
"When am I going to be able to hold one of them?" Emmett asked me. Edward and I had agreed that it wouldn't be the best idea to let Emmett hold a baby right now. Edward had come back into the room with a sleeping Juliet in his arms. He looked at me and nodded. I got up and walked over to Emmett. I told him to hold out his hands like he was holding a baby. He nodded and did as I said. I carefully placed Gemma in his hands. He held her for about two minutes and then…..



Oh, my god Gemma just threw up all over Emmett! Gemma was crying and Emmett looked like he was about to barf himself. Bella took Gemma back trying to hold back her laughter, but she wasn't succeeding very well. She quickly hurried to the kitchen to clean up Gemma and to make sure that she didn't wake up the other babies.

When Bella left Emmett ran upstairs and I heard the shower turn on and Emmett started cussing. I laughed again, but I was careful no to wake up Juliet. Ah, my babies. I had never told Bella that I had always wanted to be a father and I was mad at myself for thinking that I was taking that away from her. I knew deep down that she wanted kids to she just never told me either.

The girls are so beautiful. I am actually quite glad that they aren't identical because they can have their own unique features. Gemma looks just like Bella. She has curly, brown hair and chocolate brown eyes. All of them blush like Bella though which I am so glad they inherited that. Lydia looks just like me. She has curly, bronze hair and emerald green eyes. Bella was happy that she inherited something of me from when I was human. And Juliet was the perfect combination of both of us. She has brown hair with bronze highlights and really pretty eyes that are green on the outside and brown on the inside.

Juliet was in my arms right now. She is the crankiest out of the triplets. Most of the time when she was awake she was screaming. Gemma is practically an angel, but there is a downside to that. We always have to wake her up to eat and usually she just sits there and stares at you and doesn't make any noise. Lydia was a mix. She would cry sometimes and be perfectly fine a minute later.

Emmett had made his way downstairs muttering profanities under his breath. I rolled my eyes at him, so he got thrown up on it's not like he was going to die. At least he didn't have to change dirty diapers. That was the one part of babies I didn't like and being a vampire it was a lot worse because we have a better since of smell.

Bella walked back in the room with a sleeping Gemma in her arms. Lydia had woken up while she was gone and was currently in Rose's lap being played with by her and Alice. I knew the whole family was excited about having little ones in the house. Rose and Esme were the most excited. Rose was a bit sad because she has always wanted a child of her own, but when she saw them she immediately got over it. Esme was happy because she had three grandbabies to take care of.

A couple of hours later everyone had scattered around the house to do their own thing. Emmett and Jasper were upstairs playing video games, Rose and Alice were on the internet shopping for baby clothes, and my angel was upstairs taking a nap. Since she gave birth yesterday she has been really tired. Esme, Carlisle, and I were downstairs with the kids. Esme was feeding a bottle to Juliet, smiling down at her. Carlisle had Juliet in his arms also feeding her and looking at her the same way Esme was looking at Gemma. I had Lydia, but she was asleep having already finished her bottle. I was rocking her back and forth gently in my arms and humming the lullaby that I made for the girls.

After all the girls were asleep I heard my Bella descending the stairs. She walked into the living room and smiled when she saw us. She came and sat down next to me resting her head on my shoulder and gently lent foreword to kiss Lydia's forehead. Lydia smiled in her sleep and Esme awed.

Juliet started to squirm in Esme's arms and started crying. Esme tried to calm her down but nothing was working, so Bella jumped up to go get her. Once Bella had her in her arms Juliet immediately stopped crying and fell back asleep. Esme was smiling as was I and Bella came to sit back down beside me.

Esme got up and went outside to the garden. A little while later Carlisle started to get up.

"I have some work I need to finish," He smiled and walked over to me. "Here," He said and handed Gemma to me. I shifted Lydia to one of my arms and Carlisle gently laid Gemma in my other one.

Once he was gone I looked down at Bella. She was smiling and looked like she could jump up and down.

"What are you smiling about love?" I asked her

"I'm just so happy," she replied looking up at me with love in her eyes.

"Me to," I said and felt content. I was here with my little family. Nothing could make this moment any better.

I feel so bad for not updating this. I just was losing some inspiration, but luckily I found some again! I hope you enjoy this chapter. I know it might seem like this is the end of the story, but trust me this story is far from over. Please review and if I get ten or more reviews I might just post a chapter tomorrow!
