't cool enough to own it

Me: You're mean you booty person why don't you just go kick a tree

Emmett: If I go kick a tree will you tell everyone you don't own Twilight.

Me: Fine

Emmett goes and kicks a tree and it goes crashing to the ground

Me: Oh come on you had to kick down the tree I watch squirrels run up when I am bored

Emmett: Allie just say it

Me: Fine I don't own Twilight or any of Stephanie Meyers characters except for the baby it belongs to me and I am sad to say I am not smarter than a fifth grader.


I stood in my bathroom holding my breath praying that this wasn't happening. After about 10 minutes of having to stand there freaking out the test was finally over. I picked up the stick, took a deep breath, and looked at it. In the split-second that I looked at it my whole world came crashing down on me. I was pregnant.

I fell to the floor and began sobbing. How was I going to tell Edward? How was I going to tell my dad and my mom? How was I going to take care of the baby? Would I be a good mother? All these questions had me worried sick.

After I calmed down enough to get up from the floor I decided to take a shower because it would help me relax. I stood in the shower thinking about the questions running through my head knowing that I couldn't answer a single one of them. Once all of the hot water ran I out I got out and wrapped a towel around me. I walked to my room and went to my closet. Alice had taken all my clothes and burnt them one day while I was at work, so all the clothes in here were of her doing.

I picked out a plain white long sleeve shirt, dark blue jeans, and a white jacket with a really pretty design on the pockets (Picture on Profile). After I was done getting dressed I went into my bathroom to dry my hair. I kept it down because I honestly didn't care what it looked like.

I headed to the living room where Charlie was watching a basketball game.

"Dad I am going to go over to Edward's." I stated simply.

"Ok, but be back by dinner time." I just nodded not wanting to talk afraid that my voice would tell that I was hiding something from him.

While I was driving I actually thought about how I was feeling about all this. I was happy that I was having a baby. It was someone that I could care for their whole life and then realization hit me I love this baby that was inside me. I was just upset now because I didn't know how everyone else would take this.

When I arrived at the house Edward was already outside waiting for me. I smiled at him but I know it didn't reach my eyes. When he saw this he knew something was wrong. I hopped out of my truck and ran into his arms. He hugged me and tilted my head up so he could see my face.

"Love, what's wrong?" He asked me

"Can you get your whole family I need to tell them this too?" I asked him

"Sure, come on." He pulled me into the house and called out there names Carlisle, Esme, Alice, Jasper, Emmett, Rosalie they would hear. They came down the stairs and spotted me.

"Can you all sit down I need to tell you something." I whispered. I was really worried now that Edward would leave me again because he didn't want to be a father. I followed everyone into the living room and sat down in the love seat next to Edward everyone else was scattered around the room.

"Ok, I don't know how to tell everyone this but….." I don't think I could say it cause I knew Edward would be mad at me and leave me again.

"Bella love, please tell us what's wrong." He told me stroking my cheek.

"Ok, but promise not to leave me again when I tell you." He looked hurt.

"Love I told you I won't leave you ever again, but please tell me what's wrong before I go mad." He asked me.


DUN DUN DUN… Sorry for the cliffy but I thought it was better this way. Please review and tell me what you think of my story so far.
